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Boyz N Da Hood

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Everything posted by Boyz N Da Hood

  1. You don't even know what your talking about... anyways today at noon the πŸ’© show goes for day 2 fail... stay tuned
  2. Stop living in the past 🀑! It's 2023 man
  3. No he was convicted, neither was Hillary, or hunter or anyone else yall bring up daily.. hopefully you have the same energy when the R's try to investigate the bidens.. they'll waste money and come up empty, I expect you to be on here talking bout inflation etc instead of investigations..
  4. He gets a pass though! @baddog goes to bat for the dude
  5. YOUR PARTY ran on fixing those things right? Let's see But,but,but Biden
  6. Don't get in your feelings and mad at everyone else due to your party not agreeing on anything... you said R's taking over there will be change, I'll break it down for you this way, the right won't get anything done, wether you acknowledge it or not you'll see it My plan is to sit back and watch folks who get elected do nothing but get rich off my back... the ones you vote for included, appreciate it @DonTheCon2024 was being generous bout calling you a sucker 🀣
  7. So your argument is this will stop Republicans from spending? Lol, let's see if inflation goes down, fuel prices, food etc get under control... I'll wait Can't wait for the excuses... but,but,but Biden lol
  8. D's and normal every day Americans sitting back laughing at this theater that's about to take place the next few years... the party that's supposedly going to save America can't even agree to this when had much time to figure it out... popcorn in hand
  9. The dude begging folks to act like he didn't know about the sexual scandal going on at the university is no failure? Right on time with the GOP
  10. Lol OK, been whining about the D's for 2 years and now defending the party that will supposedly get us out of this mess... they won't get anything done... own it
  11. Take as long as you want, all the ppl the right nominated yesterday are failures... I can see alot getting done while the R's control the house (sarcasm)
  12. Good start R's.... Had months to figure this out, red wave predicted long ago and day 1 fail!
  13. ☝🏾️ See my point above! WEAK You'll get a response maybe tomorrow or the next day when I return, got alot to do... and smile Biden is still your president 🀣
  14. I've not mentioned that clown once on here... I guess you come to that conclusion due to me not toting his nutz like yourself and others on here.... thankfully i have a wife and a life and dont need to get on here everyday all day... must be miserable, I don't get into much back and forth debate on here with folks due to reading yalls responses... they're weak Anyways what's trending on Twitter this AM...?
  15. Not sure I'm arguing with you, more like not wasting time... I have a wife and a child I know what a woman is, I don't pay much attention to that nonsense.. I see you do though, as many times as you ask for clarification, seems you may be the confused one... enough wasted time here
  16. Her not answering that question gets the weak crowd rallied up... hook,line,sinker
  17. Site has went to trash thanks to touchy mods.... Not bad over here, free speech within rules is still allowed over here.... take notes
  18. Yall snowflakes over there.... you ain't got power over here, your one of us
  19. Find it as humorous now as I did during the rally chants... "Lock her up, Lock her up"! Say it with me πŸ˜† 🀣
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