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Posts posted by piratevillain

  1. 1 hour ago, lostaussie said:

    We were down 35-14 at the half. Their rb was killing us. But we kept pounding. If I remember correctly we scored 35 in the 3rd quarter and 42 straight before winning something like 56-41. That may not be exactly correct but its close. 

    Wow, y'all must've really wore them down in the second half. I looked up the final score and it was 56-49, that's amazing y'all put up 5 TDs in one half. Do you have any insight on their offensive/defensive front?

  2. 1 hour ago, sheldon1364 said:

    yes the Pirate defense will be the most aggressive defense they will see so far this year. there quarterback will be pressured to make many mistakes in this game.  the offense has to take advantage of every opportunity the defense gives them. the defense has gave them every opportunity to win every game this year.      

    I agree, the defense has kept us in every ball game and it has to be the same this week. Offense has to control the clock, and limit the mistakes, especially if Lindale can put up points, cause we won't win a shoot out with them.

  3. I'm not counting the Pirates out, a little bias but I think they found their identity the past few weeks with getting back under center and doing what they do best, running the ball and mixing it up with misdirection. The defense speaks for itself, but this will probably be the best offense we'll see since Jasper which I think will help us against Lindale. Pirates going into this with some momentum and finding their offensive identity again with a deceiving win/loss record, it could possibly have a recipe for upset but we'll see.👀

  4. 1 hour ago, Pho Rizzle said:

    Our guy is just so negative that I don't think he should be representing the community. He sets a negative tone

    He really does set a negative tone. Kinda ruins the morale for our fans when he's that way. He used to not be like that til the past few seasons and he's been the PA announcer for a long time.

  5. 5 hours ago, Boneyard Boys said:

    We are definitely going to need more of that next week. He needs to be wore out by the end of that game if we are going to have a chance. Lindale has some big lineman but our line play has been pretty good too this year. I noticed but I kept calling him 55 because everybody knows who that is.

    I agree, we're going to have to do everything we can next week and play a near flawless game to have atleast a chance to win. Our line has been really good which has been our strong point all season, so that's always promising. 

  6. Great win tonight! Defense played their game like usual and run game opened up after a few series and the RBs weren't afraid to hit holes and turn it up field. No missed XPs and the punting was the best I've seen this season. If y'all didn't notice, Jordan wasn't wearing #55 tonight, he wore #99 for offensive packages but only played a handful of downs on O. 

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