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Everything posted by DVILLE-GORILLA

  1. The thing you all have to understand about Blue is he'll drop what he's doing to help anyone.  If youre in a pickle, I've been told he'll help if he can.  But he'll also state his opinion and stand by what he says, everytime.  I don't think that shows low or no class.  Getting into a verbal excahange with a player, a KID, that's a good sign of NO CLASS!
  2. [quote name="nwbulldogfan" post="939265" timestamp="1293602483"] Well...Isn't it amazing how one team can talk through a game and their just, "supporting their team".  Yet when a winning team's fans comment about how terrible the officiating has been for a game/tournament then this team is, yet again, "classless".  How can one say they have class when your fan outright called a player an "oreo"!  What the what? When did that become, ok? Oh, and yes thank you very much, the team did handle that situation with class.  I'm sure you didn't know about that classless comment, huh?  When does it end? Before you come on here blasting one of the most well supported teams in IIA b-ball, get all your facts straight, not just the ones You decide to share.  Evadale was being handed the game by the officials, yet they still couldn't pull it off.  Why is that? Ahhh, maybe because the N.W. Bulldogs won by playing solid basketball.  They work well under pressure you know...Oh by the way, the fan that you said was put out, not so...She left because she couldn't stand to watch her team being brutilized by the UFC Evadale players.  The officials just stood by and called every baby foul on N.W.  If you would encourage them to play ball and not be cheap shot artists, maybe you can win a game and not go 0-5 in the next tournament!  Tonight, your kid with so much class, #21, started in on our fans.  He then, as the "tail-tucking bandit by night" did on the previous day, ran to the sheriff for assistance.  Wow, seems like those two tail tuckers read the same, "How to" book. [/quote]#21 for Evadale does get a little excited and it hurts his play sometimes, BUT it your fan base experiences regular removals from the gym, well, that has the appearance of CRAPPY fans with no class.  It also doesn't seem this is the 1st weekend for early exits by NW fans.  I've watched a ton of basketball over the years and I can only remember 3 times where a Ive witnessed a fan thrown out and one of those was my Dad in the 70's!!!
  3. [quote name="jacobmccandles" post="934274" timestamp="1292522275"] dogs are not 1A, ned by 20 ;D [/quote]I tend to agree.  Never saw a serious contender in 4A play so many 1As and small private schools.  But all in all good luck to both teams.  Ive got the Dogs by 15.
  4. [quote name="utfan06" post="937554" timestamp="1293052259"] [quote author=whsalum link=topic=77853.msg937548#msg937548 date=1293050789] Kountze had a ton of open looks from behind the arc they just didn't hit them.Evadale played quite a bit of zone '"D" and the long jumper is there aginst that defense but you have to hit it to bring folks out of it.I agree with Aggie ,the ft shooting was what kept Evadale from winning this one.For whatever reason the Lions didn't turn up the pressure until the game was on the line but then it was evident they had another gear.I will also agree with ya about Coach Williams having the Rebels going in the right direction but I don't think the Rebs would gain anything by a game 3. [/quote] I agree [/quote]I wasnt at the game any more than you were but with all respect, I disagree with part.  I do agree the Rebels are getting better fast, but I disagree that another game would not be good for Evadale.  Why not...They trimmed some 25 points off the first game and from the play-by-play the other night it sounded like both teams were in high gear all night.  It seems to me that it wasnt so much the Lions shifting gears as it was the costly turn over and lack of production at the line by Evadale that sealed the deal.  I respect Kountze but you guys seem to be having a hard time giving anyone profs but to yourself, so let the hating begin. I bet you Williams would welcome a game 3.  Now Kountze, I can see why the HC would not be too interested.  NO, I didnt say the Rebs would win but they dont seem to be scared anymore...Good luck to my friends in Evadale.  Keep working hard and you'll be fine.  And from this impartial observer, Good job, y'all had a chance to beat the Lions and goofy stuff that beats all of us beat you this night.  Not bad!!!
  5. Evadale has been weak at the point for 5 years.  The last point guard they had was Judson Daws.  He could play at any position and really was not a true point guard but he needed little help getting the ball down against pressure.  Since then, the Rebels have struggled getting the ball past half court against a good press.  This years guard play is a little better than the past few years but a good press will make it difficult for the Rebels to control the turnovers.
  6. [quote name="Abraham" post="909553" timestamp="1289833119"] Way to represeent your district!!   ;D [/quote]Idiot!
  7. [quote name="apiolar" post="888166" timestamp="1288117421"] calling them the sp titans and pa sharks [/quote]I don't usually get in a hand slapping contest with posters but apiolar, you're gonna have to back that one up!!  Pull my post up where I called them the "sp titans and the pa sharks". Come on now, you can do it.... ???  AND I stick by MY post, 1-9 in the playoffs is terrible.  I don't care what school we're talking about!!!
  8. UIL went too far with this whole Div I, Div II thing.  It's a shame that a team can be looking for their 1st win of the year in week 10 and be in the playoff hunt.  Come on!!!  This is not good for the game! The 2nd and 3rd place teams in this district would have finished a distant 5th and 6th last year, with it being close with Burkeville and Colmesneil for the 4th/5th spot.
  9. I believe Stewarts Lions come up short in this one!
  10. Keep the present coach that everyone thought would save football, and they won't have a JV in a year or two.  I saw it happen right down the road a few years back.  Sounds like the board needs to decide if they want to compete and if so, BIG changes are needed.  Hate me all you want, I speak the truth!
  11. [quote name="apiolar" post="881479" timestamp="1287571588"] wasnt sabine pass people that did the vandalism. Just saying [/quote]Smart butt!!  just saying!! It dang sure keeps happening at SP so SP administration and fans, if they have any, better step up!  GEEZ And to add, there arent any sabine pass people!  I mean, not much, their pretty much ALL Port Arthur people anyway, so yeah, their PA transfers to SP.
  12. Wow, that's getting kinda dangerous!!  I've heard of that happening and actual assault charges have been charged. If that's true, most coaches would have suspended or removed that player from the roster. Anyway, Rebs win by as much as coach Williams allows.
  13. [quote name="whambulance" post="873068" timestamp="1286899288"] [quote author=Burkeville Chronicle link=topic=74138.msg872993#msg872993 date=1286893462] What difference does it make if he was hurt before the game or the Rebels put him out? I would hope that the Rebels would not be the type of team to brag about it even if they did. This young man's health is more important that a 1a football game. These forums really make me wonder about people sometimes. Good luck to both teams and my prayer is that NOBODY gets hurt from either side the rest of the year. [/quote] I believe your hopes come true.   The Rebel team plays hard nose football!  The team as a whole doesn't brag about a player getting hurt.  There probably is nut or two at Evadale making goofy comments just as there is in Bville and every other town and city in TEXAS.  Why do you consistently read a post or two from a kid and try to put a blanket of shame on Evadale?  If that's the way you judge a community or a team then use this statement as our measuring stick...[b]We here in Evadale do hope that #6 is not seriously hurt[/b]. We do play hard nose football and plan on ringing your bell if you are not wearing the Rebel uniform.  We are good folks at heart and hunt and fish and go to church like good country folks do.  We mess up sometimes and are sorry when we do.  We do not look at forums like this and draw conclusions concerning anyone other than THE PERSON making the comment.  So please, extend the same to the rest of us.  (The views of this poster do not reflect the views of the Evadale community nor the Evadale Football program)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [/quote]Well said ::) ::)
  14. [quote name="BIGMO44" post="862644" timestamp="1285959963"] [quote author=Burkeville Chronicle link=topic=73710.msg861984#msg861984 date=1285895107] You may be right BigMo...but please remember that these are young adults who are giving their all. This Mustangs team has a lot of heart and have put a lot into this season. Maybe we can't beat Evadale...but at least we will show up and give it our best...and win or lose maybe some of these young men will learn something... gracious in victory or understanding in defeat. That is what I was always taught as a young adult. The JV comment is in very very poor taste IMO....not really what I expected from you. Good luck to The Rebels in district and I wish them well in the playoffs.                                   [b].................just saying[/b] [/quote]I surely understand that these are young adults and I understand that both teams will give it their all.  That post was (is) directed at a few that have turned this forum into a "my daddy can whip your daddy argument", not the players.  You should know, Evadale players are restricted from this site by Coach Williams. (I'm sure they still stop by)... I've got lots of respect for Bville and their tradition.  You are certainly entitled to your opinion and if you feel the JV comment was out of line, well, I think you're being a little sensitive.  And that's just my opinion.  If you look back through the last year or so on my Bville comments, I've always said that the Stangs will be back.  Harper is one of the best coaches in this area, again, in my opinion.  I was stating what I thought and that is the way I see it.  This may not be the right place for you to unwind if that comment bothered you.  Man, that was Sunday School stuff and G rated. Anyway, I always held you in high regard and still do, and I won't end this post with a sophomoric dig like you did at me. Good luck to y'all as I believe you'll get back to the playoffs this year. [/quote]I tend to agree with MO.  That was not out of line at all and is probably a very true statement.  MO and I have have gone at it before but it's always been above board and there's nothing wrong with saying a team is so much better than another that one teams JV will play, a lot!  Heck, if it makes you feel better, I'll go ahead and say The Rebs JV will score on the Stangs.  Guess I don't understand either... ??? ??? Evadale 56 Stangs 0
  15. Has HI slipped that far?  Wasn't this a close game last year? Congrats to WH on the win.
  16. [quote name="bigreb" post="863047" timestamp="1285983561"] [quote author=Crazy Dave link=topic=72934.msg861789#msg861789 date=1285881148] Burkeville will not be on top in a long  time to come haha y'all are pathetic to think that and I think its funny you try to make me feel bad about my wife .... nice try but you still are the same horrible team as yesterday and you won't get any better anytime soon so go stand on those tracks and get destroyed by those rebels to bad I won't make it this next week gotta go support my boys but ill be keeping up on how bad its gona be haha.... don't get beat too bad burkeville and rebels put your foot on their throat and don't let up so they can breathe ;D. [/quote] For GOD's sakes if  you truly support the Rebels, please SHUT UP!  To everyone else,  please disregard our own VILLAGE IDIOT!  Truly Rebels know that talk is cheap, worthless, and serves no purpose.  To the players:  Say nothing, play hard, and let the chips fall.  This goober Dave is no true fan... a Johnny come lately is more like it.  Does more harm than good. [/quote]I think he's a Pirate fan...I think...but we don't want him either....
  17. I know lots of people from WH too, and I knew the Rebs would beat the snot out of em.
  18. Good game Pirates.  Glad we over came years of HD domination!!! ;D ;D ;D 
  19. [quote name="whambulance" post="856285" timestamp="1285387817"] [quote author=knows2much link=topic=73187.msg854964#msg854964 date=1285337811] The fact that Evadale even plays teams like Legacy says a lot about them.  The fact that the fans are upset that Legacy cancelled the game says a lot about them too. Heaven forbid someone mess up the 10-0 season. [/quote]You absolutely make no sense... :-\ [/quote]They're a dang site closer to 10-0 than you're team is!  What happened, is there no electricity in Burkeville tonight?  Anyone know the final score up there?
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