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Everything posted by DVILLE-GORILLA

  1. I was a the game supporting my Evadale buds and this being a huge game, couldnt pass up the invitation. The Rebels looked very flat compaired to the season opener against Deweyville. Seemed like they are getting one dimensional. They won, so what can you say? I just feel that if they are going to have success in the playoffs they will have to get the running game going(other than the QB) and at least pass a little to keep the defenses honest. If I'm not wrong, they completed one pass and that was by the halfback. Only one attempt by the QB. Seems like they have no intention of passing. Best of luck to Evadale from here on out and i wish em luck.
  2. BIG HEAD?? SWOLLEN UP??? Man, I wonder sometimes if you really believe the stuff you post or if you're really delusional. You have always posted the most big headed, swollen up, RETARDED post on this forum. I mean the entire WEB SITE!!! Noboby cares about the stone age state championships, the records since the beginning of time or if you have a bunch of beasts that no one else has seen!!! What can you say about last year, this year, this week? It's about NOW and that's all that matters. You take yourself too seriously. But out of your mouth, the kountze match-ups being a week apart would be a good indicator for the teams (personally I don't like the ole who beat who theory) but you said it. Evadale beat the snot out of Kountze and HD lost in OT. Nobody from Evadale is being BIG HEADED...You said last year yalls new hole was to bury your opponents in, sounded a little BIG HEADED then and you've continued to decline. Rebs by 14. ??? Evadale didnt beat the snot out of Kountze lol they won by like 2 tds and it was 14-6 at the half... wouldnt call the beating the snot out of somebody:) game was worse than the score. check the stats.
  3. Hey Mo44, I got there a little late, you still lugging that tunnel around?
  4. The Rebs handed us our hat tonight! Congrats to Evadale. Regroup Pirates and keep your heads up.
  5. Should be a good one, usually is with these two. Pirates by one score. Got alot of buds in Evadale but gotta pull against em this week.
  6. AGREE, i really like the rebels and usually pull for them. but just because you're the fastest man on the team, or second or third fastest, doesn't mean you're fast. there's speed and then theres SPEED!!!
  7. Dville stays healthy, gets overlooked by everyone and slips in as the 3rd place team.
  9. Read the rest of his posts its not hard 2 figure out. Reading the rest of his post is too painful!!! Alan, 55 is the one WHOM started correcting posters spelling, scan to the top of the page. It's funny how most of you HD guys keep hanging on to the past and bringing up the glory days of the 1930's. History is very important and will always be a PART of who we are, but living in the past is "tarded" (in the words of 55). You can't judge a community from these "posts", but man, it sure makes a guy wonder if there should be a security fence around the whole town.
  10. Didn't realize Evadale was that bad this year. Did'nt ya'll go undefeated in district? This guy sounds like ya'll unloaded some dead weight!?? The Rebels gave us all we wanted the last two years and if your time keeper hadn't stopped the clock with ONE second left in the half with our team at the 5 yard line it would have been 7 to 7 at he half this year. Evadale would have had momentum going in at the half and had out rushed us two to one at that point and who knows. We did score on the next play and that deflated Evadale. I've got some good buds from Evadale and ya'll are loosing some quality guys, don't forget who got you here! Didn't this team beat Hull for the first time in school history on the varsity level? YES! I believe Evadale will be fine again this year but I don't remember enough speed for 4 wideouts, hey, just a casual observation. Hope ya'll don't focus too much on individuals this year cause this last years team showed the 1A district what TEAM was all about. GO PIRATES!!!
  11. Kinda gives you a fuzzy felling don't it?
  12. what tha? If this guy is from Evadale I'm sure no one from there is claiming him. He must be his own best hero. Usually clowns like this feed off attention, so, he'll be back.
  13. Kinda like your take one this one...Chester and Woodville, maybe switch, but I'll go with your list all in all. Spurger and Big Sandy should not be on the original top 10, probably not top 30. Don't be hatin, just my opinion... BACK on the subject, I like this one from MO except I would switch Evadale and Dville (naturally)
  14. The problem with this thread is ITS STUPID!!! Its just like the "Buna vs Evadale" thread. Bunch of hypotheticals that get people fired up, THEN THE PERSON STARING THE THREAD CANT UNDERSTAND WHY EVERONES GETTING SO BENT!!!! Do yall just sit in front of computer and stare into space until something pops into your head to start a thread? Let Evadale vs Buna rest in peace!! These views are just my opinion. ;D
  15. You can't count them out, they may "spring" someone from Liberty County.
  16. Close, very close at the top. Don't get too carried away with Evadale's JV record last year against 2A and 3A teams. If you check, you'll see these were mostly against true 9th grade squads. Evadale's JV was made up of 9th thru 11th graders (as was their varsity, 9th thru 12th). That being said, I give a slight edge to the Rebels simply because they did finish a JV schedule where HD and WH did not. Time on the field is priceless. I see it as Evadale 1st HD second WH third, mainly because they just seem scared of HD. Good luck to all. Good district.
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