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Everything posted by BORAM

  1. I hope you are done with this too......that right there is a sign of weakness. Who is really the one that dishes it out but can't take it. [move]TOO BAD![/move]
  2. If I recall correctly, Dayton didn't bring home the championship last year....so I don't think it really matters a bit about getting beat by waller, because you still went on and got knocked out of the race. Any given day...Any given day! When did this website become an english class?? They can't sleep but they sure are doing a hard job at knit-picking every word that is written. Don't be so hard on yourself Dayton fans....it was just a game, and the best part is that it was played last year.
  3. I guess it really goes to the head when you think your perfect.
  4. It is all part of the scheme....Nederland Bulldogs is trying to get the L-Train to overlook them and focus on Dayton. Well that isn't happening....we want that District Crown!! Then we will focus on the playoffs....one game at a time boys!
  5. [move]CHHHOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!!CHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!![/move] L-town is bout to finish layings them tracks that we started in PNG.....coming right thru Bulldog Stadium!
  6. I am sure the whole Golden Triangle wishes the Very Best for Anthony!! I don't think anyone would blame him for taking the rest of the season off, he has been the core of the Mighty Raider Defense and will be deeply missed. Get Well Anthony and come back stronger next year!
  7. I don't know what the status/injury is but I don't believe that it is a torn ACL....I think he has taken some hard hits on his knee from the watching the game last week, and it is probably banged up a bit.
  8. So I guess it is our district 20-4A will go up 19-4A in the playoffs correct?
  9. In a beast on beast, I will take the beast wearing the 49. you know I bet it probably says that on his birth certificate......"The Beast" Beard. Why am I not surprised. After seeing him come back in..."I don't know how many games he came out for a while to stretch or so"....but he always comes back and gives 110% no less. Im betting he wants to play in that game more than you know!
  10. We Will...ALL of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And please...no whining about the officiating should/when we win. ;D Raiders fight till the end! Same goes to you! Let's just skip week 9 and go straight to week 10! LOL....j/k!
  11. GET YOUR POPCORN READY!! [move]CHOO CHOOOO!!![/move]
  12. Lumberton is a different animal when playing at home.....and Im sure alot of people would agree that beating PNG at the rez isn't a walk in the park either. I have faith that my team can handle nederland come week 10 since we should be fresh after the LCM game.
  13. what a game! Awesome action from start to finish. So much to say but yet I am speechless for words.....great jobs done by both teams as they fought hard. We all seen things that we thought were wrong all nite long, but truth be told in highschool football there is nothing we can do about it so we just go with the flow. But I am a strong believer in KARMA....the team that deserved the win, that earned the win and at times was denied.......GOT THE WIN!!! But this game is now history and done, time to move on and put the other foot forward. PNG...played awesome and have tremendous talent on both sides of the ball. LR..... offense is one demensional, we must develope some passing rythym soon and hopefully LCM will help us grow in that area. QB Hughes has great potential and has the fire to win no doubt, and once again we all know it is easier said than done, just needs to find his groove. Dam I am ready for another Friday!!!
  14. I am glad to see the cockiness from the raiders. After all these years of getting there ***** handed to them year after year. And finally having 1 winning season, I applaud them. I can see why they talk alot of smack. THEY HAVE 1 WINNING SEASON. Everybody has to start somewhere!!
  15. The guy caught 3 maybe 4 passes out of 8 or so that went his way! 'with 2 of them being ticked off right under his own nose!' Y'all can yap all you want about him having the best hands and being the most recruited receiver in SETX, WHATEVER! Don't believe everything you hear....when the season ends we will just see where he goes....and I bet you that IF he does get picked up, it will be to play basketball....not football.
  16. I see Livingston taking it to Nederland...... 38-20
  17. 'ol central needs to watch for Willie Jefferson, he didn't have any hands in the 1st half against LR , but the second half they turned it on. I think Ozen just may pull it off. If not then it will be hard fought battle and a close one.
  18. I wish everyday was a Friday!! L-Raisers by 10!
  19. [Hidden Content] A video I found of him on youtube from last year...when he was a sophmore.
  20. [Hidden Content] Scroll down on the bottom left....lately the player of the week has been christine michaels of WB. Playing both ways 110% isn't easy!
  21. The title says it all! I have said it plenty times before....This guy is a beast!! [move]GO BIG BLUE!![/move]
  22. That was one hell of a game last night! Them guys worked hard for the win...playing 110% both ways for 4 quarters. We all know they was tired and sore...but that last time out when they needed that 1st down in the 4th quarter, right then Coach C was telling them that this is what football is all about. We fight for 4 quarters and don't give up. I didn't think the QB sneak was gonna make it all the way to the endzone but it did and that sealed off the win. Congrats to the whole team as they proved that they are a force to be reckoned with in 20-4A. [move]CHOOOOOO!!CHOOOOOOOOO!![/move]
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