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Posts posted by shovel

  1. After that dog and pony showing, I'm not so sure the ags could.....what was that term......slobberknock?......Texas!

    Cant remember any QB having such a bad outing and not being subbed earlier than that.

    baddog, I was thinking that after the Bama game. Allen had meltdown last week, and completely destructed last night. I used to criticize Urban Meyer for babying Tebow, but watching Sumlin let Allen burn uncontrolled is worse. That was the ugliest  SEC game I've seen. Poor play is one thing, but the poor sportsmanship was worse. I expected an offensive shootout, but got a dumpster fire instead.  All the Ags that threw rocks at Strong and Texas are looking silly now...


  2. I thought this game was ugly! Way too many penalties from both teams. WOS should have beat us by a couple more scores. I believe that this game did expose some weaknesses for both teams. Did see a lot of positives too. Jack Dallas has matured a lot since I saw him last year. What a quarterback!  KJ Dad, your son had a good game too! Good luck to the Mustangs this season.  I will try to see y'all again in the playoffs. The Indians will bounce back, too. A couple of weeks to iron out the wrinkles and it will be fun again.

  3. Bama Wisconsin at Jerry World has only sold 40,000 tickets.  Hopefully that starts the end of neutral site games. They take away what is best about college football.  Congrats on playing at Notre Dame.

    Mac, I had planned on going to this game, but tickets were selling for around  $300 and up in the upper deck. I will be watching from my recliner and I hope the scalpers take a bath on these tickets. I like the idea of neutral site games, but am not going to pay lots of money for tickets. I love college football, but don't have the means to run with the big dogs.

  4. I don't  know how many of y'all watch Hard Knocks on HBO. I've really enjoyed the series covering the Texans. I had only watched a previous episode,  the Falcons, I think,  and was bored by the show. I believe I'd watch anything that has JJ Watt in it though...

    I've like O'Brien better than Capers or Kubiak, but after watching HBO, I like him more. He does have a potty mouth,  but I kinda do too, so I don't hold that against him. Are any other Texan fans watching,  or am I  lone wolf here? 

  5. Thoughts.......

    City of Prairie View votes to rename street after Sandra Bland

    This is the hidden content, please

    I think this is misguided at best. A street should be named after someone that made a positive contribution. There is nothing positive about the Sandra Bland death. She was not a martyr. She hung herself. I don't understand why they want to do this.

  6. Oh, so you gonna sit there and pretend Watts didn't have issues with repubs in reference to "inclusion" for my people? SMH

    C'mon Dove!

    Maybe I misremember as the Democrats say, but "your people" wouldn't let him join the Congressional Black Caucus (a racist organization NOT listed by the SPLC), because he was a Republican.

    I like J.C. Watts, and he may be the best congressman ever to run the triple option!

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