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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. So based on your logic: take gay out of your comment and insert - polygamist / prostitutes ... Since consensual love allows gay marriage - why not legalize polygamy, it's just multiple people with consensual love. Since abortion is allowed because it's the woman's body she can do with it what she wants - why not legalize prostitution, it's her body to sell. You are correct, no law will keep us from having polygamist, prostitutes, or gays....but it at least keeps it to a minimum and in the shadows, not out, in your face telling our kids it's ok to live this lifestyle.
  2. So based on your logic: take gay out of your comment and insert - polygamist / prostitutes ... Since consensual love allows gay marriage - why not legalize polygamy, it's just multiple people with consensual love. Since abortion is allowed because it's the woman's body she can do with it what she wants - why not legalize prostitution, it's her body to sell. You are correct, no law will keep us from having polygamist, prostitutes, or gays....but it at least keeps it to a minimum and in the shadows, not out, in your face telling our kids it's ok to live this lifestyle.
  3. I understand your point, but on this matter, it isn't hiding behind religion, it is a legit discrimination against religious freedoms. My answer (and will piss some off) would be the same if we were talking about having sex with your (insert pet here), it's flat out GROSS! AND religious beliefs....One can have more than ONE reason to have negative opinions about such activity. The best thing said so far is to use common sense....something that has long left the people who make law in this country....it has been replaced with PC, the most dangerous reason for doing anything...IMO
  4. Maybe it's your interpretation skills or lack thereof. No one is saying one sin is better or worse than another. All that is being said is, no one should have to "assist" another in doing "that" particular sin....in simple English.........Christians would not assist said sin to take place.... murder, rape, etc. knowingly either. It's also been said...What would Jesus do? He would love the sinner, hate the sin...he would not deny them services (food, housing, clothing, etc)......however, I feel quite certain, He would NOT perform their marriage or partake in said ceremony. On another note, they probably weren't celebrating her "out of wedlock" birth...probably just celebrating LIFE...but that doesn't fit your agenda....perhaps by liberal thinking, she should have just aborted!
  5. First to understand the difference of "my opinion" and "the law".....To my understanding, this is a thread about your opinion of the law.....SO. IMO discrimination only occurs if it's against someone due to uncontrolable existence or circumstances....race - sex - disability ......notice I didnt say sex you "identify" as or sexual "preference"......and yes, I left out religion as well (another choice). as far as those who argue it isn't a choice to be gay or trans.......maybe...maybe not....but it is your choice to act on the behavior.......one could argue, murders, rapist, thieves, wife beaters, cheaters were ALL "born that way" .....but it's not illegal to withhold services from them...
  6. But this is't a thread discussing that aspect of it. It is discussing the religious aspect, you know the SIN part as to why businesses can refuse service.......but it doesn't promote the agenda to stay on topic as well as dragging other issues into the discussion....it makes it more sensitive to compare.
  7. because, the main point of this discussion is the SIN of it. So by comparing the two, you are making the claim that interracial relations are also a sin........but that's ok, I understand the agenda, but one has nothing to do with the other.
  8. "you puritans" ??? so now you claim to know me like that? You might be surprised. Just keep changing the subject to fit your liberal agenda....the subject at hand has NOTHING to do with anything or anyone else. Just because you believe or agree with that lifestyle doesn't mean any more than anyone who disagrees or doesn't believe in that lifestyle......and it certainly doesn't mean we would discriminate or condone discrimination in any other situation.
  9. Typical liberal BS...why would you compare interracial marriage to being queer? That in itself shows you have no idea what you're talking about, and I'm sure you just offended every single STRAIGHT black and white person on here by doing so........
  10. Dutch Party For Freedom (PVV) leader and prominent counter-Islamist campaigner Geert Wilders Mr. Wilders said: “I fear that we ain’t seen nothing yet. According to Europol 3,000 to 5,000 European jihadists, who went to Syria to fight in the ranks of IS and similar terrorist groups, have meanwhile returned to Western Europe. Some of them hid among the hundreds of thousands of Islamic asylum seekers that entered Europe from Asia and Africa. Speaking earlier today Mr. Wilders lamented that commuters were killed in “cold blood” and said “The cause of all this bloodshed is Islam. We need to de-Islamize the West. That is the only way to safeguard our lives and protect our freedom”. [Hidden Content]
  11. Some just don't like truth. However, it's their forum, they can protect as they see fit. On the other side, Silsbee is faced with a dilemma. It may not be unlike any other school when losing a AD/HC when determining whether to hire within or going outside. If they hire within, will others that have applied from within stay if in fact the "other" applicant is chosen? Of course, if hired from outside, everyone's job would be in potential jeopardy. Silsbee has way less coaches than that of say WOS in the athletic dept WOS-27 coaches, Silsbee 19 coaches. Not sure if this a budget issue, certainly not an enrolement issue (Silsbee is definitely the bigger school) If its due to budget reasons, that will play a huge factor in hiring from inside or out and perhaps even the quality of who they could even afford from the outside, regardless of who may apply.
  12. I REPEAT: Very good idea. Any exposure is good exposer. However this is nothing new. It just hasn't been done in a few years. Mike Dodson and Robert Verde did this way back with Beaumont Blast (15 years ago)...Verde and Trout did it with Blast Gold after they left Beaumont Blast....about 10 yrs ago....Trout did it again about 5 years ago with GT Shockers. With that said. ..good luck. Hope you have a great turn out and lots of kids get seen.
  13. If I remember correctly, ISIL represents a smaller element, whereas ISIS represents a bigger stronger reach. I believe it has something to do with overall area in which they control.....saying ISIL it like the JV team as ISIS is Varsity....I'll look to see if I can find the original articles explaining the difference Not sure my memory was 100% correct, but here it is. [Hidden Content] ISIS: The militant group, which began as the Iraqi branch of al Qaeda during the U.S. occupation, gained this name after it invaded Syria in 2013. ISIS is short for "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria," or "Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham," which is an old Arabic term for the area. ISIL: ISIL translates to “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.” The Levant is a geographical term that refers to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean -- Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and Jordan. It’s the term the U.S. government uses since the "Levant" is apparently a better translation for al-Sham, the Arabic name for the region. As hard as it is, my memory was quite the opposite of what ISIS and ISIL stand for, I must admit the President using ISIL is more accurate.
  14. nor do they disclose how many have dropped out of the workforce (stopped looking "officially") which drives the unemployment numbers down even more.
  15. Might want to do a little checking into the owners brother also....If I remember correctly, there was a protest out front of the dealership when it first came out. I'm not being specific due to my lack of first hand knowledge of the brothers issues. If I find a link, I'll post it.
  16. I've read/seen/heard that statement also, about the ambassador not having her email address. Well, IMO, that's just another reason to jail her arse. Had she been using the Gov issued email, everyone would have had/known her address.........as it is, she all but personally killed those great Americans with her incompetence, ignorance, stupidity, arrogance, then lied about it!
  17. So, why not build a fence on the border and make improvements there as needed? It does in fact work, at least in reducing the numbers drastically from what we have now.
  18. may be, but shortly after that happened that fence got upgrades to further deter it from happening again...I think more to the point, why does the White House have one at all, if fences "don't work" even more so, why "improve" on something that "don't work" ...I guess it's kinda like the liberal way of thinking with guns, ban all guns except the ones protecting them. Fences "don't work" on the border, only the ones protecting us at the White House work, or we'll improve on it til it does.
  19. So, with what y'all have seen of the 2 (Dem & Rep) debates, who would you vote for, if the election were today?
  20. you didn't answer the question. What is your definition to "equal"? Sure they are, to those who have read the thread. If athleticism allows for one race to be deemed superior, (even if it is transformed over a million years), so can intelligence...looks, etc. and whereas the sexes obvious differences can also vary within each race....I guess I just think more broadly than some, not to mention read previous comments to make my point.
  21. really! what am I talking about? none of those equate to "equal" in my mind. SO, I asked you what your definition of "equal" is? However, if you really need an explanation, I'll give you one........ Ugly will NOT win miss America - NOT "equal" to pretty! Dumb will NOT get you into Harvard/Yale, etc -NOT "equal" to smart Male will NOT give birth - NOT "equal" to female....
  22. so what in your mind defines "equal"? some are smart, dumb, nice, mean, mentally stable, mentally unstable, pretty, ugly, male, female, straight, gay ....the list is endless. None of which are "physical" attributes in which they've adapted.
  23. "I don't want to be equal. America affords me the opportunity to be better than that." - unknown I like this quote, of course if you support barry, you'd be expected to apologize for American exceptionalism.
  24. NO they are not, and people should stop trying to balance the fields strictly on race. You see a lot of that going on now on the percentages of race within police departments just one example....otherwise I'd expect to see a much higher % white in the NFL and NBA coming soon.
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