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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. No need to check your messages, as I did not message what MY letters meant. If you want to check hip's meaning of the letters that's great, but I don't think that we had the same thing in mind.
  2. Not one of us can say how we would react...not if we're being honest with ourselves and othersd and we've never had a child die under the same circumstances. Yes, perfect. I am not willing to stand up and say that racism does not exist in Lumberton because I remember playing Lumberton and racial slurs being thrown about. I am glad that the officers were cleared of beating Laday because would not have been good. I do hope that things have changed. The grass is usually green in spring and the sky is usually blue. (You're welcome. I separated my post into sections to make your rebut a little easier...I know it's coming... : : )
  3. Hopefully none of us will ever have to go through burying our child, no matter the circumstances. I still don't think that anyone would know what they would do until in that same situation. Hopefully some lessons will be learned by all. Mrs. Laday may continue this fight and keep getting the same results, but she in a position that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Do I agree? Not with some of her actions, but do I condemn her...no, because as a parent, this would be a hard pill to swallow. Just because her son had his tattoos, a criminal past, obviously some drug problems does not mean that she did any worse of a job parenting than you and I...it just means that he chose to go down the wrong path. Just because someone takes that wrong path, should not make their life any less valuable than mine or yours. PCP or alcohol...one is as bad as the other...they are both substances that alter one's behaviors, thought processes and reactions. He could have just as easily been drunk. Thank God he did not hit another car or a house and no innocent people were injured or killed because of it. Thank God he did not hit my child because as a parent...ultimately, I would not be doing my job to see that justice was done. As I said, hopefully none of us will have to face that situation. I have been equally disturbed by some of the cold-hearted comments aimed at a dead man and his mother. qx is a leech, but he is obviously good at what he does...manipulation and taking a questionable situation and making it a media-circus to boost himself. I hope that Mrs. Laday will see that, but moreso, I hope and pray that she will find some closure and find some peace with this soon, but again...this is easy for me to say sitting on the outside. P.S. To those of you who have speculated on my previous little acronym...you are just too funny. I did that because I knew that many of you would interject your own little words into it...the power of assumption. I don't have any less respect for your opinions even if I don't agree with all you say.
  4. I wonder if I said that about a certian race or a group how offened you'd be. I don't know...say it and I will tell you.
  5. I know two years ago, there was an athletic booster club who was active at football games, but not too many parents to help. Regardless, it was for athletics...not any one particular program. I am not sure about last year. I know that the PTA gets money from the concession stand at football games, which I think should be rotated.
  6. administration, school board, and WO-S program all in the same sentence with SUPPORT...now that's funny!!!
  7. Well, we might never know. Besides, surely someone high on PCP wouldn't be IN Lumberton at 3 a.m. I guess we'll just have to wait until the "facts" come out.
  8. I don't know how I would feel, just as I wouldn't know how I would feel if I were Mrs. Laday! I would have been pissed. Now...what if Mr. Laday would have been your kid? The point it...he was still someone's kid. He was high, had tattoos (possible gang-related), and was in Lumberton at 3 a.m....the point is he was still somebody's kid. Sure, he might have made many mistakes in life (obviously one too many), but the way people have just made jokes about him dying...just not right. We should all be personally responsible...trust me I agree with that, but just because you make mistakes in life doesn't mean you should be dispensable...just because you make mistakes doesn't mean your death should not be ridiculed (or manipulated by people who don't really care about the fact that you died). Trust me...I am all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! Of course, I don't share the same views as you, so my opinion really isn't worth much, right?
  9. It is still undermined. I don't think that it's as much about an apology as a true, heartfelt, compassionate suggestion that IT WAS WRONG. I just keep getting...it was bad, but it was part of history; Africans sold slaves; our forefathers did the best they could; at least it's over now. Yet, somebody gets their boxers/briefs in a wad because someone states that they don't care about car bombs and children being killed overseas. It's just the lack of empathy for what happened...the nonchalantness. All I can say is you're definitely in the right place. Give me a break......it was over a 100 years ago. There WERE white slaves.......I'm not blaming anyone or asking anyone for an apology. I was upset about the car bomb because it was in the last few days..... Find something else to be mad about......... You make Little sense. We all say its bad and we disagree.......yet we don't have a true, heartfelt, compassionate apology for you......and that's OUR fault?? : : LMAO! Sorry, but I don't need your apology. I have not said that there were not white slaves, in fact, I have stated before that my family was probably indentured. I thought that I just wrote that I don't think that it is as much a matter of apologizing as it understanding and empathizing with the fact that it just should not have been allowed to go on and that it was a horrific part of our history. It's easy for us to say because we weren't enslaved because I guarantee if we would have been...we might be a wee-bit more understanding. We don't have to agree with everything each other says, but I had at least hoped that everyone could respect the other. I've always taught my boys the same things because one of the biggest problems I see with people today is the lack or respect we have towards one another. Just because someone has a differing opinion with me or because they might affiliate themselves with someone that I choose not to, I do respect them for their opinion because we are supposed to. I am not going to suggest that you are any of the things that I seen flung on here. To whoever locked the other thread...you were certainly on top of what you are supposed to be doing. Thanks for acting on it so quickly. Keeping it respectable, huh?
  10. Wow...and you say that qx is bad...this is right up there with the crap that he represents.
  11. NO, it was not a rumor and even after is was made public, posts were deleted, threads were locked or deleted, and people were "warned" about posting on it. It shouldn't matter which board it was on. I think cardfan's point is that be fair for all!
  12. It is still undermined. I don't think that it's as much about an apology as a true, heartfelt, compassionate suggestion that IT WAS WRONG. I just keep getting...it was bad, but it was part of history; Africans sold slaves; our forefathers did the best they could; at least it's over now. Yet, somebody gets their boxers/briefs in a wad because someone states that they don't care about car bombs and children being killed overseas. It's just the lack of empathy for what happened...the nonchalantness. All I can say is you're definitely in the right place.
  13. I would/did not call him dumb...in fact, I called him scarily smart. Yes, blatant disrespect would not be nice. Thanks for your inference...and here I have been so confused as to what I was. Who would have known? Whew...I will sleep well tonight. Thanks. Three languages...quite impressive. I only really know two, but I am working on that too. Heck, I can just google it too, huh? On an ending note, I have not been surprised by most of the comments made by my educated, fact-based, all-knowing, slavery's-okay-because-it just-happened-so-just-accept-it, compassion-filled counterparts. It makes me appreciate even more how I have raised my children. For that, I am grateful to you. ;) (P.S. You can consider some of that last little part facetious! But, I guess it's ok if you consider it a joke. Either way, it is what it is!)
  14. I wish we could have said that the best thing he did was to find binladen and deal with him for 9/11. Funny that someone posted that they were finished with another poster because of their lack of compassion with car bombs in another country, but yet I'm told to read a romance novel. I have honestly never read a romance novel. It is probably a wise thing not to allow him to fly kites with metal attached. Not really comparable to slavery, but I kind of see a parallel (ever so slight). If I am left-winger for not thinking that slavery was just historical, nothing more...then I will be one because you told me I was. We have all come so far and thanks to those in control of the rest of us because if they hadn't allowed us to have the freedoms we have now...I wouldn't have been able to vote or be considered an equal. :
  15. Sure it should. If my child died in a town that I was unfamiliar with under similar circumstances and it was a not-very-diverse town/city...I can not say that I would have some of these same feelings. Hopefully, none of will ever have to deal with it.
  16. Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it! About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured. I believe there is a slight difference in the two. My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts. Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good. I don't know what his legacy will be. Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense? 9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for. I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not. I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities. I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. How about we knew he had WMDs, he had UN resolutions to answer to, he had to let our weapons inspectors see if he was indeed hiding anything (we know he was, what do you think he did, kissed those 250,000 Kurds to death?). Our inspectors were getting close and he ordered them at gun point to leave, which they did. Do you think he got rid of those weapons during that time? Hmmmmm. Sadaam Insane had scud (dud) missiles to deliver his explosives. I, to this day, don't know how we kept the Jews from all out attacking him. We kept them at bay by protecting them with our patriot anti-missile defense system. Some scuds still got through and did some damage and killed some people. Do you realize the magnitude of the situation, had he been able to hit the Jews with a WMD?????? Anyone here that doesn't think Sadaam Insane had WMDs is a fool. BTW, where were you when all of this was taking place....under a rock? One more thing. Americans did not execute Sadaam Insane. We turned him over to the Iraqis and they let him drop. I still love what the soldiers said to Insane when they found him....''Greeting from President Bush!" I do think at some point he had wmd, but what I find hard to believe is that with our technology...we could find him in a rathole, but no wmds. Where did they all go? Not much of a rocker. Thanks, though. I would imagine that I was working and he was a sick, demented individual and the world is a better place without him. That greeting was a double whammy...it was from President Bush...both of them.
  17. Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it! About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured. I believe there is a slight difference in the two. My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts. Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good. I don't know what his legacy will be. Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense? 9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for. I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not. I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities. I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision. "Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good". Translation: When facts don't meet my agenda, I will blame the history books.........but it's all good! Translation: I am willing to not just accept what I am told and think outside the box. My agenda is to not think that it's ok that these things happened because it was just accepted, our country would have never been, people in other countries like Africa were doing it, so it should be all good. Why do you blame the history books? History books have tended to undermine the tragedies of slavery (at least the ones that I remember reading), but no GREED and LACK OF COMPASSION FOR THEIR FELLOW MAN are to blame. You are a funny little man. (I guess!)
  18. I think the lesson would be not to be under the influence of any substance. Perhaps the family of the victim is from LaMarque and therefore the situation does differ some from the one in Lumberton.
  19. I bet you are! There were 134 officers in 2008 killed in the line of duty protecting us from criminals. There have been 48 already for 2009. Everytime an officer finds someone in a ditch or pulls someone over, they never know if they are going to be added to this list. I truly am. Noone should lose their life at the hands of another.
  20. Ok, you said there were no white slaves, there were........now you bring up you dont need a history lesson. PNGkid is throwing facts as I do to support my statements. The history is history, it cannot be changed, BUT we can learn from it. In order to learn from it, you have to know it and understand it! About 40 messages ago I gave my spill on the things I thought Bush did well. I have to agree, Homeland security is one of the best things he's done. Although I did pose the question about if white people had been slaves...earlier than that, I posted that there were white people that were indentured. I believe there is a slight difference in the two. My eternal thanks to you and kid for "learning" me about slavery with all of your facts. Sadly, many facts have never been published in books, but as long as America was able to prosper and the select few were able to become profiteers at the expense and maltreatment/murder of others...hey, it's all good. I don't know what his legacy will be. Maybe that he rid the world of hussein, but at what expense? 9/11 was a test that no one could have truly been ready for. I think that we had no other choice than to go after binladen and it was the right thing to do, but I think that invading Iraq was not. I mean, in the history books, what will be said about why we invaded Iraq besides that hussein was responsible for some horrific atrocities. I just wish that he would have had the ability to either realize that he made a mistake (and not just with Iraq) and apologize for that particular decision.
  21. Wonder what his criminal history was? I am quite surprised that that wasn't part of the press release under the circumstances. Things that make us go hmmmmmmmm........ Truly wishing those officers a speedy recovery from the bruises they sustained in the altercation. I know that their families are thankful that they are alive.
  22. I think that this is a question that many would like resolved. Of course, with the election results...doesn't look like that will be answered any time soon. There just needs to be a balance and understanding that we are WO-S. We are not any other school district...just WO-S. We have certain issues that others around us don't have and being a member of this community and school district should enlighten them to that fact. If it doesn't, then there is something wrong. You're not going to please everyone, but that pleasing people shouldn't be the bottom line...making sure our kids get their education should be and for some kids... extracurricular activities (including athletics) may be the x-factor that gets them to walk through those halls everyday and into the classroom with the drive to make the grades that allow them to participate in that/those extracurricular activities and their graduation from a great school.
  23. Yea, it was Bushes fault. Funny how Obama is changing his mind on a lot of security issues...... acting a little like Bush. Bush was not as dumb as the left plays him. For a dumb guy, he sure got a lot of things done. Correction: played him. They can't play President Bush for dumb when President Obama starts doing the same things President Bush did while in office. Oh, wait, they're liberals. They don't have to make sense. Nevermind, then. .. Oh and how correct you are about Bush not being dumb...he scarily smart. Left. Right. Left. Right. Someone doesn't agree with your views and you crown them liberals or lefties. Can you say shallow?
  24. Whew...thanks guys...that makes it all better. I mean, that justifies makes it all make so much sense to me now.... : Perhaps a 220+ year old argument that was only truly indicative and representative of what we were supposed to stand for. And, there was a use of my making my comments on this subject...it just really helps me understand some things a little more and a little less. You'll have to forgive me...I'm having trouble staying focused...it's really a little too late for me to take my Aderall. And, I just really couldn't think of the best thing he did...guess that's probably not what you meant by along those lines, huh? Heck no I don't think that the southern states would have ratified anything that would have prevented them from making money off of the blood, sweat and tears of other human beings. In doing so, they wouldn't have an adequate avenue to vent their frustrations and take them out on. I really don't need the history lesson. Besides, I would rather have history plus some good ole moral senses than just the history. They couldn't afford...LOL. You are probably right about that...they couldn't AFFORD. There was money to be made and since everyone else was doing it and the country wouldn't be here...we should just feel so blessed that AT LEAST we overcame that. Thank you for having the time and fortitude to do the right thing ancestors. It shouldn't have been lawful...for anyone.
  25. It is a big deal. It was a big deal when Hitler was conquering lands. The Constitution DID NOT guarantee everyone freedom because at the time it was created...not all were free. The fact that you state you see no slaves today is how it should have been from day one. Didn't many people come here to escape religious persecutions and to be able to form a democratic society where all should have the rights to all that the Constitution represents? I guess all of the formerly oppressed groups should just feel blessed that we've come so far? Sorry, but if the foundation of our country states that ALL are guaranteed freedoms and liberties...ALL is a fairly defining word. While I am glad that I am here, the fact that one group of people profited at the expense of another through oppression, abuse, neglect, murder, separating families...that turns my stomach as I type this. I think that walking in other's shoes "may" change people's views. Kind of gives a new perspective on things. No, the Constitution did not create slavery...in an indirect way, I would have to respectfully disagree that it did not condone it because through inaction, that's essentially what happened. The fact that slavery existed...so. Religious persecutions and dictators and all of the other potentially harmful ways of the world were also here before the Constitution was here, but again...those were also ideals and things that our forefathers believed should not be a part of our America. The United States might not have lost 140,000 lives had slavery not been allowed to become a disgusting part of who we were supposed to be. We just executed Saddam Hussein because of how he treated his countrymen (and others) and the atrocities that he masterminded and followed-through with and we want to lead these other countries to be a democratic society where freedoms are a "guarantee"...yet, it took us how long to guarantee those freedoms to our own citizens and countrymen? How would you feel if you were a slave (a mother) whose "master" stole her child and sold that child to another owner because he was so determined to break her? Not much different than what Hitler and the Nazis did during WWII. I would ask you to think about that for a little more than a minute. Slavery was accepted back then. I'm glad we abolished it, but it was not just in the United States. When you say selling a mothers child, they did that in Africa as well. No matter what Country, it's still wrong. America figured that out over time. There is still slavery in Africa. I never hear blacks speaking negatively about Africa. Dick Vital actually thought African groups never took over lands. The more you look at both countries, the more we "were" the same.........now we are different in many ways, such as America has no slaves. Accepted you say? By who? It shouldn't matter that "it was not just in the U.S." Our U.S. was supposed to be better than that. Who cares what they did in Africa? Atrocities have happened all over the world, then and now...that does not justify (or at least should not justify) the atrocities of slavery in this country in the past. And, you are right...the more we look at both countries and others, the more we were the same...except that America was supposed to be founded on the notion that EVERYONE was guaranteed FREEDOM and EVERYONE did not include EVERYONE until not so long ago. From the initiation of the Constitution...America should have had no slaves. How would we feel if white people had been the slaves? I know I wouldn't be a happy camper...or slave. I would have a hard time believing that anyone would. Of course, I would have probably been lynched or hanging in the next tree because what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong, no matter how convenient it may be to say...well, look at that country...they were doing it. That's not very mature. The nonchalantness is kind of disturbing...almost as much as the post about not caring about car bombs and children being killed. Well, we could always justify our participation in slavery and oppression and all of the sins committed to keep it intact with the people setting off the car bombs and killing INNOCENT people. NOT!
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