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Everything posted by ThaGhost

  1. You can say that again. The "Bleacher Coaches" were actually very quiet.
  2. I have worked at Memorial Stadium for the past 5 or 6 years. I work in the press box right next door to the visiting coaches room and can tell you that this is a BOLD FACE LIE! I am usually at the stadium 3 hrs before the game starts going all over that place preparing cameras, referee mics etc. I distictly remember going back to the press box elevator, holding the door for your coaches (which was LATE mind you) and showing them their room. At NO TIME were there any "ARMED ESCORTS" with them. Please stop letting your distaste for ONE poster get the best of your mind and fingers. (Clouding your thinking and typing such nonsense) This is a perfect example of why I've chosen to just read post and not comment. People are just doing the most these days.
  3. Oh I get it, PA wins a championship game on you. Then two years later kick you out of the PO's, so now you're going to FABRICATE something? Not even about to do this back and forth.
  4. Let's be realistic here, would it really be an "all-star" game with PA only having one team?
  5. That chicken hasn't hatched yet.
  6. That's not up to me. I'm simply a "peewee super bowl champion's dad"
  7. No kid plays in multiple leagues. What I meant is that there are multiple teams in PA. Bring your best? If I remember correctly the Chiefs won the "Super Bowl" which actually makes them "THE BEST!"
  8. That I don't know about. I'm not sure where most kids go to school.
  9. Ok I'll bite. Pa Chiefs peewee went 3-0 against Ned this year. Don't forget the fact that there's only one youth football league in Ned. Whereas there's the Chiefs, lil Titans and Bees here in PA. I just waiting for the day that all the teams combine and start running the same program as MHS.
  10. That kid #26 for Ned was very impressive for a 7/8 year old. The kid knows the game at an early age. I'll be looking forward to see him play as he gets older.
  11. yep and we also beat Nederland "head to head"
  12. It's this Sunday at The Rez. 9:30 am
  13. Congrats to you guys. See you guys next Sunday.
  14. It's game day. Wake the kids up and get them their coffee.
  15. Bit the eraser off. We found the formula for that 7-8 player flip.
  16. Negative! Pencil PA into one of the super bowl spots.
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