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Everything posted by ksagrl1

  1. Injun- By your way of thinking then, the numerous kids from the LCM program that are playing college, minor league, and major league baseball are a direct result of their dads? : I will agree that good coaching at a young age is important and certainly contributes to a player's success. However, if your kid is learning more from dad than his high school coach (which you mention is the case for all above-average players), my suggestion is to find somewhere else to play.
  2. aw poor critter. let me see if I can find some cheese for that whine. I can speak with 100 percent certainty that those umps did their job. people like u give bridge city a bad name. you lost png won. welcome to 22 4A baseball......where the big boys play.
  3. Hate to bust your bubble but two teams from the same district or region for that matter can't both make the finals. Depending on where they are in the bracket two from the same district could make it to the regional final but only one would head to the big dance in Austin.
  4. Quotes from skills123? He is someone's biggest fan! “if PN-G's defense holds up then they win†“Harrington too much to handle†“definately not the harrington kid†“verify what kid your talking about from png, Harrington or todd? replying to the comment on robicheaux being better than the kid from png? he might be as good as todd which is unlikely also but he is not near the level of Harrington†“Harrington-0.39 era†“I hope LC-M destroys vidor†“now would that have happened if Harrington was still in the game in the ninth, get real.....†“robicheaux is a good pitcher but Harrington is on another level when you talk about "best" pitcher in the district†“hey vidor.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha sweet life, good luck tuesday against lcm with no confidence lol†“i just wish that the vidorians would at least admit that we had a horrible play in left field which would have sealed the deal and with out that it would have been 3-1 game over, same thing with nederland it wouldnt have been a game if it wasnt for 6 errors..†“i know robicheaux personally and this is for you, great game, keep competing and playing hard and dont let your fans say hester won that game for yall cz you did†“harrington complete domination, going to step it up, but watch for robichoux, good little pitcher.....if i were vidor i would throw a lefty, my opinion, but if png plays defense they wont lose, guarantee†“Allen Harrington's Senior Year 14-2 0.25 ERA 144 k's 87 innings Hit over .350 9 HR's†Vidor is a solid team but Harrington is throwing the ball too well to be beat right now…the only way png loses this one is if the defense kills them again.. “if you think about it, nederland didnt have a prayer from the opening hitter. they had 2 hits in 5 innings off harrington, with no errors the indians win 7-2†“Harrington throwing with Todd behind him, best 1-2 punch in the area..goodluck hitting that the rest of the district†“HARRINGTON-5 HR†“eric harrington-png-5 including preseason also, 2 regular season†funny that you guys pegged skills as the stalker. how about bleacher taking the time to quote every one of skill posts? :
  5. Now you are just trying to be controversial or funny, which one is it. But those scores are just not realistic. 13 to 1 realistic enough? ;D
  6. Great game at a great venue today. The loss drops the Owls to 17 - 5 (6 - 0). Good luck to both teams on the rest of their seasons.
  7. This should be a great game.....both teams have very similar records. Great opportunity for the kids to get to play on Olsen Field at A&M.
  8. I think everyone has been giving them credit. They are great team. To be sitting in first place, undefeated, in district 224A is a great accomplishment, but like someone said there is still a lot of baseball to be played. And first off, Vidor isn't even in the top ten yet. You guys beat PNG and then BAM, you aren't getting any credit. It takes much more than a couple years of success to build the kind of reputation that can land you in the top ten. The reason no one says anything about PNG being ranked is that they have had years of proven success in the playoffs. They've made it to the state tournament, regional tournaments, etc. Deep playoff performances along with current success and returning starters lead to these rankings. Once you guys prove you can pull it off deep in the playoffs, I'm sure you will be recognized to. But you had a bidistrict performance that ended in a loss last year. Why don't you just worry about this season and quit whining about getting no respect? The past has nothing to do with this season.. It's this years top 10, not last year or the year before. And looks like to me PNG has about 11 pages of whining on this board.... Oh I agree about the bickering between both teams. But to say the past has nothing to do with this season? Are you kidding me? You must not know too much about how those state rankings work. Look at that top ten.....every one of them have proven playoff success. See a pattern there? :
  9. I think everyone has been giving them credit. They are great team. To be sitting in first place, undefeated, in district 224A is a great accomplishment, but like someone said there is still a lot of baseball to be played. And first off, Vidor isn't even in the top ten yet. You guys beat PNG and then BAM, you aren't getting any credit. It takes much more than a couple years of success to build the kind of reputation that can land you in the top ten. The reason no one says anything about PNG being ranked is that they have had years of proven success in the playoffs. They've made it to the state tournament, regional tournaments, etc. Deep playoff performances along with current success and returning starters lead to these rankings. Once you guys prove you can pull it off deep in the playoffs, I'm sure you will be recognized to. But you had a bidistrict performance that ended in a loss last year. Why don't you just worry about this season and quit whining about getting no respect?
  10. Hey Nash, If you aren't worried about where you're ranked on this site, why'd you register and post about it? ???
  11. First off, let me say I agree....you have the most talented team in Vidor history. But let's be real, is that a very difficult honor to achieve? Just because you have the best team in school history does not mean you are a Texas 4A Top Ten team. And I'll give you credit for having the stones to post it, but do you realize that you said the right hander could beat ANY team in the state of Texas? Believe me when I say that Southeast Texas is not the be all end all of talented 4A teams. You have the Corpus Christi teams, Brenham, and don't get me started on the numerous teams in the DFW area. You guys couldn't get past Barber's Hill last year and now you can beat any team in the state? Let's be realistic. I am incredibly pleased to see Vidor doing as well as they are. I wish them continued success, but what I can't figure out is how all of a sudden they are a Top Ten team and can beat anyone in the state. ???
  12. With the win over PNG, wouldn't that move Vidor into their place? Just wondering... It doesn't work that way. Just because one team beats out a top ten doesn't just mean they are a top ten team. You have to consider that there are teams all over the state waiting to jump into that spot.
  13. Maybe you should schedule a parent/teacher conference and sit down with the guy to discuss his philosophy. Probably get you a lot further than just a bunch of message board nonsense.
  14. Everytime you people loose it's the umps but not tonight bc them Pirates spanked that booty. 8) Hey 81sDad, Last I checked, beating someone in extra innings by one run with a walkoff homerun is not "spanking the booty." An amazing comeback? Absolutely. If you'd have run ruled them, then hey you're entitled to pop off about spanking the booty. Tonight? Not really. Show some class. Both teams had great games and one had to come off on the losing side.
  15. Hope your outfielders are fast because as the fence moves back, the area that they have to cover gets bigger as well. Hey Bear, I was being sarcastic. I'm a Bear fan every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Well, except for this Saturday.
  16. Right. The Bears might as well just not show up because Ned's park isn't HR friendly. : I guess they've just been hitting homeruns all year and not much else.
  17. Well Chief you are right in one aspect here. Yes LC-M's JV squad did not set the world on fire. I watched them all of last season. On your First Down Issue Depends on which QB was in when you seen them. But from what I have heard Both have been moved to Different positions. One to a wide out, and I think they moved the bigger Kid to TE. So we'll see how that works out. But as my old Coach use to say. "The only way to get respect is to earn it !!" GOOD LUCK BEARS that is corredct oslooking in they did move the kids from qb becouse they have to make foom for the ne kid coming form west texas that i here is a legit d1 prospect at the quatterback spot[/quote] When did LCM stop teaching English?
  18. First off, it's wad...not wod. Again, find the spell check feature. Secondly, you're right...a little trash talk never hurt anyone. The difference is though...you weren't trash talking. You spouted off untruths about the LCM team and who they've played. Get your facts straight first and then maybe people will appreciate the "trash talk." Lastly, you make a fine point about the kids. Sure, they probably are saying worse, but here's the thing. They are KIDS. You, I would assume from that comment, are not....which leads me to my next question....I wonder what you are teaching yours? Good luck against Vidor this week.
  19. Skills....I'm pretty positive Griff has been putting together playoff powerhouse teams since the 90's. And I'm also very positive he did that without your "advice." (ever heard of spell check?) Go play with your little Indians and we'll see how it plays out the next time.
  20. Where do you go snow skiing in the summer? She also has a commitment to her travel team in the summer. Why aren't any of the multi-sport advocates chiming in here on their behalf? Those players can be "guilty" of the same thing. You're wanting to challenge their level of commitment? You must not know how many hours a year Shannon puts into softball. What pct of other HS players out there have made that type of commitment to softball? That is not a bashing of the girls do not want to commit that amount of time to the game, but to look a commitment in a different light. I won't speak for the Sain's, but my daughter's first commitment is to travel ball. She's part of that team 8 months of the year, with the other 4 months for the HS team. So, you're saying that because her commitment is 8 months out of the year to travel ball and only 4 in HS ball that the HS team should suffer because she wants to take a vacay? I respect your way of thinking but I simply don't agree. If you sign up to play for a team, then play for it. And yes, Mc, I do realize you can't go "snow skiing" during the summer. However, there are many other vacations that can be planned around softball. Good luck to all!
  21. Yeah, that's called "team chemistry." I, personally, don't know what goes on with your coaches and their team. However, every kid on a team has a role. Take one or two of them away, and that affects your team chemistry and changes the whole dynamic of the game. Sure, the other kids have to rally back and figure out a way to win even if something happens but blaming this on the coaches is absurd. How about the fact that these girls knew they would have softball games during Spring Break and their parents chose to schedule a trip anyway? Bottom line is if you are a softball/baseball player.....you don't get a Spring Break. That's a fact of life. Plan it during the summer and honor your commitment to the team. Good luck to HF...hopefully you can bounce back.
  22. I think you're lumping too many coaches into the group that doesn't concentrate on fundamentals. Not all coaches put defense by the wayside. You have to find a balance....you have to figure out a way to get the kids enough cuts to be successful at the plate and at the same time work on those defensive skills related to their positions. The challenge is to do this with three practices a week, at least three teams practicing, and making sure you stay within your UIL time allotment. I think there are some coaches who miss the mark, but to say that teams don't play defense anymore is a pretty broad statement. Cuz I watch my boys every Tuesday and Friday....and the majority of the time...they get the job DONE.
  23. Okay you got me....earlier than expected.
  24. Tell you what's pitiful....is you up there on your moral high horse. A few people who might get just a tiny bit of satisfaction with the outcome of the game considering everything they went through isn't the end of the world. Seems like you are the one who keeps bringing your argument up over and over again? We've heard what you had to say....know how you feel about the subject....and are ever so thankful that you blessed us with your vast knowledge of all things right or wrong. Now, why don't you see if you can find a WOS thread somewhere to wax poetic about the morality of choosing to root for a certain team or not? I mean I'm sure you couldn't find many WOS fans who bought La Vega t-shirts after your earlier than expected playoff exit this last football season.
  25. There is no valid argument here about MVP. Ang Green is it, its OVER. There is no point in being biased or jealous. You are wasting your emotions here. Bobcat4life, in response to the other locked thread; I have known numerous of the Silsbee girls for a while now & I know that you in fact did not pay for any of Ang Green's AAU affairs or anything. She played for Houston teams throughout the years of which her parents expensed and drove her back and forth to Houston & tournaments. It may have been Brandi Fowler you helped. She played for a Lubbock AAU team. Paying for girls you've never even met from an opposing high school team? Seriously, I do not care how big your heart is, that is utterly outrageous. Obviously there is some dishonesty floating around here. Face the facts. I could have sworn the other thread was locked because it got off topic. If you want to start a "You're lying, no you're lying" argument, then start a new topic and at least have the stones to name it what it is. This is supposed to be about the 21-3A all district team. :
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