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lu cards

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Everything posted by lu cards

  1. got a hell of a game going in lafayette.1-1 in the eighth.cajuns have only 1 hit so far.
  2. were headed in the right direction.still looking for some pitching help and need a few players to get more consistent at the plate.
  3. Never even met the guy, just know that he's anti-football. Don't care, really. i think thats a little harsh.my comments were based only on his lack of football insight.no one covers lu hoops like bob.i always preferred the pa news over the bmt surprise because of the sports section.his local radio show devotes a lot of time to lu sports also.he has obviously been luke warm on the return of football but he still needs to cover it because his customers want to be informed.
  4. bob west has really dropped the ball in regards to lu football.last week on his show bob didnt even know lamar was accepting applications.i didnt even bother to call and correct him.around a month ago jimmy simmons called in to correct him on several issues.
  5. What? We have a long ways to go if this is all we got so far. A few good names but I suspect that like the Franchione sighting, there is a lot going on in the background we don't know about unless ABTR want to be forthcoming. stump,pope,kennan,koenning,woodard and helduser are all quality candidate's.
  6. it may lack in quantity but it makes up for it quality.
  7. not sure how i fell about this.he has the name but does he have the game?
  8. when is the rematch?i bet its sro at the rez.this has been the most entertaining thread ever.ive attended many png games in the last ten years and this sounds like one game i shouldve missed.congrats to vidor.
  9. i know that jj is a dream but sometimes people need to give back to the area that gave them there start.all we need is 2-3 years with him as coach and then turn it over to stump.he could keep his boat on pleasure island and fish as much as he likes.
  10. i know we have 3 studs coming in harington(png),bunner(vidor) and angelle(bc).
  11. gilligan played a lot of backups in the first game.sometimes you risk a loss to find some help.
  12. ill answer my own ??its starts tonite @7pm.
  13. so now lu has a highscool caliber program?so who is your college team?
  14. hey tiger,it wasnt your post that made me dizzy.bluedove was trying to diss lu.
  15. I hope so. AND - I like what I see about Coach Tidwell and his staff. There has been much discussion about not recruiting locally. There are X number of scholarships available and you HAVE TO trust the coaching staff to recruit and offer rides to those they believe will fill the team's needs. That being said, I sure wish we could get K K Little on the squad in whatever way it takes. Ang Green is your local talent. You're not going to get too many signed from this area, even for A sOUTHLAND Conference school. no value.i feel dumber for reading it.
  16. its called adding value.to sit and be negative towards lu adds no value to this forum.
  18. gilligan has the team headed in the right direction.they will struggle a few more times this year but i like our chances come tourney time.5 home games this week.go support the cards.
  19. lets have a big crowd for the good friday game.
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