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lu cards

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Everything posted by lu cards

  1. when i was in college anything that had to do with sfa ended up in a fight.my fraternity actually had a brawl with the same fraternity at sfa.those guys were the biggest bunch of a-holes if ever met.
  2. curious why he isnt with the team at home games?has he had surgery?if he hasnt i dont think he'll be back next year.i hope im wrong but i think weve seen the last of barrow.
  3. I saw her walk into the student section... not sure what she did while she was in there though. However, when she walked out, she pushed a guy who works for the AD. The lady was Hancock's mom and his dad went into the LU student section as well. She is a loud mouth anyways. I remember going to HJ/ Kountze games and listening to her for like 10 years. She got mad when the LU students were all over her son for his poor play. I LOVED IT!!!!! hopefully this will be the last time we have to see her at the montagne.she needs to hang out with the crazy lady from mcneese that beats her chest.no excuse,she shouldve been thrown out.
  4. yes,sound system needs updating.the students get props for finally showing up and raising hell.the best moment of the night was when the demon fan got escorted back to her section and the whole student section started jamming.
  5. i dont know what caused her do go in our student section but she should have been ejected.dawkins had a bad game but again we find a way to win.
  6. if the coaches looks could kill ct would be pushing up daisies.after he shot that 3 all 4 coaches were visibly upset.im of the opinion that if todd would stop taking bad shots and making bad passes we could go a long ways.its great when your 2 best players have an off night and you still win by 15.ill be the first to predict 8,500 for saturday.
  7. he was a no show tonight.doesnt look good.
  8. mcneese dumps everything into football while the rest of the sports suffer.were going to have as nice facilties for football while we continue to improve the rest of our sports.
  9. im really surprised were picked to win the east.we lost a lot from last year.i heard we had a great recruiting class but gilligan keeps things real quiet.once his radio show starts you find out a lot about the new players.
  10. who are some local kids we need to be watching for??i know ill be putting a bug in some local kids ears.
  11. one other point.could you imagine if this team was 17-3 vs 12-8.we have 8,000 every home game with another 500 on the road.
  12. im predicting 6800 on saturday.we had 5500 last week with mardi gras going.i think we will pick up another 1300 and if we continue winning will get 8000 for the nwst game.
  13. lamar will sign there first recruiting class in over 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  14. its really sad to see some students against bringing back football.im hoping there isnt that much of an opposition.i still feel pretty confident it will pass but cant wait for thursday.
  15. cant get those schools to travel in non conference.
  16. i never miss a game but mardi comes only once a year.im considering trying to make both but its gonna be tough.i wish they would change the game to a noon tipoff.if lu keeps winning the crowds will continue to grow.i cant see 10,000+ this year but next year when texas tech comes its possible.
  17. port neches 7th A&B both defeated lumberton tonite.
  18. lamar had some mental breakdowns that sent it to overtime.this team needs to get mentally stronger to win on the road.the monkey is gone so i expect better road play for here on out.good to see dhop come up big.if he gets hot then look out!!!
  19. the mcneese game is going against mardi gras.i never miss a game but ill be catching beads on feb 2.
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