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Posts posted by bigbasketballfan

  1. Yes, this is a "young" team as most are soph's & jr's. They will come together and develop in time.

    Maybe this loss to Onalaska will wake them up and they will learn from this game. Hey, they lost and this was the other night. It is gone and the coach will have them looking forward out of the windshield and not in the rearview mirror.

    It is district play that counts. Until then, they will grow and learn.

    It will be a interesting year I am sure.

  2. Hey Drillkjh, glad you be back bro!

    Missed ya.

    Your boy is playing well and is really hustling.

    I didn't make it to this game last year and might miss it again this year, but for what I have seen of Spurger, they should have a good night.

    Coach Issac's has them coming together. You will be impressed of this coach and what he has done so far.

    Catman taught him well! Just kidding! Issac's did learn a lot at BS and even when he went to the coach's camp at Duke.

    Hope to see you soon.

  3. Catman, I have seen both play. Keep in mind it was a scrimage of 2 10 minute running clock qtr's.

    BS should win this one. I am assuming here that BS would be playing Jasper's JV.

    Jasper JV plays a physical game and they like to bang. They have a shooter in #33, so keep an eye on him. They didn't get back on defense that well and you can get fast breaks on them.

    Play them close and keep your head when they get physical and BS will be fine. I do not know if it will be 20, but I guess would be 10.

    Good luck!


  4. The thing to remember here is this was a scrimage. Both coaches trying different combo's of players and plays, so who won or put up the most points? I do not remember. I was busy watching what each were doing and the match ups. It was a scimage you know.

    You know the deal, 2 8:00 qtrs and then jv goes for 2 8:00 qtrs and then back to varsity. They went through the rotation I guess three times?

    It was fairly even. Spurger I believe walked off the court after each rotation with the lead, but again, what does that mean? Spurger would make a strong push and go ahead by 6-8 and then BS would make a run and tie it up or go ahead. I was really impressed with the consistant steady play of BS. They definitely have a shooter that I think was on jv last year.

    Keep in mind, Spurgers coach came from BS, so they know each other and what each is "thinking".

    The BS fans turned out for this one. I am always impressed with their fan base.

    If they meet up in a "real' game, it would be a good one.

    Missed seeing you there Catman.


  5. Is anyone "proven" at this point? I mean, unless a team brings to the floor all 5 starters and several more on the bench from last year or years, every team is unproven.

    As stated before, each team is walking on the floor with a mix of new players, new combinations and new coaches.

    Good luck to each team in the district and the area as well!

  6. I agree about Evadale that they are well coached and have a improving team.

    I am impressed with Evadale's Coach Wilkins and have watched the growth of the players since they were in Little Dribblers. How can one not over look the fan support either?

    Spurger should be the team to beat in the district. Yes, like each school, there are losses of players to graduation and at some of the schools there are new coaches. With all of this said, each team will be "finding" itself and seeing what works or doesn't work. Spurger lost good players that got them to the playoff's last year, but again, each team lost enough from last year to make a big enough difference that each has a clean slate.

    I for one enjoyed watching Big Sandy play. They are well coached and the team certainly has the heart of champions. Said to see them move out of the district, I do wish them well. Will miss seeing Catman at the games.

    Time will tell how the season will play out and I am looking forward to this season. As one said in a previous post, it is district play that counts. So to all of the schools and teams in the district, good luck and let enjoy some good games.

  7. I do not have much knowledge of what he did/not did while he was at Big Sandy, but I have heard that he has brought to Spurger a refreshing spirit and excitement for the game. Catman would be the best to respond to this one. I did not intend to "call you out" Catman, but....

    I think he will be the type of coach that is strong with fundamentals and a teacher of the game.

    Having watched Spurger and BS play in years past, there was a noticeable difference in coaching styles.

    I would think that Issac's will bring that same or similar type of coaching style with him.

    I do know he (Issac's) was instrumental in the Big Sandy's FCA program(Fellowship of Christian Athletes). I think this shows what type of person he is and I would hope that while he is in Spurger and where ever he goes, he continues with this program.

    ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

  8. Hey alloutballer, looks like sum_1 wants to get schooled by Chase.

    When that happens, sum_1 will be another someone that just got his education!

    Would love to watch that one.

    You are right, sum_1 is a bench warmer having dreams that he is D. Wade or something. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad!

  9. During one of my business trips this past spring, I had the opportunity to visit with several of the players from Oak Hill as we all were waiting on a connecting flight.

    All I can say about these young men is that they are the real deal. Very nice, courteous, overflowing with manners. When they got off their previous flight, I at first thought that they were a NBA team, as they had the professional warmups on, etc. I then realized that they were from Oak Hill.

    I had recently attended the Sweet Sixteen in Houston and had a t-shirt on from those games. (Awesome experience by the way!) Some of these young men noticed it and asked about the Sweet Sixteen. These young men are very knowledgeable about the game and who is who.

    By the way, they each had their school books with them. Huge support & coaching staff that was traveling with them.

    I wish Mason-Griffin the best of luck. Just to get approval to go to Oak Hill is a major accomplishment in itself!

  10. I heard the Calobe Isaacs was the coach at Livingston before being assistant at BS.

    From a web search, I see that he was also the leader of BS's FCA. Hope that he will do the same in Spurger.

    It will be interesting to see what he will bring to Spurger and if/how he will mix it up. He has a good group of players and if he plays his card right, Spurger could be a strong force in the district. Too bad BS is no longer in the district, as a game between these coaches would be intriguing.

    I hope that this will be a good learning experience for the player's (new system, new face, new attitude, etc), the coaching staff and for the parents/fans.

    Looking forward to see how it all turns out.

  11. I had heard about Barlett (Broaddus) going to Huntington. Sounds like a good move for him. He is a good coach and I think a lot of potential. I would not be surprised to see where he might eventually end up.

    I did not know about Stapert (Spurger) going to Kirbyville. This one might be interesting to watch. His success this past year was a direct result of the strong group of kids that came up through the Little Dribbler program they have. It would be interesting to see who follows Stapert, as there is a lot of potential the next couple of years.

    Where did the Kirbyville coach go?

    ;) ;) ;) ;)

  12. This a dog fight from the opening tip. Cayuga is a very physical team, clearly #3 is the go to guy. As Spurger turned up the heat he really started to unravel.

    What do championship teams all do? Make free throws. Do not know the stats, but Spurger made most if not all of theirs, while Cayuga missed atleast 1/3 of theirs. Big diff in this game.

    Spurger really stepped up on D and it showed big time"

    Tomorrow is going to be a good one as well.

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