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Posts posted by bigbasketballfan

  1. Burkeville has two main players in #23 (their big guy) and #20 who can shot the three impressively.

    I left the gym concerned how the score keepers did (or didn't do ) their job. Either they are incompetent or tried to sway the game to Burkevilles favor. The did not have control of the clock or the score. Beware to the other teams in this district, make sure someone one your bench keeps a good book so that you can challenge the score table. Make sure that they stop the clock when they should and that they post the correct score. I have not seen a worse score table.

    The ref's were not very good, but atleast they very bad at each end.

    The game was a lot closer than it should have been. Burkeville playes very hard and seemed to have a good game plan. The rematch on the 28th will be interesting to see.
  2. Using the whole court reminds me of UNC's Dean Smith's Four Corners offense. Reason for the current shot clock. Having watched UNC do this, as a fan, it was frustrating. We are accustomed to seeing scoring and then not to have it is like taking the pacifier from a baby. If a high school team felt that this was their best way to be competitive with a much more superior team, then go for it. Puts the pressure on the other team to come out of their comfort zone and play the whole half court.
  3. This one was painful to watch. Spurger won something like 77-9. It was 62+/- to 0 at halftime. Need to hand it to Chester. Those kids never gave up and didn't get frustrated. A very young team that was simply outmatched & outsized. It appears to be a long year for Chester. I do not think that the Spurger players enjoyed this one too much. The Spurger starters played the first quarter and then the bench played the rest.
  4. Being in the stands, yes this was an upset. When ever a #22 beats a #5 team, it is an upset.
    Spurger and WS were very competitive throughout the first half. If I recall it right, the spread never got above 3 or 4 points. From the beginning of the 3rd qtr, Spurger just did not stay in the game that played in the first half. Severalof us commented that Spurger offense was very high and could not get WS to get away from their post. Spurger would not take an outside shot and would attempt to pass into the post to where it would get stolen. WS played very well and consistent. The point spread drifted up to 10 and then Spurger went into "force it" mode where WS took advantange of the turnovers. Spurger played a very odd game for them. They just did not look "together" and did not gel at all.

    Hats off to WS, they played very well.
  5. Sideline fan, I see on the post about the Evadale/HI game that Evadale won by 49. Did they drop back tot he running clock or half court man idea once the game became obvious?

    If the rules change during a game, no matter how lopsided it has become, what is the message being taught then. I agree, the better team should put in the bench and try to make it a better situation, but change rules?

    If it was me, at the end of the game I would like to know that I gave it all that I had and the team had. It is what it is. I think it would suck to know that the rules were changed more than getting my crap beaten out of me.
  6. Nope. The Yahoo search only produced the notice for the basketball camp as mentioned in the previous post. I suppose someone could do the same search for the previous Brookeland coach as I did. I do not have a name, or else I would do it.

    Back to Brookelands expectations, I took the time to look at all of the banners in the old and new gyms during the games that I have been there. They have had much success over the years and being a smaller community, I am sure that the expectation is very high year in, year out. Reminds me of the success that Goodrich has had. Not sure what success the Brookelands football program has had, but it appeared to me that basketball was their thing.

    Hope that this helped.

  7. I became curious about this one and did a internet search for "Jerry Stapert basketball" and one of the results was for the Brookland Basketball Camp to be held next week.

    Looks like that is where he landed.

    Wish him luck, Brookland has a long history of success on the basketball court. This will be one to watch for sure.

  8. Keep in mind that the 2010 NCAA South Regional (Sweet Sixteen) tickets go on sale Monday for the general public. My son and I were able to purchase ours in a pre-sale offer that is taking place this week. We went last year and being at a Sweet Sixteen event is great, well worth the cost.

    Also set your calendars this time next year to apply for the 2011 Final Four tickets at Reliant Stadium. I frankly do not care where my seats will be, as long as I am in the house for a Final Four.

    Good luck!

  9. I too thought it was great game.

    Both teams played their hearts out, a real gut checker for sure.

    I thought that the ref's were the best I have seen in the last couple of years. No one should complain about them at all. As far as tha over the back call with 0.8 seconds left, I was shelded by the players as it was on the far side of the court.

    Strange that both teams put players on the lane at the end. Not sure that was right thing to do or not.

    DRILLKJH - great to see your post. Did you take some towels for the dust?

  10. Spurger played mostly man-to-man defense.

    For the most part, Spurger put a aggressive player on Copeland and it appeared that his only mission was to stay on Copeland's front bumper and in his grill. Only when Copeland drove did the others slide off to assist out.

    I was hoping to talk to this player after the game to ask him what flavor of gum Copeland was chewing. He was that much in his face.

    Both teams played well and it was great game. Had to wait to the end to see how it ended that's for sure.

  11. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

    Yesterday was a sad day for me as I had the privilege of watching both Jimmy V and Kay Yow coach their teams. I even had the opportunity to sit in Jimmy V's office and talk to him.

    These two were very special people that were the most unselfish I think I have ever met. Both Kay & Jimmy were very wonderful people and showed tremendous courage during their personal trials.

    We all should be grateful for just being able to witness such grace and love from these two and from the countless others we all know that are fighting the great fight.

    I consider it a true blessing to have watched these two in person. I try to watch Jimmy V's "Don't Give Up, Don't Ever Give Up" speech he gave just before he passed. Go to YouTube and watch it. You will be touched by it. Kay was of the same fabric as Jimmy. Even in all the pain and hurt she was in, she would always refer to others in the same fight.

    WHSALUM: I wonder who is the new head coach, Jimmy V or Kay?

  12. I agree with Courtside, the tourney should be better next year.

    One thing not stated in this string is that there is not a penalty for a team that signs up or commits to a tourney and then backs out. When this happens, the host school (and all others teams/schools apart of the tourney for that matter) really is put into a bind and must try to get a commitment from another team.

    I am not in favor for new rules (or laws), but in this case the UIL should do something.

    It was amazing that this tourney was pulled off with all the changes that the coach had to deal with. I know that the coach (and Spurger for that matter) would rather had a normal tourney structure. Again, the focus that is placed upon Spurger and the coach is misplaced and really should be on those teams/schools that committed than backed out.

    Thus, my question is, who were the teams that committed then backed out? Lets call them out on the floor instead of being critical of Spurger for only trying to pick up the pieces that these teams/schools caused. I think that the area should know that a particular team/coach may not be good to their word and to procede with caution as that team/coach may back out at their tourney.

    Is a round robin type of tourney that bad anyway? The idea here is to get quality playing time against teams not normally played. For all I have heard, all were pleased with the event.

  13. I agree, whsalum, not only about Blankenship, but for several others as well.

    Again, this is a young team, with a great new coach, new system, etc, with a ton of potential. They are finding themselves right now and either Blankenship or someone else will step up and be the leader. For what I have seen, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together with this being one of the last to be figured out.

    Time will tell, but I still think that they will be a force to be recked with.

    Over and out, ta ta, so on and so forth..........

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