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Everything posted by Majestyk

  1. West Orange-Stark  "I aint as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was".
  2. Pvt Ryan, It is good that the BC player has confidence in a victory Friday night, that is half the battle and the mindset all players should have. Good luck to both teams. Hope the weather cooperates.
  3. Thanks Venom, that's really what I was trying to say.
  4. Itch, you're in over your head here, let it go.
  5. Yes they are still playing like they have all season, hence the 42 - 14 prediction. BC has improved I'll agree and hope for a close game, I just don't believe it will be that close. And you need to just forget the Silsbee game, the best team won that night but the numbers are skewed because of the mud and rain, and with your logic you should go on and fill out all of the playoff brackets to the finals and throw in the scores.
  6. 33, you talk like a man with a wooden neck, and a heap yall other ones don't bring a whole lot to the table either, come to reality. West Orange-Stark 42 Bridge City 14.
  7. What is Bridge City's record against WO-S? This game should be closer than some in the past but I still believe the 'Stangs pull it out.
  8. I can picture these people now, in the living room, ironing board set up watching As the world turns. These are kids, give them the benefit of the doubt, you nosy pos's.
  9. Why is it I get the feeling some folks would really like to see this whole thing go left? Just hope it all works out and we'll move on.
  10. The streak is broken, congrats to Silsbee on a hard fought win.
  11. Sounds like they are doing it right. I know where there are some more hot air blowers if they need them.
  12. At least Jasper did take the time out from hanging the moon to play a game. Great.
  13. There are some scenarios out there (although unlikely) that would produce a Jasper/WO-S rematch in the playoffs. That is something Jasper does not want to happen, no matter what they say. Take care of Carthage, then come talk about top 10. If you take playing Gilmer close for one half and getting blown out in the other as a bragging point positive, the expectations are too low and you'll never get there.
  14. I think this is where somebody is supposed to say....LET THE BIG DOG EAT!!!
  15. Seems like some folks were having a good time while the 'Stangs were struggling a bit. Although one game doesn't mean a turnaround, I believe WO-S is on the verge of getting where they want to be. Why would playoffs be different? Teams change, get better or get worse. It's not unusual to see high school teams get beat in regular season and then win against the same team in the playoffs, it's the nature of the playoff system beast, just ask Jasper about the year 1986. Throw out all records this week, Silsbee will play WO-S tough and a Tiger victory would surprise me but in no way be a shocker.
  16. Sorry I quit, your 1600+ posts intimidate the heck out of me. All the man said was that WO-S had a good game and maybe are playing better football but you couldn't accept that. Still wish you'd take a hike.
  17. First off, bleed orange, take a hike, a long one, you will not be missed I promise you. WO-S wins this one. I don't think Silsbee will see the same team Jasper and KVille did. I'll go with the 'Stangs by 1 point or 20, to pick a spread in this rivalry is foolish.
  18. Need some scoop on this game, I don't believe Royal was a pushover. Have the 'Stangs finally woke up?
  19. He made the right call, LC-M is playing a big district game. I'm sure he will be at Silsbee next week.
  20. I believe parity has come to call on 20-4A this year, but by no means the best. Can't see anyone reaching the semis. Hope I'm wrong. But it will definately be entertaining.
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