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Posts posted by MhsTitans

  1. 5 minutes ago, Curelover32 said:

    That makes a lot of sense.  I appreciate your honest response.   Just never understood why it happened to Vidor specifically.   I'm just saying that if the majority of PA residents share the same views at Pak, then I understand.   I personally loved playing TJ and Lincoln when I was in high school.   Don't know,  maybe I'm asking the wrong question in the wrong forum.  If that is the case, I'm truly sorry.

    It had all to do with getting a physiclogical advantage which apparently work.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Curelover32 said:

    Sir.  I don't know you and probably will never meet you in this life.  If you check my posts, I didn't start posting until mid season.  What I'm saying is you allow posters like Pak to spit out garbage with no recourse.   I didn't even know about the PAM game controversy until Pak brought it up in the game thread.  

    But since then, I've spoke with three players in addition to an assistant coach I've known since I was 5.  What happened....It happened.   But my question I why?  Why Vidor?  Why our stinky hands?

    Btw, I moved to Houston 15 years ago last month.  Funny how you can give your opinion of an out of area prospective when you still live there.  You are right, but the actions of the PAM go to prove the divsions are right there 15 miles away from each other.

    Plus you talk about ESPN smearing you...try CNN coming to your hometown to tell the world about it's "Sundown" past.

    Block me, kick me off, I don't care.   Just be real and stop allowing one poster from getting away with whatever they want.  Nine years is a long time to hear about how much Vidor sucks from 75% of this board.  We never had a Dan Hooks or Earl Thomas.  It is what it is.  But there seems to be a lack of empathy among fellow football fans.

    It had nothing to do with race. If It did why would they shake hands with other schools of the same racial make up as Vidor such as Lumberton, png, Nederland and kingwood park?

  3. 8 minutes ago, Realville said:

    If you want to defend the stupidity of not shaking hands before s game no matter how many times you go right ahead. It’s called sportsmanship & respect. Don’t give that mental edge crap. As for as the offense Matthews runs , well when run efficiently with some decent defense it’s hard to stop. As y’all saw last year. The same offense is ran by Naval and Army Academy. I think there a little bigger than 3a and think there coaches are smart enough to know what works best for there team. I thinks that offense got us a share of the DIstrict Championship last year.


    Since you believe we are not going to be playing each other anymore than I guess that makes y’all 500 against us. Lol! Hey I am over the no hank shaking deal but it was brought up on this thread so I am going to comment on it weather you like it or not. Since you like to trash talk Matthews coaching decisions then what about y’alls baseball coach. Little ole Vidor beat yall 17 to 0 and 15 to 0 in baseball this year maybe y’all need to get another baseball coach. Maybe we’ll let y’all score a run this spring when we meet up. I know it was the umpires that cost y’all those games! Lol! Peace out , Football season is over. 

    Wow Buddy you are a joke bringing up baseball and memorial lol. But yea you right season is over with time to move on. Just a heads up to all vidors future oppents if you want to when just shake there hands 2 out of the 3 times. They will tuck tail and run. Since that's action caused so big of a competitive advantage maybe you guys should turn the big bad  disrespectful titans into the uil maybe they will  Vacate the win and Vidor will be 2-0 now.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Realville said:

    Like Will Rogers once said “Never miss a good chance to shut up!” May want to do some research on some of your ignorant statements. Just Sayin...

    Please point out my so called ignorant statement. The vidorian reported that Vidor warm up at png because Matthews didn't want to be blame if something was to happen doing memorial warms up. Might I add we have be doing the same warm up routine since 2009 when Kenny became head coach and has had 0 incidents. Is it not a fact that Matthews makes over a 100k? Is it not a fact that since he has been a head coach at Vidor high his record is at or below 500%? Is it not a fact that Vidor high is only 1 of the handful of teams to run that garbage offense at a 5a or higher level. Like I said earlier you and the other snow flakes just need to get over it. The 2 teams want be playing each other in the foreseeable future so you want have to worry about this anymore.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Curelover32 said:

    Vidorian written by Randall Luker where 12News Lance Edwards asked the coaches and they verified it never happened.   Guess it doesn't matter what hundreds of fans saw.  What I'm saying is, why Vidor?  

    Like I said in my first post, "For the kids that spent countless hours of sweat and tears to show maturity and sportsmanship, I hate that your season ended early".  Guess you can't read an entire post.  But for those that had other motives in their actions, I don't care.  That goes for Vidor, any local team or honestly any level team.  Putting your motives ahead of sportsmanship is selfish. 

    Final note...I donated to this site when they were in trouble, several times.  My post count isn't 30k but I've been on here a long time.  I cheer my alma mater and do have disagreements with other fans, like we all do because we are passionate at FOOTBALL.  But allowing and defending "political" actions on a tax payer funded high school field is not appropriate.  Plus the actions that were allowed by Pak fed an already volatile 

    42 minutes ago, Curelover32 said:

    Vidorian written by Randall Luker where 12News Lance Edwards asked the coaches and they verified it never happened.   Guess it doesn't matter what hundreds of fans saw.  What I'm saying is, why Vidor?  

    Like I said in my first post, "For the kids that spent countless hours of sweat and tears to show maturity and sportsmanship, I hate that your season ended early".  Guess you can't read an entire post.  But for those that had other motives in their actions, I don't care.  That goes for Vidor, any local team or honestly any level team.  Putting your motives ahead of sportsmanship is selfish. 

    Final note...I donated to this site when they were in trouble, several times.  My post count isn't 30k but I've been on here a long time.  I cheer my alma mater and do have disagreements with other fans, like we all do because we are passionate at FOOTBALL.  But allowing and defending "political" actions on a tax payer funded high school field is not appropriate.  Plus the actions that were allowed by Pak fed an already volatile situation.

    There is no point to this anymore so I'm going to be the bigger person and make it right. On behalf of P.A I apologize that we  Only shook hands 2 out of 3 times. I apologize on behalf of the team for scoring to many points in the first half. I apologize for Pam practicing 2 minute drill at the end of the 1st half. I apologize that Pam warm up routine had Matthews shook enough for him to warm up at png and show up 20 minutes til game time. I also apologize that visd is paying a guy 100k to be mediocre most of the time and run a out dated offensive that mainly 3a and under school run.

  6. 21 minutes ago, chorizo said:

    If it says co on mvp,that’s a crock..bottom line roschon is mvp all alone.to me mvp means exactly what the letters represent.png this year without roschon doesn’t win many games.pam wins about the same without jones.so to me roschon is most valuable to his team.just my opinion!!

    I'll have to agree with you on this 1. They would be the same caliber of team as Lumberton if they wasn't bless with his presence.

  7. 23 minutes ago, ROSCHONSBIGBRO said:

    What i said was harsh. Ill give ya that. Could've said it better.  I was referencing the 3 consecutive false snap penalties that occured once roschons helmet came off and he had to sit. 3 plays, 3 penalties.

    False snap penalties almost never happen in any level of football.  Hopefully he gets it together and plays the game o f his life this week. I've given credit to his team mates all year most notably Riggs, Hughes and Stansbury among others.

    However as far as how anyone feels, teens, parents, I don't care much at all. What I say and what Roschon does and says are separate. We're brothers, not the one individual. This is a forum too.

    I'm Roschons senior by 10 years and couldn't care less what some teens or their parents think. The day he doesn't have to get 50 touches a game and place all he has worked for in jeopardy, maybe my opinion will change in that regard.

    If that answers you.

    No need to apologize for the truth. 

  8. 10 hours ago, OneChance said:

    I haven’t seen anything about PAM girls, how are they doing this year? They had a Sophomore post/power forward that showed a lot of potential last year.

    That's my little sister Julia Sion. I'm not just being bias cuz that's my sister but that's all they have. The guard play didn't get any better from last year and  they average about 20 turnovers a game.

  9. 9 hours ago, OneChance said:

    I haven’t seen anything about PAM girls, how are they doing this year? They had a Sophomore post/power forward that showed a lot of potential last 

    9 hours ago, OneChance said:

    That's my little sister Julia Sion. I'm not just being bias cuz that's my sister but that's all they have. The guard play didn't get any better from last year and  they average about 20 turnovers a game.

  10. 2 hours ago, Jag Insider said:

    In no particular order, Ozen, Lumberton and PA-M, in my opinion will get the top 3 spots.  The Lady Jaguars will get the 4th seed but it won't be easy.  I have only seen them play one time this year but I will check them out next week against Summer Creek with about 9 games under their belts.  Hopefully after that evaluation I'll be coming back on here saying they should be able to compete for the #2 spot.

    Pam will not be a factor.  Will be lucky to win 3 district games. 

  11. 45 minutes ago, prepballfan said:

    That could be part of the game see they want you to think said person is not from there so play stupid and bring up some incredibly far off fact that’s not even close to true

    I don't think a Pam would play the long con and post about east chambers for weeks just to throw the scent off him them being a Pam fan. If so that's crazy and he needs something better to do with his life.

  12. 12 minutes ago, L-Train11 said:

    I agree! Which leads me to ask this question, why does it seem like the most talented teams in this area always seem to have poor coaching?

    I have to agree with you about coaching, at least on the offense side of the ball. It looks like he gets in his on way some time with the bone headed play calling. But I will say this he gets way more out of his players than the previous 2 head coaches did.

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