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Everything posted by 1880

  1. High Island is playing really good ball right now, and seeing some of the Vidor scores this could be an interesting game.  1A vs. 4A  any thoughts.
  2. Good write up about Mart on the Waco tribune paper.  From what article said, they really did hand it to a good Dawson team.  Good luck Rebs, H.I. is pulling for you.
  3. Looks like it was a good game, congrats Lady Cards.  But again forget about this win and get ready for the next one.  And congrats on the 2 - 0 start.
  4. Any thoughts,  I know H.I. won big on Tuesday against Legacy.  Now they have to make that long trip to Chester.  Anyone know anything about the Yellowjackets?
  5. Not a bad way to start the season. The Lady Cards didn't miss a beat. Congrats on a job well done. You have taken a lot of beatings in your days. Nice to see things are turning around for ya'll. Forget this win and focus on the next one.
  6. Congrats Cards on a great win last night.  Finished out the year undefeated at home and beat your rival.  Congrats to the Sharks talso on a hard fought game, you guys never backed down and gave the Cards all they could want and more.  And to the H.I. seniors, great job of leading this group of young men each and every week, you will be missed.
  7. Will be a good game, rival games always are.  H.I. is looking to finish out the year undefeated at home, plus add in it's will be senior night as well.  I think H.I. will win, not going to give a score because you never know what will happen during the course of a game
  8. High Island is in 25 A with Evadale, H.D., W.H., Spurger, S.P.  It's not 23 A.  And you've got my info for game results.
  9. [quote name="H.I.  447" post="696481" timestamp="1257307163"] [quote author=SteelerCzy link=topic=61358.msg696292#msg696292 date=1257300429] Deweyville scrimmaged High Island tonight in Deweyvile and won by about 10 pts, Coach Hammerly played all the girls in 4 min shifts and the team showed alot of positives; Defensive hustle, ball movement and control/tempo.  Rebounding and shooting was not bad considering its the first live action of the year.  The team will be alot better and more competitive this year, they have depth and the return of Skylar Webster as the PG helps tremendously. Looking forward to seeing the Lady Pirates play throughout the year. [/quote] They did play very well tonight. High Island played a great game tonight, too. :] the score was 38-29 I think. Great job Lady Cardinals! Great job too, Deweyville! :] This should be a great season. [:[:[: [/quote] Your right 447, you girls did look pretty good last night.  It's still early, but you girls have the potential to do some good this this year. Deweyville looked impressive last night also, congrats to them.  But like I said it is still early and everyone will improve as the season moves on.
  10. Great job last night guys.  I know you came out on the wrong end of things, but you fought all the way to the very end.  You guys have made great strides all year long.  But now its time to get ready for the Sharks and everyone knows how a rival game goes.  Go get em boys
  11. [quote name="ST413" post="685624" timestamp="1256450612"] Foot barely hanging on? How did this happen in a football game?  My prayers are with him. [/quote] He was going up for a pass (he was on offense) along with #20 from HI.  HI player came up with the int. They both hit the ground, HI player got up while Chester player was still on the ground.  Basically it was one of those freak accidents that happen sometimes (ones that you don't wish on anyone).  It happended when they both hit the ground, really couldn't tell how it actually happened though.  You know it's bad when the coach doesn't even stop at the player and just keeps going over to the emts to get them out there.
  12. Tough hard fought game between two fairly equal teams.  Yet the Cards came out on the better end of the deal.  Prayers go out to the familes of  #'s 88 and 20 from Chester.  It's tough losing two kids (especially seniors) off your football team.  Hope they both have speedy recoveries and are able to get back to sports this year.  And again congrat Cards, now get ready for next week.
  13. [quote name="ECBucFan" post="683298" timestamp="1256247027"] [quote author=1880 link=topic=61091.msg683249#msg683249 date=1256242551] [quote author=BUC4Life#1 link=topic=61091.msg683092#msg683092 date=1256232839] I think that both teams are trash and I would rather watch paint dry.  However, I think that High Island will win this one but I could really care less. HI wins 28-21 in a snoozefest. [/quote] Strange that no one from High Island evers says bad things about EC.  In fact I've seen HI kids go and support your BUCS [/quote] And I attended and supported H-I vs. BH sophs. Anyone familiar with my posts through the years know I fully support H-I [i]always[/i]! [/quote] And we appreciate that support.  Guess some people just have nothing better to do than be idiotic on here.  Any yes, you are right mutual respect for your guys and our guys.  Good luck tomorrow night.
  14. [quote name="texvb" post="683055" timestamp="1256230345"] why doesnt HI play Volleyball. You could practice all summer on the beach ;) [/quote] They would rather run cross country than stand around a bump a ball back and forth.
  15. Everybody started official practices today.  So how did they go?  Got to get in and see the High Island girls for a little bit and they looked good for the first day. 
  16. The Cardinals are always underestimated! And you are so right. Let all of them come out to play and not worry about High Island or think they are no competition. The Cardinals will continue to surprise people and maybe, just maybe, earn a little respect from these posters!!! GO CARDINALS!!! ;D Conside this poster someone with great respect for the HI Cards. I have stated many times that there is plenty of tough stock in the players from HI and I will add SP. I love my Rebels and of course I believe that they will win tomorrow night. But every team better come out ready to play against every team in 23A. Some have posted on SETX calling this the weakest 1A district in the state. I don't think so and here is my reasoning. District 23A has great kids. Girls and guys, so I take offense when people call our district weak. I am sure we will hear it next year about both the districts that emerge once we divide into D1 and D2. Well you know what I will stack our schools, teams, coaches and kids against any other 1A in the state. We not knot come out on top but they will know they have been in a fight. Let me write it for all to read. I think the kids in Burkeville, Colmesneil, Chester, High Island, Hull-Daisetta, Sabine Pass, West Hardin and Evadale are great athletes, students and most importantly young men and women that we all can be proud of. I wish the Cards well even though I don't wish them a victory against us. Comment was directed to someone who thinks that his team can do no wrong. Yet here they are looking up at the top once agian this year. And he still lives in the past instead of the present. Time to throw away your glory days and accept the fact that his team is now equal with everyone else. hey 1880, why dont you read this post by yellar again with your glasses on .. he is doing nothing but showing respect towards all the teams in the district, giving them compliments.. get your feelings off your shoulders and support his comment Comment was not directed at Rebel Yeller, but at someone (55) who feels that everybody in the world doesn't compare to his beloved bobcats.
  17. The Cardinals are always underestimated! And you are so right. Let all of them come out to play and not worry about High Island or think they are no competition. The Cardinals will continue to surprise people and maybe, just maybe, earn a little respect from these posters!!! GO CARDINALS!!! ;D Conside this poster someone with great respect for the HI Cards. I have stated many times that there is plenty of tough stock in the players from HI and I will add SP. I love my Rebels and of course I believe that they will win tomorrow night. But every team better come out ready to play against every team in 23A. Some have posted on SETX calling this the weakest 1A district in the state. I don't think so and here is my reasoning. District 23A has great kids. Girls and guys, so I take offense when people call our district weak. I am sure we will hear it next year about both the districts that emerge once we divide into D1 and D2. Well you know what I will stack our schools, teams, coaches and kids against any other 1A in the state. We not knot come out on top but they will know they have been in a fight. Let me write it for all to read. I think the kids in Burkeville, Colmesneil, Chester, High Island, Hull-Daisetta, Sabine Pass, West Hardin and Evadale are great athletes, students and most importantly young men and women that we all can be proud of. I wish the Cards well even though I don't wish them a victory against us. Comment was directed to someone who thinks that his team can do no wrong. Yet here they are looking up at the top once agian this year. And he still lives in the past instead of the present. Time to throw away your glory days and accept the fact that his team is now equal with everyone else.
  18. should be seperate, gives other schools a chance to be recognized.
  19. Man you must be a retard !!! H-D was and will be the only competition for Evadale. I think 14-7 is a tough game. Evadale will crush Colmesneil along with H-D. Time to play some real teams Colmesneil !!! So I guess that the Cards weren't real competition for your guys (12 pt difference), or for West Hardin (8 pt difference). And when you look at it, High Island beat themeselves in both games (turnovers). People are really underestimating High Island. That's fine, better for the Cards to be overlooked and not worried about, because they have surprised alot of people this year, and will surprise a few more.
  20. From what I was told, those were the only 3 flags thrown on West Hardin all night. Most of the calls went against High Island. Not making any excuses, but everything (calls) went WH way up until that point.
  21. This is going to be a very interesting game. Both teams will have alot on the line in regards to the playoff pictures. Winners chances for playoffs look good, were as the loser is going to have to get some help to make it in. I'll say HI in a close one, the Cards are playing some really good ball right now. Good luck to both teams.
  22. Great game played last night guys. Two teams went at each other with all they had, unfortunately someone had to lose (glad it wasn't you). You showed alot of heart in the second half and in the OT period and got the win. Now its time to get ready for your next opponent and keep up your success that your enjoying this year. But remember to take it one game at a time.
  23. So the unskilled players from High Island didn't do much to you then. Wait, they were in the whole game from start to finish with your beloved Bobcats last week. So maybe you don't really have the best skilled players in the district. Or I'm just living in a dream world and completely misinterpreted the game that I saw!
  24. Sounds like a mad Cardinal !!! Yall are the ones that ran gimick plays all game. Trick plays all night from HI. Guess you got to do what it takes to try and win a game. H-D's wildcat looks good. I think trick plays were equal between both teams. Both teams went right at each other, HD got a couple of lucky bounces (fumble recoveries) and took advantage of them. Congrats to them on the win and good luck against Evadale.
  25. Here is my take on the game from Friday. The major difference in the game was the two fumbles that HI had in the 2nd half. You take those two mistakes away and HI wins. I think the intimidation factor that HD has had in the past was completely gone. HI came out with a purpose and went right at the Bobcats. Hopefully HI has earned the respect of the Bobcats. Good luck to both teams in their matchups this coming week.
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