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Everything posted by HFHORNS

  1. Welcome to HF politics..........its running rampant throughout every sport here. Small town mentality, you scratch my back I'll scratch yours....
  2. Of course it takes an entire team. It always helps to have a few outstanding athletes to push you along. ;D
  3. Well...........in the 3A world, pretty much all of your basketball players are on the football field. We are all praying that none are injured!!!!
  4. After that showing last Friday night, I am going with EC. They looked very strong.
  5. Watch out Bucs....The Horns are gonna take this one.
  6. Hamshire Fannett, although I think it will be a much harder battle than last week was.
  7. What about the kids who actually have to get out and get jobs in the summer. Not all Seniors are sitting home watching TV. Just because they werent' at the school every day doesn't mean they werent working out. I know many kids who worked full time jobs during the summer and also hit the gym every evening and they deserve to be on those teams.
  8. I think parents should stay in the stands and leave the coaches alone to do their jobs. But as we all know, there is alot of small town politics that go on in southeast texas. We teach our kids that if you work hard and give 100% you will get what you deserve. HOwever, in these small schools that is not always the case. If Daddy kisses the coaches butt enough, their kid will get the playing time even if he's not the best one there. I guess that is just life. Its not how good you are its who you know.
  9. Carl Broussard formally with HF now with PNG...........Go Indians
  10. Yes we did have a DC and he is awesome. PNG is getting a great coAch, one of the best in the area. In that game, we also sent out QB off in a helicopter the first down of the gam. That is enough to shake anyone up.
  11. We may have even bigger problems in the future. Our coaches are exiting faster than they can be replaced. We have lost Coach Broussard who was an excellent Defensive coach. The kids are very disappointed. Hopefully the huge turn over of coaches will open the school boards eyes. There is obviously some internal issues going on there. Good Luck coach Mangan I hope you can turn it around for us.
  12. Its not the hitting that is the problem in Fannett its the fielding. Not too many golden glovers out there. Their infield changes every game.
  13. Contrary to popular belief, there is a lot of talent and dedication at HF. They just need someone the come in and be a great leader and pull it out of them. These boys will do fine. Losing Brousssard is a tough blow to these kids but I can promise you that they have the heart to give the other teams in the district a run for their money. They will be ready!
  14. I have to agree with you on this one!!!! You hit the nail right on the the head.
  15. Well.....that would show what kind of coach you have. If the players are equal....Playing the underclassmen would be benefitting the coach, playing the Senior would be benefitting the Senior. Which decision do they make?
  16. Well, I am going with the Horns on this one. HF by 4
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