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Everything posted by DAMan

  1. I see some of you will be at the Gold Southern. Where are other teams headed? I am going to Sulphur.
  2. Also Stircrazy came about as close as you can come to getting ejected from a game when he yelled at the ump YOUR MISSING A GOOD GAME and then the ump replied coach get in the dugout and do not come out again. :) stirycrazy. Always stirring. Worse than BC, OSUE, BAG. ;D
  3. Good call Blue! You and Hill need one of the new indicators. ;D
  4. Aside from the field conditions as stated by my esteem collegue WBG, I think things went well. IT WAS HOT AND HUMID. I called 12 games, 8 Sat. and 4 on Sunday. Not taking anything from any team, but the best game I was involved in was on Sunday during the 12U Chmpionship. Those gals have heart and desire. Orange Crush and GT Shockers. It was a shame one of them had to finish second. The game went into two ITB's [extra innings beyond scheduile time]. If the third ITB inning would have been necessary, I would have said let'em end in a tie and share the crown.[Not sure I could have gone another inning anway] It seemed as all, each and every player on both teams, still had the entergy and desire remaining in them that that had on Sat. when they started playing. Congratulations to both teams, coaching staffs and fans. Congratulations to Thompson's bunch for qualifying. They were forced to play with just nine. As a 14U playing up, they were facing some very touch teams. Congratulations to all local teams. Coaches [most] and fans were excellent. Good turn out and some good softball.
  5. I am not as smart at this as Birdman. He may need to help me out. Also as an umpire you may need to get those eyes checked. It was an attachment! Most be my compute, it came out blank on me.
  6. Here is a copy of the weekend pool schedule for the "NAFA Qualifier" in Beaumont. Nothing followed.....
  7. OBSTRUCTION: Plain and simple. Impeding the progress of a runner without the ball in defensive persons possession. Standing on a base, forcing a runner to turn wide, stop, alter their path, without the ball is OBS. Putting foot in the middle of the base on an attempted pickoff attempt is OBS. Defender has dictated to the runner that they must go to left or right. Offensive player is entitled to the entire base, not just the portion the defender wants them to have. Covering HP on passed ball, standing directly in front of the plate awaiting the ball is OBS. SS going to 2B to cover on attempted steal, without the ball collides with the runner causing her to change her course, is OBS. To block a base, the defender must have the ball in their possession, not merely awaiting for the throw. Protection: A runner can never be put out between the two bases the OBS occured, unless properly appealed for missing a base, leaving a base before a fly ball is touched, or the runner committed an act of inteference after the OBS or passes another runner. When the OBS first occurrs, the umpire that calls the OBS must determine what base the runner will be entitled to. Should the runner be put out beyond what the umpire had determined, then they would remain out. Example: Batter hits a shot to LC, both F7 and F8 having difficulties catching up to the ball. BR isOBS by F3 rounding 1B. OBS signalled, BR is thrown out at 3rd on a very close play. Umpire rules runner safe at 3B. In is judgement, that is the base she would have reached had there not been OBS.
  8. While you're at it, please explain the rules surrounding the concept of sportmanship. In a couple of weeks I'll be back to working youth ball and will expect participants and fans to adhere to them. After this spring, my tolerance level is about -2. Even if you tolerance level is -2, you would never show it on the field. You would still call what you see, and see what you call.
  9. It was a good tournament. A group of 11-12 years olds gave most teams more than they wanted. Those Young Crush gals of Collins group, did not know they were suppose to lose. In the end they did, however, they played like Champion during the whole tournament. They will be the next OCG team, and not to long in the future. Congratulations to Thompson's group and Cole's. I thought we were going ITB, until that young lady smached a two run homer. Both pitchers pitched extremely well. Great tournament.
  10. Well said, a player taking responsibly for how she and her team plays. Good job and good luck. Yes I do belive in my creed, Losers try and winners perform. D I T T O.
  11. Is this the actual quote: [move]Cause I love me some me [/move]
  12. You said it all....THEIR PARENTS CHOSE TO SCHEDULE A TRIP.....Sooooo, since Mom and Dad foot the bills, you go.
  13. I am going to reply. Nice post Robert and I know you are sincere. We have some of the best softball people I have ever seen. I been in the game over 50 years. I know things will work out and all the young ladies in this area will, if they want it, get an opportunity to try and achieve their softball goals. I just hope that in doing this, they also remember there is much more to life than softball. Having seen and talked with a lot of the parents, I know that they too realize this. We do have several individuals that really help with the softball program. I got involved with this group early on in LL ball. Robert Verde and Mike Dodson both contributed more than their share to the game. Naturally there were others. Robert and I had some interesting times back when LL was going on. When I first begin calling in the Beaumont area, I was not even wearing mask, skin guads and etc. Just calling and having fun. The game is still fun, and when it stops being fun, Then I Am Gone. Lets all go out support the players and the coaches. Without their efforts there would be no softball program.
  14. However, I don't think that you are really trying to get rid of him either.
  15. 2cents from an OLD HS Coach? Make it sound as though you are finished, and I would hope not. Secondly, you are far from old. All you have to do is look at RR and see what old is.
  16. Does make one wonder. 70 is really bringing that round yellow thing.
  17. Excellent choices.....Congrats to all the players.
  18. That is how I saw the play at 3rd. There was a double tag and I think most saw the last tag which was late.
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