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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. From the article: " "Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) passed a massive $1.2 trillion government funding plan despite the objections of the majority of House Republicans, violating the Hastert Rule and crossing the Rubicon into dangerous territory for the future of his speakership. House Republicans enacted the longstanding rule to prohibit Republican Speakers from colluding with Democrats to pass legislation. But Johnson sent the bill to the Senate despite the objections of 112 Republican colleagues, with only 101 Republican votes in favor, although Johnson and his leadership team applied significant pressure. Johnson also broke a House rule intended to give lawmakers time to review legislation before a vote. The 1,000-plus page spending bill was presented to members before 3:00 a.m. Eastern on Thursday morning, less than 36 hours before the vote." [Hidden Content]
  2. Here are some of the other things our side is mad about: $850k for a gay senior home $400k for a gay activist group to teach elementary kids about being trans $500k for a DEI zoo, an anti-racist nature appreciation program $400k for a group to gives clothes to teens to help them hide their gender $1.5 billion Green New Scam funding $300-500 million to Ukraine Secretary Assistance Initiative Continues funding Joe Biden’s border invasion 12,000 Afghan Special Immigrant Visas and authorization to support loans to the International Monetary Fund. Benefits for illegal aliens late term abortions funding at home and abroad, per UN funding DEI funding initiatives across the nation Funds FBI New Headquarters
  3. Let's start with the bold: What did the Republicans get out of it? One part of the funding bill is: "$125,000,000, of your tax dollars, will be made available for assistance for Egypt, of which $40,000,000 will be made available for higher education programs, including not less than $15,000,000 for scholarships for Egyptian students." This one really had me scratching my head. I've always said bipartisan with a democrat means you seeing it their way.
  4. This answers a lot!! [Hidden Content]
  5. Not disappointed. Just seeing it for what it is!
  6. If Tyson is indeed owned by China, do you think you can trust this explanation?
  7. Sorry to disappoint you but Fox News was reporting it also! But things are considered a hoax until it’s not. Like the Trump collusion hoax. Or like the hoax that you are retiring! LOL!!
  8. Actually I hope you are right, for the American worker's sake. But I did see this on different sources. And what I didn't know was that Tyson is owned by china. So, I wouldn't be surprised in the final analysis that this happens. Hope not though!
  9. They laid off, or are going to layoff, 1,200-1,400 American workers. They will in turn hire 42,000 "illegals" this year and another 42,000 "illegals" next year. They will be paid $16.50 per hour. Oh, and BTW -- Tyson is owned by china!!
  10. @Big girl @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood What say you?! Tony Bobulinski went on to say: I Was Involved And Saw Them (High Crimes And Misdemeanors) Happen. Can't get any closer that this to the Biden crime family!
  11. This is what happens when the commie-libs open up those cans of worms!
  12. From the article: "American taxpayers' money is ending up in the hands of the Taliban, according to a U.S. government watchdog, which found that bundles of cash flown into Afghanistan by the United Nations are finding their way to the country's central bank. The latest report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction found that the U.N. has delivered more than $2.9 billion in cash since the extremist group took over in 2021." Inspector general's report reveals how UN flies billions of dollars to Afghanistan It includes aid money sent by the State Department and USAID Some ends up at the country's central bank, which is controlled by the Taliban [Hidden Content]
  13. @CardinalBacker What say you?!
  14. From the article: "President Trump just notched a legal win that may shed some light on the bizarre decision made by the judge in the Big Fani dismissal case. In a moment that felt suggestive in a “wink and a nod” kind of way, Judge McAfee not only granted Trump a substantial triumph but also opened the door for rectifying his own unjust ruling by approving Trump’s appeal request in Georgia. It appears as if McAfee wanted to wash his hands clean and defer to a higher court, almost as if he was encouraging Trump’s team to seek an appeal and give Big Fani the bum rush right out the door." [Hidden Content]
  15. Why I think Klein talked about it was that an adult attacked a kid. He stated that there was not any media coverage or police involvement. So, apparently it's his opinion there should have been both.
  16. Had me kind of wondering about censoring a topic before any replies. Thanks for unlocking it! @AggiesAreWe
  17. The Constitution gives States the right to defend itself against an invasion if the Feds refuse to! The Supreme Court keeps getting it right! Oh, and BTW -- Sotomayor and Jackson dissented!
  18. Anyone know of any honest mechanics in Vidor that can recommended? Thanks!
  19. I've seen these signs. But to me, the Port ought to be on the top and work down not the bottom and work up. It looks silly the way it is!
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