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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. I have expected Monty to get some looks from some of the smaller schools in the area for several years now and it hasn't happened or maybe it has and he just doesn't want to leave Nederland for a smaller school.

    I doubt PNG is going to give the reigns over to someone without HC experience and a proven track record as a HC as well.

    Still not sold on MB not being the HC next year at PNG. The meeting is to create the position of Athletic Complex Coordinator and fill the position at the same time. This could be a way to subsidise an OC that is currently a HC at a smaller school. Could be to pay an OC more in line with what he may be making as a HC somewhere else??

    Very good post and point. To answer your question , Matts first HC job was at PNG and he was and is no more qualified than Monty. Although I don't think you have to worry about Monty going anywhere, he is and should be in line for Neumanns job when he decides to retire.

    This is not meant to be a rhetorical question because I don't know the answer but how much HC experience did MB have when he took over the reigns?

  2. I will be glad when it is over, and we get to see who applies. Some of these people need to look a little farther than a few miles up the road. I didn't know we had to hire from within the Golden Triangle. We can do better than what will be AVAILABLE locally. Lumberton is a growing town with a lot of good athletes. And it will compund thanks to Hurricane Ike, the Bridge City growth will slow down and Lumberton will increase.That is why Creuder should not and in my opinion will not go.

    The best man for PNG is not coaching locally. Time will tell.

  3. Long was only good because of his son, what has he done since he has left PNG   (NOTHING) !!!

    Amen, these people wanting Long need to stop and see who applies before you call for him. I think some might be surprised at some of the names that will apply for this attractive position. I would bet there are some pretty good coaches waiting now to see how this unfolds.

    Why is it so attractive, is it because of the high pay, is it because of all the athletes, or is it because of all the people that constantly bash the coach.  Nice stadium and good tradition.  Two positives and three negatives.   

    When Danny Malone got the job Bruce Bush made the final four list and I can't honestly remember the other two. But, anyone who knows H.S. football would agree about Malone and Bush being big names statewide. Athletes come in cycles ANYWHERE, its what you do when there isn't as much. Nederland is a prime example, Neumann has won with some lessor (talent wise) teams. He develops them and teaches them how to win. I agree about some of the fans there were some fools that were starting trouble with Malone because their kids did not get to play where they wanted.We also saw the same thing happen with Jack Daniels( PNG Softball).But, most coaches know that if they can win here they will get noticed in the playoffs here(thanks to the following not just from the PNG fans, but the whole area).Thats the difference, the whole area comes out and follows PNG. The PNG fans are no better than any other fans of a winning team.

    But if and when there is a change we will see who applies.

  4. Long was only good because of his son, what has he done since he has left PNG   (NOTHING) !!!

    Amen, these people wanting Long need to stop and see who applies before you call for him. I think some might be surprised at some of the names that will apply for this attractive position. I would bet there are some pretty good coaches waiting now to see how this unfolds.

  5. It is true that outsiders don't understand the frustrations that the PNG faithful have with Burnett.

    During the last 10 years I've seen a coach who has done an outstanding job in some areas such as conditioning his teams, and I know he wants the best for PNG.  However, I have seen a decline in fan interest and a decline in the teams focus over the last 10 years.   Our offense has been very predictable and oriented towards the run. The problem with this is that year after year I've seen us run on and win against the LCMs of the district, only to be stopped by the Nederlands and the better teams of the district, because they put 8 to 9 defenders within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage, stopping the run and daring us to pass. Our passing game has been pathetic at best, at no fault to the players.  We had the best passing quarterback in the district this year.  I can count on one hand the number of passes that go to a tightend or a running back for the entire season.  When they do throw to a tight end, it usually results in a big gain.  I've come to the conclusion that The coaching staff doesn't have the knowledge or experience to develop a wide open offense.  I've also come to  believe that we need to bring in a coach who has a good understanding of the passing game and has a history of developing quarterbacks so we can spread the field with more than 2 receivers creating problems for the defense.  Texas and Texas Tech have proven that you can open up the run with the pass. 

    I know decisions are difficult to make when it concerns good people.  However, I feel a change is needed at PNG. 

    That still does not answer the question. What did PNG do in the time frame after Dustin Long graduated and his Dad left for Kelly?

    2007 8-4   Matt Burnett District Champions

    2006 5-5   Matt Burnett   

    2005 5-3   Matt Burnett   

    2004 8-4   Matt Burnett District Champions

    2003 9-3*   Matt Burnett District Champions, *includes 38-18 win over Jasper that was later forfeited

    2002 5-5-0   Matt Burnett   

    2001 3-6-0   Matt Burnett   

    2000 5-5-0   Matt Burnett

    Not including this years record.

    Does that answer the question?  Less than impressive, Post the job and see who applies.

  6. Most Hd Coaches can be let go that have masters but I dont think MB has his.... However they still have their teaching assignment...I would expect a reassignment if he takes it....

    If it does open up, I truly hope it will be a true "open" position because I would love to see the applicants for this job.....Is anyone at the school board meeting or better yet "outside" the closed doors to give us an update...????

    X2 .Take the applications then take the most qualified. I will bet money the most qualified will NOT be Mike Long. If the school board gets the oppurtunity to do the right thing , I hope they do.

  7. got it from a reliable source in the law enforcement catagory that theres soon to be something filed on both teams players


    Filing charges by a local police department is one thing. Getting charges accept by the DA for a fight and prosecuting is another thing entirely.

    I will believe charges will be filed and accepted when I see it.

    I don't think anything will happen. Nothing happened to Nederland or Lincoln when they didn't finish the game several years back for a big fight also. The melee at that game was similar.

  8. long will be tuff to get he has a good thing going at kelly

    Actually Kelly is not as good a thing as one might think. They don't pay much at all and he is hampered by the lack of assistant coaches he can hire since they are paid poorly compared to the poorly paid public schools!

    I think Long will take the first decent public school HC job that comes along, but he ain't goin' back to be anyones OC.

    I think Long would be a mistake. PNG is an attractive job that will bring much bigger names so why settle. Back when Malone got the job there was some heavy hitters that applied and I believe PNG has more to offer now(facility etc...), well that is if they will get right on the money.Don't take me wrong I am not saying anything bad about Mike, I just think we can get a whole lot better.

  9. It not just 1 bad year its the not making it far into the playoffs and several bad years,I second Long for HC and his son as QB coach, we do have alot of talent coming up and we need to make sure its not wasted like it was this year.

    Please bring in Long, what the heck has he done, nothing, now if his son can play qb again then i say bring him in. 

    AMEN he has done nothing at Kelley.

  10. I believe it was his last, we will see my Indians. Mike Long For HC.

    We can do better, Long would be good but why would you not see what kind of applicants you would have before calling for Long. IF a PNG HC job was to become available I think you would get much better choices than Long apply. PNG HC position would be a very attractive position (IMO) so why settle. There was some top names apply when Malone got the job and now we have a nice top notch facility.I don't believe Long could bring the program to where it was with Malone or where Nederlands is with Neumann. Just my .02

  11. It started over who they thought was the worst coach, the OC or the DC. After the fight the older guy that took the shots went down with the police and agreed that both of them were wrong, that it was actually the head coach and they shook hands and the police let them back into the game. There use to be a rule that if you were in a fight at a game than you were kicked out for the season. Alot of people in the stands were chanting FIRE BURNETT,FIRE BURNETT!!! There were a lot of things going on that was not typical for PNG. There was almost another fight because a man hollered for the player's to sit down after a Lum. player was hurt and the other guy took offense. Blood has started to boil and people have had enough as it is being brought up constantly on the school website.

    Ya'll have problems its kids playing football for crying out loud. Two grown men on the same side! just plain stupied!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree, flat out embarrassing. Come on folks, get real.

  12. Sad thought here....

    It has been a long long time since both Nederland and PN-G have missed the playoffs.

    Could become reality this year...

    On the flip side, heres a happy thought for you, Vidor and Lumberton both making the playoffs.  Thats something thats never happened in one season ;D ;D ;D

    Congrats on a successful season regardless of how the rest comes out and good luck the rest of the way.

  13. The raiders played a great game!! im a little dissapointed in PNG though  :-[. when Beard was hurt their was a couple of PNG players who refused to take a knee. thats very disrespectful.I applaud the players who actually took a knee but the coaches need to teach their boys manners. PNG was a very tough team to beat! (with the refs on their side  >:( ) Good game PNG!

    Lets hope PNG takes this loss with good sportsmanship and say we played a great game!

    Raiders are on the track to playoffs baby!


    I agree, its about as classless as one of Lumbertons coaches running over and swinging a towel in front of the PNG boys on the sidelines following the game. Someone needs to teach your coaches manners.

    Peace dude!

  14. I see Livingston as the best team that PNG has played. I know that early in the year they were turning the ball over alot and since they have got that problem fixed they have looked pretty good. They have a lot speed and are very big. So at this point I would say they are the #1 team in this district (no disrepect to Central but have not seen them play). The #2 team is Nederland who should win their next 2 games and finish in 2nd place. The 3rd best is a tie between Vidor and Lumberton (who I think is a mirror image of each, good defense and good running game with no passing game at all, which will eventually hurt both teams). As for as Central goes I do not know anything about them except their record and what I have been told. They should finish in the top 4 even if they lose next week because then they will finish against PNG, which should be a win because PNG does not stop the run. That is how I see it. Vidor may have the toughest remaining schedule and will finish 5th.

    My predictions

    1. Livingston (6-1) 2. Central (5-2) 2. Nederland (5-2) 2. Lumberton (5-2)  Tiebreakers will be involved

    It could end up with a 4-way tie at 5-2 but I don't see it that way. With this being said PNG had a chance to beat 3 of the 4 teams and that will not bold well for our area in the playoffs. I hope I am wrong because I love playoff football and will be going to watch whoever is the last standing. Good luck to all!!

    I was not impressed at all with Livingston when they played PNG(PNG is a bad team ). Judging what I saw off all teams playing against PNG, Nederland looked best. Thats why I was surprised at Livingston even in a close game much less a victory against Ned. I sure thought Nederland was better than this,wow.

    I expected more out of Lumberton also. I thought they were good in every aspect except passing.In my mind the district champion should beat A VERY WEAK PNG TEAM a little easier than Lumberton did.

    Looks like the district title is still a wide open shootout.

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