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Posts posted by Hook'em

  1. Little Johnny came home from school one day and as the family was eating dinner, he let his dad know that he had a homework assignment and needed to write a short paper expaining the difference between theory and reality. His dad told him no problem, just let me do some thinking and after dinner they would get it taken care of.

    After dinner, little Johnny finally sits down with his dad to work on his assignment and as they are waiting to get started, his dad tells him to go ask his mom if she would sleep with George Clooney for a million dollars. Little Johnny was hesitant at first, thinking he would get in trouble, but finally went and asked her and she expained to him that it would be very wrong of her to do, but for a million dollars she would do it.

    He comes back and tells his dad and his dad tells him to go ask his sister if she would sleep with Channing Tatum for a million dollars. To no surprise, she quickly agrees and says she would.

    Little Johnny goes back to his dad and tells him he really needs to get his paper finished up and doesn't understand what the questions to his mom and sister have to do with theory and reality. His dad responds, "Well son, it's simple. In theory, we are sitting on 2 million bucks, but in reality, we are living with a couple of whores."

  2. 53 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

    The charges were dropped and they both agreed in court that no violent acts were committed.  You’ve convicted him in the court of public opinion just like most of the media.  

    I think they are both crazy and let a nasty divorce go public.  No telling what really happened, but He’s not helping his cause by this stunt today.  He is mad at Herman and McMurphy though.  Not much mention of Urban in his past tweets

    That is true. From all accounts, his wife and him are both nuttier than a squirrel turd. I feel sorry for his kids. Whether TH did or didn't do the things DS is accusing him of, they way in which DS has shared the information makes him look pretty bad as well. I like TH and think he can do great things at UT, but if I am being honest, there is probably some truth to some of the accusations thrown his way. What a story for the media to run with though, can't wait to hear different spins on it.

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