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Posts posted by Hook'em

  1. Thanks to it falling perfectly this year, we planned my daughters birthday party for Saturday. It's tough planning an October birthday party most years but this year it worked out. Can't wait til it falls on UT/ou week so we can have it in Dallas. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, ECBucFan said:

    I want to clarify something. I am NOT anti-DW. What bothers me is the way the Texan fan base ripped others to shreds before, and would have never accepted a 1-3 start without rioting and wanting to burn BO or TS alive at the stake in the NRG parking lot, even if BO or TS had the exact same stats and outcomes.

    I guess DW is a "new toy" and is flashy and entertaing, where BO and TS were more workman like. One thing DW definitly has in his favor is his reciever corps are light years ahead of anything BO or TS had to work with . AJ was all the others had, and if you double covered AJ, no help was left. I felt bad for BO, TS, Schaub and definitly David Carr. Oh well, I guess they were all paid well when they were here, and life goes on for all.    

    Best wishes to DW in the years ahead. 




    It comes down to DW's history and being a high draft pick vs. TS or BO personally. DW is a likable guy with a history of having a clutch/it factor and playing well in big games. He started pretty well last year before he got hurt and has had flashes this year, but has showed his youth and looked pretty bad at times too. With them trading picks to trade up and get him and with a below average offensive line, I think the fanbase knows he is the guy for atleast his rookie contract and gives him a longer leash than any other qb the franchise has ever had.

  3. 5 hours ago, Tigers2010 said:

    Ya'll funny lol. I'm guessing winner of the Cowboys/Texans game gonna go to the Super Bowl lol . The homer analysis on this site is getting out of hand. 

    Oakland has 0 chance of beating Boston in a 7 game series. This ain't the regular season, and Mike Fiers as your #1 ain't getting past Boston. That may be the dumbest take I have ever read on this site. 

    Yankess, a little different. That lineup can potentially upset Boston if they just go off in a ridiculous way. But, they would be nowhere close to favored in that series.

    Houston better find their 2017 selves or Cleveland will be moving on. Both have very good starting pitching, Cleveland has a better offense but the worst bullpen in the league. Depends on which team finds it first. 

    Oakland beating Boston...in 7 Games.....WOW.

    ALDS is only 5 games, Boston is not playing very good baseball going into the playoffs. Call it dumb or whatever you like, but teams that go into October hot have success. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, D3zii said:

    I’m actually scared, this has trap game written all over it..,Texas coming off two big wins against a struggling KState team, in a place Texas has trouble, I hope we’re mature enough to take care of business 

    I agree. Manhattan, KS has not been kind to the horns dating back to the Colt McCoy days.

  5. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Somebody help. I didn't watch the game.  Was it the same as last week?  Bad play calling, along with terrible qb play.

    22/32 for 310 yds., 2 td's and a pick isn't terrible, but he held the ball too long at times and made a few bad reads. With that being said, the offensive line is pitiful so I don't expect to see a comfortable Watson anytime soon, he will be running for his life week in and week out.

  6. I think he does, but I don't think he should. I get tired of hearing the same ole crap in the postgame presser after every loss without any changes made. There is too much talent on that team to start 0-2. I did get a good laugh when someone on twitter posted, "Don't @ any Texans o-lineman with criticism, lord knows they won't be able to block you." LOL

  7. 10 minutes ago, horndawg said:

    Let me take one from some of your cohort’s go-to book....uSC sucks this year so this win really tells us nothing. Did I do that right?

    on a more serious note, they look like a completely different team than I saw against Maryland. Would have to assume the same for last week but I didn’t watch that one.

    Much different team than last week. May have been a win, but it was not pretty by any means. The offense was about as inconsistent as possible. Tonight the o-line is playing hard and moving people around, and Ehlinger is getting the ball out to the surplus of talent he has at wr. Never really worried about the defense because I figured talent would eventually prevail and they would hit their stride, but there is some youth and with youth comes mistakes from time to time. With all that being said, the loss to maryland is still unacceptable in my opinion.

  8. It is frustrated watching the inconsistencies of Ehlinger and the offensive line, but I love Ehlinger's competitive drive. The defense will continue to get better, I love watching Gary Johnson. Sterns and Foster are absolute monsters as true freshman.

  9. 5 hours ago, ECBucFan said:

    17-34, 176 yards, 1 TD 1 INT. 1 FUM. Wasted alot of the final 30 seconds dancing and scrambling around. 

    Had Brock Osweiler or Tom Savage had the exact same numbers with the exact same result, people would be calling him GARBAGE...HE SUCKS... NEVER GONNA WIN LIKE THIS... GET RID OF THE BUM, etc. 

    Just curious, where is all the outrage??

    I agree 100%. He never looked comfortable and was pretty bad today. Hate to say it, but the team I saw today looked like a 4-12 team. Defense looked to get better as the game wore on atleast.

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