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Posts posted by twilyms

  1. Even though those guys got annoying and I disagreed with them 99% of the time and their opinion that anyone who wasn't affiliated with Nederland either didn't know softball or was padding stats was very aggravating, they still had the right to state their opinion. Too much thin skin on here. I don't think anything they ever did caused much harm or injured anyone. When they get over their little hissy fit and come back, it will be fun to disagree with them again.

  2. 1. In 1968, Red Schoendienst took me to the St.Louis Cardinal dressing room and made the entire team sign my program. He was watching Don Wilson warm up before the game and thought the usher was rude to me. I was eight years old. They lost to the Tigers in the World Series.

    2. 2 years ago got to go see the Big Green Monster in person. My son's favorite team came back from a 5-0 deficit to win the game. His favorite player, David Ortiz, hit a grand slam to take the lead and we were able to get his autograph.

    3. My wife and I stood outside the Astrodome for 2 hours to get Craig Biggio's autograph, her favorite player. He blew us off. He didn't give autographs to anyone. The next year we waited again, got his autograph, and he was as nice as can be.

    4. I get more enjoyment out of watching my kids play, son/baseball and daughter/softball, than I did playing my whole life from Little League to the day I graduated high school.

    5. My 12 year old son has hit 17 home runs in the last 12 months including little league and select. (Make that 18 - got another one today) (19 - showing off for his mom and girlfriend on Valentines Day)

  3. As long as his punishment is in line with what is spelled out in the Ozen Athletics Code of Conduct, or what ever they call it, there is really no beef. The beef would be if he received special consideration because he is an elite athlete. If the rules of Ozen state that there will be a two game suspension for any legal indescretions, everything is cool. If it says an athlete will be suspended for any indescretions, then there is a problem, and it is not with the athlete. Whatever happens, I hope he gets his act straight, reaches all his goals and is able to reap all the benefits of his athletic ability.

  4. SE Texans... ::)...You people here are so evil sometimes its sickening, and some of your ignorance is just mind blowing. Why won't you people just LET IT GO? Move on with your lives and stop wishing that this HIGH SCHOOL KID fail, because he did something really stupid...ALL of us have done stupid things as teens, although they may not have been to this magnitude, however, they were still stupid acts.  Willie will have to deal with this on SO many levels over the next YEAR, and you bamas are worried about him playing in the playoffs! Did you have to sit out YOUR SR. Night, for doing a stupid thing? (Most of you probably never set foot on any type of playing field so that may be a bad question) Well, if you have not, then you have no idea how that punishment will affect this kid...You think its small, but to him its a very big deal..The public scrutiny, the embarrassment, the humiliation, and the mere fear of having to deal with the court system over the next months will be punishment enough, but you country bamas don't see that part...You're worried about a stinking playoff game that if the truth be told, they would probably STOMP your pitiful teams out without him ANYWAY..Thats what SOME of you are worried about anyway, if you are honest with yourselves.  YES he did it to himself, and WILLIE knows he screwed up. Marquis Savaet FOUND OUT TUESDAY EVENING, AFTER the game, and you folks should back off of him as well, because if you knew him like I do, you know that he is for what is right by those kids.......Makes me wanna puke!......

    You may be one of the most racist people I have ever encountered in print. I find your view and many previous posts both antiquated and offensive with the continuous racial overtones.

  5. Every school has policies and codes of conducts their student athletes must follow 24/7. Also, in every school the top athletes get away with breaking these rules. Had Willie been first chair tuba player preparing for solo and ensemble of preparing for UIL one act play, he would have been whisked off and not been allowed to participate in any activities.

    Had this been an athlete from Central that was caught, all the Ozen backers would be calling for his head and the Central backers would be in their places defending him.

    Gifted athletes have always been able to break the rules. 30 years ago when I was in high school the top performers could do anything then. As sad as it is, it has always been that way and it probably always will.

  6. Money doesn't buy a spot on a select team. There are tryouts. The best make it. Those that aren't good enough get sent packing. Once you make the team, there are monthly dues required that help finance uniforms, equipment, tournaments, etc. All kids pay the same, so no kid "buys" his spot.

    Select coaches are not gurus. Someone said high school coaches don't want to give up their nights and weekends to go see these players. Let me let you in on a little secret. Select coaches also have regular jobs. They give up their nights for practices. They give up their weekends for tournaments. Parents give up their nights and weekends for it. I guess some are willing to make more sacrifice than others.

  7. So what are a coaches responsibility's?...To put the communities best foot forward which may or may not mean best talent! The best talent in the district might be a moron, can't make passing grades or stays in trouble. A high school coach must juggle several different situations that don't exist in select. He has to deal with the hand he is dealt and sometimes kids get lost in the shuffle. A coach needs to have a zero gossip factor to build a strong unified team. This is where the parents and crowned often bring down good teams with to much gossip and back stabbing and rumors flying around which is all detrimental to the idea of TEAM. If a coach tells the team not to gossip and tell your dad while you're at it then we can all focus on the game. Just think one psycho dad can ruin a whole season.

    I believe once you get to high school, the responsibility of the coach is to put the team in the best situation to win. Playing time is earned during practice time. When other influences other than ability determine who plays and who sits, that when credibility and respect are diminished. I can understand not playing the moron trouble making  star, but when a better athlete is sitting because a kid's parent moved the coach to town or baby sits their kid's on the weekend, how do you respect that person?

  8. I don't believe it is so much the select ball coaches as it is the athletes being able to play year round. The "select" player who plays year round has the definite advantage over the kid who has to get his glove out of the closet when practice starts up.

    The idea of a coach being respected just because they have the title "coach" in front of his name is insane. Maybe the position commands respect but it is the actions and results of the person in that postion that ultimately earns their individual respect.

  9. One thing I should have added is that the coach should be given a chance. All too often, judgement is rendered way too swiftly and way too harshly. I still believe a title doesn't earn you respect, actions and results do. However, there should be a timetable of allowance to give that coach an opportunity to earn the respect he deserves.

    The person doesn't get respect.... the title does..... 

    example:  I cannot stand Obama!  I hate his policies, I think they are misguided, and I think things are about to get worse....  I don't like him at all, but I respect him as a politician because I respect the office of the president, and respect our country.  He won the election, so I have to go along with what he sets...

    Dislike and respect are two different things.

    Main Entry:

        1re·spect Listen to the pronunciation of 1respect






        Middle English, from Latin respectus, literally, act of looking back, from respicere to look back, regard, from re- + specere to look more at spy


        14th century

    1: a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation <remarks having respect to an earlier plan>2: an act of giving particular attention : consideration3 a: high or special regard : esteem b: the quality or state of being esteemed cplural : expressions of respect or deference <paid our respects>4: particular , detail <a good plan in some respects>

    in respect of

    chiefly British : with respect to : concerning

    in respect to

    : with respect to : concerning

    with respect to

    : with reference to : in relation to

    Please note - some side effects for Prozac may not be reported. Always consult your doctor or healthcare specialist for medical advice. You may also report side effects to the FDA at
    This is the hidden content, please
    or 1-800-FDA-1088 (1-800-332-1088).

    Now that's funny.

  10. Respect is earned, not deserved. The best advice I ever got was when I got promoted at my job, I was told, " No one will respect you just because you have a title. Prove to them you can do the job and the respect will come." That is the problem. A lot of coaches or so incompetent, it is hard to respect them.

    One example, a girl on our highschool team missed the first few weeks of the season with an ACL injury. This girl is a freshman. We have a new coach and he has never seen her play. When she was realeased she went straight to the varsity. How did this happen? Input from parents and outside forces have a lot to do with who made the varsity. How do you show respect for this guy when the talk in the stands is that his program is being run by a couple of the parents? That's why this program struggles to get to the level of the Centrals, the Kountzes, the Orangefields and the HJ's. This is why girls are quitting and people are frustrated.

    If an incompetent police officer was investigating the break in at your home, would you just sit back and remain quiet because a policeman should be respected? I don't think so. I totally disagree that you just respect the coach because he has a title. I think he needs to earn it like everyone else.

  11. I don't remember the rules but don't you have to let all the all-stars play at least a quarter, minus the alternatives?

    Yes. Every player, excluding alternates, must qualify. They each have to play one full quarter.

    Rules such as this forces a coach to really coach or their weakneses in strategy will really show.

    Good luck with that.....Your coach was 0-2 right out of the gate in last years regional in Lubbock.  Hopefully he will accept some help this year.  I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm just a witness to it all, but, from what I hear, there is quite a bit of talent and if all the players are used properly good things could happen.  Its a must that they are coached well.

    You could be right. That may be our biggest hurdle.

  12. Okay, here is my take on the HF basketball improvement campaign. The high school coaches must begin to take an interest in helping developing the young talent out there. Have open summer gym play and inviting the younger kids the opportunity to play ball and develop their skills. Little Dribblers is not teaching the kids the fundamentals of basketball (sorry coaches). The coaches are doing a good job of preparing the kids for play, and thats it. The kids just don't have enough fundamentals for the game.

    There isn't enough love and respect for the game. Basketball is a skilled sport that takes time to learn. You can't play basketball for 3 months and stop, then pick up the game again next season. Unlike baseball ( ::), the mind and the body has to be synchronized at a seconds notice. Stop treating the sport as a one night stand. Make love to it! Caress it by practicing on your dribbling and shooting. Give it a hot warm bath by studying the great players of our time. Massage it and feel the soothing sensations of the game. Don't be afraid of greatness. It won't hurt you.

    Wow, Dove should write romance novels. He could make the ladies all gooey inside.

  13. I do agree with you guys. The best players should be the all stars. Name one year that has ever happened. Let me save you some time. NEVER. The huddles Dove was talking about was specifically for this reason. Everyone was wondering which deserving kids would be left off for a coach's kid. Everyone acts like this is some big surprise. I'm just saying I'm not surprised at all. Evryone knew this would happen. The only way to make it fair would be to leave coaches out of the selection process. Do I think the best kids made the team? No. Did I know they were selecting for spots to fill after coaches' kids? Yes. Is it fair? NO. Is it any different from every other year? No. Am I surprised? No, and you shouldn't be either.

  14. Dove, I believe it is going to be a group effort. I wasn't there, but rumor is the second place coaches will be assisting with the coaching.

    Macattack, deserving or not, everyone knows the coaches' kids always make it. I really don't have a problem with it. They put the time in all year and they are going to give up a lot of time coaching the all star team. If they want their kid there I can live with that. I agree that there are probably a couple of deserving kids that got left out. Every allstar team is the same. The first seven or eight players are your best, then you get everyone else qualified and try to win the game. Playing your kid all the time while better kids sit on the bench, that's where the problem comes in. Let's give them a chance and assume they will do what's best for the team they have. If our top seven or eight are used correctly, this team can still win

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