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Posts posted by Socrates

  1. Was able to make games 2 and 3 of this series. Much respect for both quality programs. Both staffs pitched extremely well, especially the number 2,3, and 4 guys. You pretty much expect Smith and Shug to dominate, but all of the other arms were outstanding, as well. Huffman found ways to capitalize on a few key opportunities and BC didn't. Best of luck to the Falcons as they continue on and best of luck to the Cards in their baseball futures. Thanks for an entertaining series.

    Also, gotta mention the Uzzle kid. Even in defeat, he plays the game the right way and is a class act.

  2. Should be a fun series, as should Huffman/BC.

    All four of these teams are very well coached, playing their best ball of the season and finding ways to win.

    At this point in the game, you are doing your team a disservice if you think any of the teams left don't deserve to be there or got lucky or whatever other term you want to put on it.

    This is the absolute best time of the season and I can promise you that all four teams will leave it all on the field.

    Can't wait to see who is left standing after Saturday.


  3. The kid mentioned from Tarkington (Evans) is simply a gamer. He probably can't break 85, but he had three good pitches working that night and was just not going to be beaten. A much better catcher than pitcher.

    Saw Kolek pitch again last night, 12 k in five innings. His control is much better than ever before and he is starting to mix in a pretty good slider and the occasional change. The sky is the limit for this kid. He is on another planet right now.

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