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Posts posted by teeboan

  1. [quote name="spoonbill" post="1022619" timestamp="1309984494"]
    [quote author=boymom link=topic=84994.msg1022594#msg1022594 date=1309980085]
    Our kids do know the game and they also have good sportsmanship -  you all act like ur kid has never showed frustration, he didnt disrespect his father, mother or UMPIRE! nothing was said by the player to the umpire about the bad calls - all he did when he got into the dugout is put his helmet down onto the bench maybe he did it hard but whatever [b]thats the dugout, [/b] he didnt do it on the field and he didnt do it in front of the fans - if you didnt see what happened your input is worth nothing!!!!Has anyone every thought if that happend to their kid how they would feel about it, you all are so quick to judge other peoples children get a life!!!
    [/quote]fyi...the dugout is a part of the field...oh and using caps or an exclamation point is RUDE!!! ;D

    The intent of the rule against striking helmets against the floor/dugout/wall etc is for safety reasons. Players have been injured from flying plastic, wood and concrete. Now as far as the intent of not letting a grown man out w/out permission, you got me, can somebody explain that one? Have a better day today!..TS
  2. WOW, it's hard to believe that all of this is over a baseball game played by 10 year old children. I have umpired pretty much all of the summer leagues and High School baseball for 32 years and in that span I have ejected 6 people. Two LL coaches, two select coaches, one select player and one HS player. Five for arguing balls and strikes and one coach for acting like he had a bottle rocket in his pants after a close call at first. IN THIRTY TWO YEARS and I can't remember any of my partners tossing more than a small handfull. My point is, it should be rare when it happens. Y'all act like it's an everyday thing. I suggest if your child gets ejected you correct it. I can only imagine how my father would have corrected me. If you are a parent/coach and have been tossed, I suggest you think about how you want your character to be percieved. If you have been tossed more than once, you need to have a long talk with the man in the mirror. Have a better day today!... Tim Summers
  3. [quote name="TURN2" post="1017664" timestamp="1307728862"]

    we divided them up by positions so there would be equal amounts of pitchers catchers infields and outfielders on each team some teams may have a bunch from one or two schools and some schools may have kids on different teams
  4. [quote name="athlete" post="1017593" timestamp="1307715650"]
    What time dor the players need to be there and what time do the games start?
    The games are Monday and Tuesday at Lamar. The early games start at 5:30 CST with the late game shortly after the end of the 1st game ( 7:30 - 8:00ish). Players need to report an hour before their game time. Monday is 1,2,3A underclass Red vs 1,2,3A underclass Blue followed by 4,5A underclass Red vs 4,5A underclass Blue. Tuesday will pit 1,2,3A seniors Red vs 1,2,3A seniors Blue followed by 4,5A seniors Red vs 4,5A seniors Blue. With maybe a few exceptions. I can tell you we moved Kyle Markum from the 1,2,3A game to the 4,5A game because we needed another catcher. There will be rosters at the games. The teams change almost dailey. I had 2 call me today just returning my calls from last week wanting to play and another called having to scratch out due to back problems. I can tell you as of now I have 22 players on the 4,5A underclass Red team and 12 on the 4,5A senior Red team. The games with 20 plus per team will play 9 innings so all get a chance to participate.
  5. [quote name="TURN2" post="1017037" timestamp="1307476982"]
    [quote author=TURN2 link=topic=84653.msg1015784#msg1015784 date=1306960645]
    We are meeting tonight to (hopefully) finalize the 8 teams. June 13th we will have 2 games - 1, 2 and 3A underclassmen will play 1st then the 4 and 5A underclassmen. Then Tuesday June 14th's 2 games will be 1, 2 and 3A graduated seniors first then 4 and 5A graduated seniors play after. Come out and support the young men and help us raise money for scholarships!!
  6. [quote name="Englebert" post="1007914" timestamp="1304949725"]
    I like that are marking Live Ball Unsportsmanlike Penalities basic live ball spots. I just wish they would make all Unsportsmanlike Penalities live ball spots.
      Don't think I like the change. I don't want to take away a long touchdown run from a kid because 50 yds back one of his teammates was acting up. The 15 yarder on the kickoff was usually enough to get the coach to blow his stack. Now he's really going to go postal.
  7. [quote name="bear fan" post="1000028" timestamp="1303271653"]
    lefty...if it isnt the coach's fought for not teaching the boys than shame on the parents!  the first time my child would have shown that disrespect would have been the last time.  Not only would they have caught heck from me but from their grandfather and uncles!   I could say more but Im done. 

    I was at the home opener for the Astros two weeks a go and a youg kid selling peanuts walked by us during the anthem. Big mistake. My nephew who is about 6' 5" 275 lbs, snatched his hat off his head and told him to sit still. He did.
  8. [quote name="welovebaseball" post="996712" timestamp="1302668100"]
    [quote author=Razor link=topic=83014.msg996700#msg996700 date=1302667006]
    [quote author=baasebaall link=topic=83014.msg996695#msg996695 date=1302666604]
    The plate umpire didn't know his behind from a hole in the ground he obviously wasn't watching much of the game being that he had to ask for help 4 or 5 times.  Nederland took advantage of a hitting streak but PNG had some bad calls.  Had someone in purple and white chewed out the umpire all the way to the dugout after 2 warnings were given like #9 from Nederland....they would have been tossed!

    Glad your not bitter or making excuses .....great job Dogs

    So was it okay for the purple player to chew out the umpire(s) all the way into the outfield after a 3rd out strikeout?  Or to throw his bat? Or his helmet?  How about throwing his helmet across the field at the end of the game?  Guess you missed all of that.  Or was it okay because you thought those were bad calls?  Trev argued with the ump only after he was rung up for a 4th straight time - all on questionable called third strikes.  You've known him for a longtime and you know he doesn't typically argue calls or lose his cool.

    The truth is, it was a hard fought rivalry game with some very questionable calls.  That makes for lots of emotion.  Sure, Trev shouldn't have lost his cool, but it is really easy to understand why he did.  Lots of us fans did too.  We (on both sides) said lots of things that would have gotten us tossed if we were on the field.  We really ought not to be overly critical of either player.  Neither one did anything that crazy and neither one did something stupid and hurt themselves.

    I guess what I am trying to say is that you need to be careful where you throw your stones.

    [/quote]The truth is, it was a hard fought rivalry game with some very questionable calls.  That makes for lots of emotion.  Sure, Trev shouldn't have lost his cool, but it is really easy to understand why he did.  Lots of us fans did too.

    I'm afraid I don't understand why it's ok to act like that while our children are playing a game for fun. Please explain.
  9. [quote name="Klein Bearkats" post="938688" timestamp="1293473146"]
    Great Play!  A question for you NCAA rules experts out there, why wasn't this play flagged?  If I recall, my son's team ran a similar play but was penalized for Unsportsmanlike Conduct.  When we did the research we found a Section in the NCAA rule book call "Noncontact Fouls" "Unfair Tactics" - Article 2 which delineated several scenarios similar to the Pearland play.  All the scenarios had the same basic underlying theme of intent to deceive.  It certainly appeard Pearland's intent was to deceive, but maybe it was legal. 

    I was wondering the same thing. The way my crew and chapter interpret the rule is you can't audibilize when running a trick play. If someone was saying "that's not the right ball" or something along those lines we would flag it. I called one where the offense's coaches all yelled REVERSE right as the QB faked a hand off to the WR and went around the corner for a long gain because the defense bit on the reverse. When I asked the HC why would he warn the defense of a reverse, he just grinned and said "ah you got me". Man I miss football.
  10. [quote name="BRONX ROX" post="938118" timestamp="1293230916"]
    Thats what im talkin about ;D Right now if the foul is 20 yrds down the field the O only gets 5 yrds and a 1st down. This encourages the D to commit the penalty instead of making the play.
    DPI is a spot foul up to 15 yds. So if it happens 3 yds down field it's a 3 yd penalty with 1st down. If it happens 20 yds down field its a 15 yarder. But I agree if it happens 25 yds down field it should be a 25 yarder.
  11. [quote name="tvc184" post="86163" timestamp="1164226120"]
    [quote="baddog"]When the center stands up and hands the ball to the QB, wouldn't that be a false start?[/quote]
    Not if he lifts the ball first. The center is always moving at the start of the play. He has to be the first one to move. Whether he gives the ball to the qb under his legs or turns and hands it to him, it is still a snap.... I think.
    The snap has to be in one continous motion. It doesn't have to be between the legs. We have talked about this play many times in our meetings and we would not let them run it. You can't audibilize to trick your opponent. If they could run it without saying the words then it's fine. I saw the clip of the middle school doing it this year and that wasn't legal either. You can see the coach on the sideline saying something to the QB, that kills it. I was working the Ned/PNG game in 2005 when they ran their play for a TD, that was a good one. They broke huddle w 10 and the 11th guy game in to the slot, passing the wideout that went toward the sideline. He didn't leave but it appeared that he would. He did NOT turn as if talking to a coach, that would have killed it. He lined up looking down field, as wide as you possibly could be. I couldn't believe nobody covered him. He caught it and went 50-60 yds for a TD. Our guys running the clocks said the Ned coaches in the booth saw it but couldn't get word to the field in time. PNG JV ran the best trick play I've ever seen this year. Anybody see that one against Vidor?
  12. [quote name="MrUmp1" post="895215" timestamp="1288748792"]
    [quote author=mwm4795 link=topic=75447.msg895198#msg895198 date=1288747575]
    With the Nov 1st dead line past and as of last report (that I could find)only 7500 of the 15000 refs signed. Do we think there will be a shortage of refs?

    Hearing on Nov 10  and where did you get 7500 signed ????  wasnt even close to that many

    locally we had 7 of our 135 members join..but now the deadline has been pushed back so it doesn't matter, remind me Mr Ump and I'll tell you who the 7 are..
  13. Great post. After last Saturday I will never officiate another "little fella" football game because of the stands full of "That" parent. I have officated 249 sub varsity and 80 varsity games (I check my spreadsheet) many playoffs and have never felt unsafe leaving a field until Saturday. "That parent" in the stands was inciting his 8 yr olds to break the arm of the opposing 8 yr olds because they couldn't stop them. They SCREAMED for a flag every play that they couldn't defense. I used to work these games because it was fun to watch the little guys play and learn the game. Sorry, but when and 8 yr old tackle gets up out of his stance to pull out a wedgie, I'm not flagging him. When 8 yr olds break the huddle with 12, or 13 or 14 they are not trying to confuse or trick the defense, they are just trying to play ball. I stop the game, get the right number on and let them play. Regardless of what "That Parent" screams. I will no longer miss Saturdays with my family to be abused by That parent. We have our TASO meeting tonight and we are going in encourage the rest to stand down from them also. Just put somebody out there to spot the ball and let the kids play.
  14. [quote name="raideroldtimer" post="841331" timestamp="1283889004"]
    [quote author=teeboan link=topic=72505.msg841291#msg841291 date=1283885684]
    [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=72505.msg841283#msg841283 date=1283884876]
    [quote author=TITAN POWER link=topic=72505.msg840422#msg840422 date=1283796710]
    [quote author=pirate68 link=topic=72505.msg839818#msg839818 date=1283704631]
    Do high school officials get graded through out the year? In reguards to the Vidor BC officials they were not biased they just were not very good at there jobs.  I dont blame them are any group of officials for loses because everyone makes mistakes but these guys were clueless. They were the worst I have ever seen and they were bad for both teams.

    I agree,  I dont think they were bias either.  Just clueless.  On one of the holding penalties on Vidor, it took the officials forever to figure out how far 10 yards was.  These guys were bad period.

    I agree as well. I mean i'm a twenty year old kid and i've been watching football since i was old enough to know what it is. And one of the things I've learned over the years is that the clock is not ran off of the score board. It is run off of a watch that one ref is supposed to have and keep track of and one of the biggest things to fans are clocks, especially when it means the difference is scoring and stuff like that. One of the worst calls i saw that night was when BC threw for what i think 40 or 50 yards to get within field goal range and the clock had 10 seconds left. I'm not gonna try and guess how much time would've been taken off if they clock would've started but i will say that it was simply terrible the way the refs just stood there for about half a minute trying to figure out what to do all the while BC was setting up for the next play. Then they just i guess forgot about the clock not starting and decided to let BC go on with the next play like nothing happened. And then when Coach Matthews threw a fit they decided to take the rest of the time off the clock AFTER BC had kicked the field goal making it even worse cuz we didn't even have the chance to atleast return the kickoff. That in my opinion goes deeper than being a bad official. That was crossing the line.
    I can't comment on what happened at that game. I wasn't there but it sounds like it got ugly. As far as the clock thought you're  incorrect. The clock on the scoreboard IS the official clock and the only one we go by. If there is a problem with it, then we keep it on the field. Twenty is the perfect age to start officiating. We could use some fresh legs and young eyes!!!!!!
    Now some official is more than welcome to correct be, but if I'm not mistaken, the Back Judge or a Side Judge actually keeps the official time, which is how a ref knows to tell the timekeeper in the press box to add or subtract time.
    The back judge watches the 25 second clock..if it isn't working (or the game clock) then he keeps them on the field. Watching the game clock is kinda of a shared responsibilty between the 5 of us. If someone else has a flag or stops the clock I glance at it to assure it's stopped and they do the same for me. We talk about it in our pregame meeting every week.
  15. [quote name="mytwocents" post="841283" timestamp="1283884876"]
    [quote author=TITAN POWER link=topic=72505.msg840422#msg840422 date=1283796710]
    [quote author=pirate68 link=topic=72505.msg839818#msg839818 date=1283704631]
    Do high school officials get graded through out the year? In reguards to the Vidor BC officials they were not biased they just were not very good at there jobs.  I dont blame them are any group of officials for loses because everyone makes mistakes but these guys were clueless. They were the worst I have ever seen and they were bad for both teams.

    I agree,  I dont think they were bias either.  Just clueless.  On one of the holding penalties on Vidor, it took the officials forever to figure out how far 10 yards was.  These guys were bad period.

    I agree as well. I mean i'm a twenty year old kid and i've been watching football since i was old enough to know what it is. And one of the things I've learned over the years is that the clock is not ran off of the score board. It is run off of a watch that one ref is supposed to have and keep track of and one of the biggest things to fans are clocks, especially when it means the difference is scoring and stuff like that. One of the worst calls i saw that night was when BC threw for what i think 40 or 50 yards to get within field goal range and the clock had 10 seconds left. I'm not gonna try and guess how much time would've been taken off if they clock would've started but i will say that it was simply terrible the way the refs just stood there for about half a minute trying to figure out what to do all the while BC was setting up for the next play. Then they just i guess forgot about the clock not starting and decided to let BC go on with the next play like nothing happened. And then when Coach Matthews threw a fit they decided to take the rest of the time off the clock AFTER BC had kicked the field goal making it even worse cuz we didn't even have the chance to atleast return the kickoff. That in my opinion goes deeper than being a bad official. That was crossing the line.
    I can't comment on what happened at that game. I wasn't there but it sounds like it got ugly. As far as the clock thought you're  incorrect. The clock on the scoreboard IS the official clock and the only one we go by. If there is a problem with it, then we keep it on the field. Twenty is the perfect age to start officiating. We could use some fresh legs and young eyes!!!!!!
  16. [quote name="raideroldtimer" post="841261" timestamp="1283884100"]
    You know, I am wondering one thing. If UIL takes over the referees, does anyone think they'll let schools choose refs from out of their districts area?
    It may get very interesting. If that happens I don't believe there will be many returning to officiate games next year. I can't speak for all but I can tell you I won't pay extortion money to the UIL. Everyone at our meetings has said the same. The UIL has said they will go get basketball guys, volleyball guys or go knocking door to door if need be to put officials on the the field. Hopefully they will be better at football than I would be at one of their sports.
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