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Everything posted by Lefty99

  1. Yes, WOS is a bigger school and on paper should beat Kirbyville. Yes, they used to be in the same district for the last two yrs but that isn't the case anymore. There aren't many 2A teams in this area that are willing to strap it up against bigger schools! K-ville may win or may lose. The fact is that they scheduled tougher teams so that they will be ready for district and a run into the playoffs! How do most of you think Newton and WOS have such a long winning tradition, and are able to make deep runs into the playoffs or win state? It sure isn't by playing smaller schools every non-district game! If you can hang with the big boys or possibly beat them you will be much better off in the playoffs! The entire season is a learning experience! So, if K-ville beats WOS or not it will not be the end of the season, just another opponent on the schedule! That's all they are, and will be forgotten by the team the next week!
  2. Man oh man, I would say that our odds of being impacted are greatly increasing!!! My stomach is in knots watching all of this unfold and it isn't even past Cuba yet!!!
  3. Uh Ohhhhh, somebody got some splainin' to do!!! ;D ;D ;D
  4. Umm...I wouldn't say that would be very accurate! Kirbyville beat themselves just as much as Jasper did in that game. I was sloppy at times from both teams...Bonehead 4 down calls, dropped passes, INT's, fumbles, etc.etc.etc...When it came down to it Kirbyville showed the most heart and guts when it mattered most...All in all this was a great game to watch, but to pull it off on the road after blowing a comfortable lead showed me something about this Kirbyville team! WOS, is a great team year in and year out, but this has the making of another shoot out! That is, if ol' mr. ike doesn't throw a kink in everyone's plans! ;D
  5. Did you have to go there? ??? Nobody is saying that K-ville would've beat Gilmer, let alone Lufkin. : Though, there are alot of similarities between Jasper and Diboll and that itself works in K'ville's favor. Will be a good game and the score will resemble K-ville and Diboll score. High scoring but the team with let least amount of mistakes will win this game!
  6. The sooners better watch out because Cinci looks like a sleeper on their schedule!!! Could be some fireworks! I am not going to argue that. If OU plays like they can it should not be too much of a problem. But, that is what we thought last year with TT and Colorado. You are right about that. Cinci's D poses as a possible problem for OU! That is if they play out of their minds! It has happened to quite a few teams around the country in the last couple of yrs!
  7. The sooners better watch out because Cinci looks like a sleeper on their schedule!!! Could be some fireworks!
  8. Well, all I can say is that after this game and whoever wins the potbangers and crow servers will be out in full force! Yes, I am a Kirbyville fan and will root for them the whole game but this game is going to be intense! One of those that you wouldn't put money on if there were odds! In Jasper the edge goes to the Dawgs. Kirbyville coming off a win edge goes to the Cats. Gotta go with the Cats though(because no money will come out of my pocket)! ;D Haven't seen Gilmer but I expect alot of similarities between Diboll and Jasper. Going to be a shoot out! All in all, I hope the game stays clean and both teams com out healthy!
  9. lol if you pay attention, 21-23 seconds into the video, you'll notice a kville player wrap a Diboll's player legs and tackle him, while kville's Ervine runs for 69 yards, is that legal? anyone see what i'm talking about? Yeah I noticed it the first time that I watched it. Just looked at it again and paused it. Yes, it looked like a great "tackle/block", but as I have heard many times...If the ref's don't see it then it wasn't a penalty!!! ;D
  10. I'm still not going to get a false sense of hope until this thing makes landfall. It has been all over the place as far as the "possible" location of landfall. Lets continue to cross our fingers!
  11. Sending the wife and kid to Carthage. I will have to hang around here and be close to the plant!
  12. I'm not liking this at all! Please go somewhere else! If your going out of town for the weekend boys you might as well take all that you can! We may have a long weekend! [Hidden Content]
  13. Just saw that too!!! I'm not liking the fact that it is making this little "jog" to the WSW.
  14. You are right about Barbay. That is just who he is! Otherwise Newton wouldn't be the powerhouse that they are today if it weren't for his honesty! 95% of the best coaches you will ever see are the exact same way. Personally I think that it is good for the renewing rivalry. Alot of jawing back and forth simply works the hype up for the big week 10 match up! My wife thought that he was out of line with those comments, yet she has never played against him as I did and doesn't understand the true meaning of the comments. But hey! If they are referencing Setxsports; free pub has never been better!!!(Hey Coop, ho about some good karma for that one ;D)
  15. Thanks Coop, and our chances of getting hit still looks pretty good! Especially the pink line!!!
  16. Coop, where are ya'll getting all this from?
  17. What'd you catch them on? And what time? BIG Shad! Mullet were good too, but the shad were the trick. 2-3pm(At least I think that was about the time.) Too busy having fun to really look a the time. All I know is that we left the trout hole at about 1:30 and got bck to the ramp at about 3:45. Needless to say the fishing was terrific all day. 30 trout and 9 reds!!!
  18. Went Friday and really caught the reds back up in the marsh. Had a 3 person limit in bout 45 mins and even did a little culling.
  19. As a Kirbyville fan I hope that I am not opening a can of worms, but here it is...Where is Kvilleballa? Not sure if "it" has disappeared! Definition of "it": A person that hasn't clarified as being male or female! ;D ;D ;D
  20. I believe that is a good ranking for Kirbyville. Considering that they are returning 14 starters from a team that went 3 rounds deep in 3A DII last year.
  21. Joel Howell, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for second-guessing Coach Terrier. Didn't you just spend some money on advertisements for the semi-final game? In the advertisement itself, it says something along the lines of "Howell's Campus Corner is proud supporters and good friends to both the school and the community. Newsflash...........you may not want to get to close to Coach Terrier anytime soon. It doesn't sound like you are making too many friends with the school or the community. Make up your mind..........do you want to support the Cougars or question the leadership?? Also, definitely is spelled my way, not yours (definatley). Learn to be supportive of the school and community and maybe your business will continue to flourish. upandunder has spoken! So tell us this. Have you never made the same comment while watching a HS, college, or MLB game? I would be willing to bet that about 90% of the people(including YOU) that are registered on this site have made a comment about a player staying on the mound too long! I know I have! Just like Wildcat said people have opinions!! And he never once mentioned a word about Terrier's coaching!!!
  22. The 1970 team was a beast. My dad graduated that year, but didn't play. I also think that they had a guy by the name of Egear(Spelling) Deets. May not have been that year but was also all-state. As far as the 85 team I think that Shelby Shaw may have been on that one, and Butch Hadnot may have been a freshman. Can't remember though.
  23. Lets give credit where credit is due! Yes, Newton is good and has always been good. I think that Barbay has a scientist over there cloning players year after year! ;D But, you also have to realize that Kirbyville played in arguably the toughest district in 3A the last couple of years and held there own with the big boys! They may not have won district but they made alot of noise in the playoffs! If you look at enrollment numbers from those years it is hard to see that Kirbyville did as well as the have over the last 4 years. Wasn't it 3 rounds deep 3 out of the 4 years? Not too shabby for the smallest school in 3A! Reminds me of Newton before they dropped to 2A! Except for the fact that they didn't have a tough district to play in! i.e. the late 90's! They ran the table on everyone in district! Newton has had Kirbyville's number for a while now, but I think that they will have there hands full with Kirbyville! This will be a great game heading into the playoffs! Stop and think about it! There is a reasonable shot for the same district to have both DI and DII state champions! That in itself is an amazing thing!
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