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Everything posted by Lefty99

  1. 05 playoffs between K-ville and BH. Back and forth the whole game. Drew Hazlewood led a 93 yd drive in the final 73 seconds and he kicked the game winning FG with 3 secs left to advance to Regional round. Without a doubt the greatest game I have ever seen in my life!!! "Greatest Game the Wildcats Ever Played"!!!
  2. That's a mild understatement, Coop! There will be snot bubbles flying all over in this one! ;D
  3. After a baseball game in which the SS kept running around the runner on 2nd base. Coach says "I tell you what, if my coach told me to run over a guy that was in the base line and in my way; my d*** would be harder than Japanese arithmetic!! Had to bury my face in my ball cap!
  4. Outlaw you took the words right out of my mouth! My little girl isn't old enough to enjoy the outdoors, but I am thankful that my dad and grandfather's loved the outdoors enough to teach me about them also. Nothing pleases me more to now own guns passed down to me from a late grandfather, and to see my 82 yr old grandfather enjoy Dove hunting and tell old hunting stories.
  5. As always the Boremont Enterprise got something wrong. In boys doubles it was K-ville's Lane Tippett and Cole Atkinson beating HF's Affolter and Nix 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 for 1st place. I really wish that they would get the info right for a change!!! >
  6. EXCELLENT......I couldn't have said it better myself and I agree with you 100%! Good Bull!!!
  7. Randy Musgrove of Kirbyville should follow up on a great Jr year. He has that Wes Welker look about him(And I'm not comparing him to Welker! Don't jump the gun). Like Cardenas he can catch anything thrown at him. Made some of the greatest catches I've ever seen last season!
  8. are u serious?..this award isnt about who has the best body size..lol..and i think hussey did have a harder competition even though rhodes did have a little over a hundred on the #1 defense in 3A(WOS) That is the one thing that I think is being over looked. Rhodes played in arguably one of the toughest districts in 3A.
  9. Level of competition must have some bearing! Notice that the QB Nolan I believe is his name; from 2A didn't make the list and he put up better numbers than anyone in this area. In fact he was in the top five of the state in all classes in some catagories.
  10. Lefty I probably would "plead my case". But, I would recognize that my level of competition was a little lower and give some weight to the quality of teams played against. I think the numbers are so overwhelming that Thomas and Rhodes deserve the honor. Again, those numbers are somewhat deceiving and I don't think Rhodes has that many rushing yards in 5A and I don't think Thomas has 11 or 12 picks. either could play 5A, but I think the numbers would be significantly reduced. In truth, Rhodes would have been #3 on WB's depth chart to start the season. My guess is he would have played receiver or db. Rhodes was listed at 175 this season from the programs that I saw if I'm not mistaken. And having stood next to him he is every bit of 175-180. His size is a little deceiving! I never said; nor did I imply that Rhodes had poor test scores! Nor did I say that Michael couldn't put up big numbers in smaller classifications! It would be assinine to make a remark like that! HE PLAYS IN 5A!!! Common sense should prevail for those who have any! ;D Michael is a great back! In fact I was very happy to see that he has committed to my Ags! It is just that everybody assumes that Thomas and Rhodes don't belong on the list simply because they played in 2A and 3A! And we all know what happens when you assume!!! This award is not a 4A and 5A award only!!! It is an award that given to the best offensive and defensive player in ALL of Southeast Texas! Let me ask you this one question westend1. If Michael played for say...K-ville or EC, and put up the same numbers! Would you still be on here pleading your case that he deserves to be a nominee with athletes from 4A and 5A schools? The award isn't about who played for who, or if this person played for this school or that school! There are times where you have to give credit where credit is due! These two players put up great numbers and that is the reason they were nominated!! Reguardless of what class they played in! It isn't about, "well he couldn't have put up those numbers in 5A so he doesn't deserve to be nominated!"
  11. Rhodes was listed at 175 this season from the programs that I saw if I'm not mistaken. And having stood next to him he is every bit of 175-180. His size is a little deceiving! I never said; nor did I imply that Rhodes had poor test scores! Nor did I say that Michael couldn't put up big numbers in smaller classifications! It would be assinine to make a remark like that! HE PLAYS IN 5A!!! Common sense should prevail for those who have any! ;D Michael is a great back! In fact I was very happy to see that he has committed to my Ags! It is just that everybody assumes that Thomas and Rhodes don't belong on the list simply because they played in 2A and 3A! And we all know what happens when you assume!!! This award is not a 4A and 5A award only!!! It is an award that given to the best offensive and defensive player in ALL of Southeast Texas! Let me ask you this one question westend1. If Michael played for say...K-ville or EC, and put up the same numbers! Would you still be on here pleading your case that he deserves to be a nominee with athletes from 4A and 5A schools?
  12. Let Rhodes just play 60 snaps on offense and take away the 50 snaps he played on defense and Rhodes would have put up bigger numbers. Put Rhodes on any 5A team or lower and he still puts up huge numbers. All you have to do is look at the college teams that are trying to recruit Michael. That should tell you who is the better back. Not necessarily! Rhodes is close to 180lbs. You can be an all round great back, but if you don't have the test scores you won't go to big schools. There are plenty of athletes that come from this area that don't make the grades to play DI or DI-AA. Look at Kevin Everett from TJ. He played at Kilgore before getting the grades to go to Miami(With whom he committed to before signing day)! If you can prove me wrong on this this I'll pipe down! Not taking anything away from Michael, but Rhodes is a gifted athlete! One of those athletes that can make an impact at any classification!
  13. They still have a fence up at the boat ramp. I have no idea how long they are going to take on that project.
  14. Kirbyville has proven for the last couple of years that they can go as deep or deeper in the playoffs while finishing 2nd or 3rd in district! District champs is nice! But it doesn't mean anything if you only go 1-2 rounds deep!
  15. Who would be the body to issue a subpoena? Who has that authority other than congress or a police investigation? That is the point I was trying to make. Sorry if it was a little vague!
  16. Nice! Where at in Newton Co?
  17. HGH isn't on there because there is no test that can detect it. The only way they can prove that you took it is to supeona you and you admit to it under oath!
  18. Rain will do that. I think even the low fence areas had better horns this year. I'll agree with that. I hunt on Moody Ranch in Del Rio that is low fenced, and the antler growth this year was amazing! ALOT of 2 1/2 - 4 yr old deer with good racks. Has all the makings of a great year next year!
  19. Confident not cocky my friend! ;D Kville is losing a good portion of the O-line, and a 1,900+ yard back, but they have alot of good young talent coming up. There's no reason to gang up on you!
  20. Now newton_eagles, you know that Newton's education isn't what it's known for! You might want to think about what you are saying and where you are from before posting something like that! ;D
  21. Celina is 15-0 and CS is 14-1. It has been said that the road to the DII title goes through Celina, so who knows! I'll take Celina for a personal reason! >
  22. Congrats to the players from WOS. Well deserved! As for Rhodes, I would venture to say that Alverez nominated him. Why not? This state team has worthy players, but you would think that someone would have contacted the coach to get Rhodes the attention he so deserves! Just goes to show you how much politics plays in HS football! Absolutely horrible!
  23. I work at the plant right there by the ramp and it has been closed for a long time. I think that they are repairing the moorings. The one at the ramp is done, and know they are working on the south side. Not sure when they will be done. As fas as I know that is the only ramp in that general area; besides going all the way to SP.
  24. I have played with and against Cole Atkinson and can tell you that his serve is very fast! Not sure about mph bc no one on this board can tell exactly haw fast a serve is!(without a gun) All in all, he has one of the fastest serves I've seen since playing with my dad! It's one of those that will blow the racquet out of your hand even when it hits the sweet spot!
  25. My oldest brother was good friends with Catchings when he lived in Anahuac. He was a great player as far back as I can remember.
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