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Everything posted by Lefty99

  1. Seems to be a danged if you do; danged if you don't!!! On the 1yd line and kneel then ppl would wonder why they didn't just go ahead and punch it in! Punch it in and he is running up the score! Should've told the boys to drop to the ground after getting the 1st down and then run out the clock.
  2. I see what you are saying, but this is a good team...and good teams tend to do that quite a bit these days!
  3. Crazy Jack up to his old ways! I think that it was more of making sure the boys finished a game for once this season! Didn't do it against Diboll or Jasper! Must have lit a fire under their *** at the half! Good win K-ville! Hope that I will be able to make the game next week! Sitting here in Del Rio listening to the game!
  4. I understand that! My uncle is a police officer in Pasadena and I could not believe that he actually getting off this weekend. Were supposed to go 2 weeks ago to make final preps. but Ike took care of that. Guess that it worked out just right for us. Good luck on the Nov. hunt!
  5. Well boys I'm heading to Del Rio this weekend for a little bowhunting. Anyody else gonna try to sling some arrows this weekend? This years stock is looking good and I hope to get a good one! ;D Will let everyone know how the hunt went!
  6. I have been wondering how K-ville faired. I'm in Carthage and it is starting to get pretty bad up here. Tops of trees r snapping but still have pwr. I heard that parts of K-ville still have pwr. Have family that lives there and I am headed back down tomorrow to check. Has anyone heard how bad the flooding was/is just on the north side if the Intracoastal Waterway Bridge on 87. My plant is right there at the base of the bridge next the water! I have a feeling I already know how it was but just want some confirmation if I can get it. Any help would be appreciated!!! PM me if you have any info Take care and be careful everyone!
  7. Be safe and patient on your evacutions everybody! If you are staying as i am good luck and maybe we will end up ok! As always with us SE Texans if you need a helping hand when this is over we all are here to help! I don't think that any part of this country can or will respond like we do! Look at Rita! WE worked to get things back in order and did!!! Good luck and be safe!
  8. Connect-Ed just called. LIT and LAMAR closed Thur and Fri. Boy is my wife P.O.'d! She had a presentation that she just finished was was supposed to give tomorrow!
  9. Hey Coop, you need to get Friedman up to speed! He just showed tht the game is still on!!! ;D ;D ;D
  10. I've played the game and I know exactly what the definitions of a block or block in the back are! I don't need to use the net to look it up as a certain someone in Jasper does!!! : Just as other ppl have stated! You seem to be the only person in Jasper on this thread that has a problem with the outcome of the game! Let me refresh your memory!!! KIRBYVILLE 44 JASPER 43!!!
  11. You are right and that was my point early in this thread! No flag no penalty!!! And yes he still broke three tackles on the way to the TD!
  12. Ok, you want to get technical? If he blocked the Jasper player in the back things would have looked a bit different! Take for instance, the Jasper player was at full speed running down the field! Correct? If he was blocked in the back he would have fallen face first to the ground! There is no way that he would have been able to keep himself off the ground! Of course, unless he is Neo and is able to control his body in such a manner! Simple physics would tell you that! I've watched this over and over and in no manner does he even look like he was blocked in the back! IF he was he would have immediatly acted a little different! Instead, he turned around and tried to go after Jackson! I venture to guess that even the player being blocked knows what a block in the back is, and yet no reaction from him! Do you need anymore help besides that? If so, try getting your eyes checked!
  13. that's because he's in the back room with all of those european models (Coop likes em a little hairy) I just busted out when I read that! That is a classic!!! ;D
  14. That has got to be the funniest thing that I've ever heard!
  15. Good, so you can watch it over and over as he scampers 91yds for what could be said was the TD that was the difference! ;D
  16. Uh Oh! Jasper fans don't seem to like the fact that this was posted on the site!
  17. If it wasn't called then it wasn't a penalty! And O.J. didn't do it because he wasn't convicted. We can sit here and compare apples and oranges but I'm not going to get into that! It's irrelevant! It is just a matter of opinion! Have a good day young one!
  18. I was in the pressbox during this game and when he hit that first seam I knew he was gone!!! This kid is a true talent!!!
  19. Yeah, I noticed a min ago that the GFS and GFDL models had shifted a little to the south. Hope that Ike moves faster and farther to the south before it makes the turn to the North!
  20. Shoot! Serving it? If you are out there you might as well be having a few yourself!!! ;D
  21. Poor Coop has got the task of explaining all this stuff to quite a few ppl on this site not to mention his reg. duties! Keep up the good work Coop and hang in there! ;D
  22. Freeport as a Cat 3. We would see 70-90 winds here with rain. The size of the storm is huge! Oh that's not good at all! > Hope everyone is packed, because unless the high pressure does something spectacular for us,evac's will begin and we are going to be in a world of hurt!!!
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