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Posts posted by Banned


    I do not need to know ANY of the facts. There is no reason, excuse, dilemma, or dual morality in which a student-athlete should EVER attack an official. EVER!

    Actually in legal terms it was assault and battery since assault does not require physical contact. If they did not want to have the stigma that is associated with that crime, then they should have not attacked an individual with the INTENT of causing harm.

    No. If "Little Johnnie" attacks an official, he's a thug. 

    Where's all the other hate mongers that started the 7 pages calling for these kids heads? They're gone because perhaps their eyes have seen the light, that though they were in the wrong what they did, their are underlying facts and issues that caused this. IMO it's not all on the kids, granted a large portion is, but in this country we choose to rehabilitate and are an extremely forgiving country. So let it go, they've served their punishment, I can guarantee you that by their reactions this may haunt them the rest of their lives. That's imprisonment in itself..

  2. ^laughable I think not, you must not be too involved or have a child that plays. If I'm off on that cause I've not seen you post then oh well cause none of this is laughable. Again, the kid made a bad choice while in a heated confrontation during the game. Apparently, it did not warrant an ejection at the time and not seen til after the game on the all telling eye now, the video. Now where near the worst thing to ever NOT be caught on camera during a football game.

  3. Not trying to defend or condone their actions just stating that you all crucified these kids not knowing the whole truth or facts, that makes you, and you know who you are, no better than the people that just want to be the first to tell the story without facts. Also, I'm glad to hear all of you are so strong willed and such bad a$$#$ that in that situation would do the right thing and ignore the order. Well guess what, not every KID is as fortunate as you to have that mindset.  For some KIDS the way of life is to trust and adhere what an adult tells them. Yes, the game of football for 100 years has been violent, but the x factor is the camera. They did wrong, accept their fate, but it should not ruin their lives. If that were your kid and you were in the stands and that occurred knowing that "little Johnnie" is an all A student that is not a Thug how would you react or try and defend his actions? I know the bad a$$3$ gonna say well I'd jerk him off that field and dadadada to him. Well then you're a fool and you've just engrossed yourself in the heat of the moment as well..Suspend them, alternative school for three days, maybe some charity work, but assault charges, c'mon that's just wrong. 

  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Shame on all of you that bashed these kids after watching their interview. Thugs and punks huh, not many that you classify this way are in the National Honor Society (you don't just receive that honor over night) that I know of, they made a mistake in the process of a violent emotional game after doing what they were told to do by an adult. Maybe instead of an aerospace engineer this kid will someday win an oscar because if he is not genuinely sincere and remorseful then he has a future in acting. Due process people, due process.....

  5. ^^ok my bad, my definition of trolling would be trying to get under your skin in an intellectual debate, something you have shown are not capable of. ^Big dog I agree, but at least it may give an account of what these kids mindset was at the time, then I think a grasp of  what occurred is beter understood. There is always two sides to a story. 

  6. ^How many are charged and actually found guilty of simple assault or worse?? I know do you?? Though a harsh mistake; it happened under different circumstances. Again, not condoning nor condemning a 16 yr old that made a mistake. I have the privilege to converse with juco kids with previous Div I offers that have made mistakes and are very thankful that we live in a country that has due process. Perhaps it's a case by case basis but sometimes these human beings that are held to a higher standard as a student athlete don't always use better judgement and let their emotions get the best of them!!

  7. ^^ It's almost comical reading these two posts in a noncomical situation. Since we're hypothetical the kid received ten stiches, not debilitating or life threatening, what if ol' stat grabs a facemask and slings a kid around and breaks his neck? You still acted out of haste and the adrenaline was pumping, but guess what the ol' 45 millimeter projector didn't catch that part and you claim self defense in a game situation. They had to go back and review the incident according to their sources. Now, to answer your question. Yes, I did play football for some of the most had nosed meanest SOB's that ever walked on a high scholl gridiron so comparing today's game to yesteryear is apples to oranges. Yes, I'd have a different opinion if my son were severly injured as you stated and they would not have had to worry about suspensions or penalties cause I would have been handled right then and faced the HEAVY consequences later. Finally, people that share my opinion that football is a passionate, adrenaline filled, heat of the moment type sport are not the contributors, that starts at the house. You claim steady rise in attacks of this nature, It's fair to say then I don't think you've played or seen much football then. The addition to multiple cameras and everything is on social media where everything is now noticed would pale in comparison to what has happened in the past.  

  8. If I were the one hit they might not have to worry bout who was injured . 

    Then you both would be wrong and would be back at square one. It is not assault when it occurred in the field of play so the ones that scream this are the same people that do not understand the intergal part of the game. Yes, an action of unsportsmanlike conduct occurred. Yes, a penalty and ejection and suspension occurred, but that's were the governing bodies stop. Bottomline, shout happens, deal with it, learn and teach these involved in it, and get over it. It's football and if it's too rough for ya go play tennis!!

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