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Everything posted by Stattrax

  1. Its Sunday, give it till noon. Have a CLOWNERIFIC Day!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Gotta type fast before I go back on probation. The only thing I know about this game is if Nederland loses it will ruin there whole school year. So yall better win. I don't want to get into anything else..... This is your shot, ride our coat tails, and make sure you win. Have a CLOWNTASTIC DAY
  3. Let me get in while the getting is good. I take offense to him calling someone that. That's discrimination at its finest. But he is from the bubble, so this will be deleted and we will go back on probation!!!! Like Run DMC says... ITS TRICKY
  4. Is this a legal term? Could you pull the by laws up and see if this is appropriate? I feel that name calling deserves a 3 day off limit period. Please post your thought........ Until then... Have a CLOWNY day
  5. Ban me bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Just keeping it real. Our defense, and defensive coaching is the worst I have ever seen, and I'm sure many will agree. Along with our special teams coaching.... If we did not have Shug, we would be in desperation mode. There is not one thing we do good defensively. PERIOD. We have a coach that is concerned about one side of the ball.... So, any game we have left to play will be won in a shootout fashion. Nederland is going to have a field day with us. I know Monte, and he is loving life right now.......
  7. Come on now, we have a truce!!!!
  8. I haven't posted a bunch because honestly, the rah rah bandwagon has taken over. But look, I would like to say this. Anyone can pop off on here, sometimes it's backed up on Friday, sometimes it isn't. But let me state a few facts. You can hate on that purple all day long, talk trash on the QB, hell even talk trash on me. I have broad shoulders folks. But like I always say, it all takes care of itself on Friday nights. Nobody owns PNG, WOS is the only team that can say that. Last year it was PAM, this year its the MECCA. We have never been the biggest, strongest, or the most athletic. But in the end we are PNG. And until you figure how that works the results will always stay the same. So find me some analytics that tells me how to change that traditon, and I'll shut up until then. But for now ask yourself who owns who. Gotta eat you up inside when you figure out the answer. All comments welcome. PEACE....
  9. Elkins. He is actually the guy a was talking about. He was the first back over 1000 since Ron. Capadona was the year before him.
  10. So that's got to be 27 wins if he was a 2 year starter. I'm assuming 75 and 76? 27-2.. 2 DC and 1 SC.
  11. So, after a few posts in the PNG-Vidor thread, I decided I wanted a few answers I had in my head, so I head on to the OFFICIAL site of my school. Now, honestly, I have not been on it in over a year, I made a post several years back, about a running back that was not listed on the records, from the 97 season. I was greeted with a rude PM, stating keep my comments to myself. SO that was the end of me on the RAH RAH site. However anyone that knows the ringleader of the site, might let him know to get a few things correct. A nice little cover article about legendary QBs.... Is wrong... So rant over. I was thinking who might be the winningest QB in PNG history. Since I'm only 43, The glory days where at the tail end of my birth. But, they have incorrect info. Dustin Long started 3 years. Yep, all 3. Look it up. I can remember the crying of a coaches son starting as a sophomore. Call my brother if you need some crow soup. So, as a starter he won 30 games. 1 DC, 2-1 Vs Nederland and a heartbreaking loss against WOS. Also was a State Championship runner up. And a Willie Ray... Aggie Shug has the chance to match those numbers if the season turns around. he has over 20 (23) wins, is 1-1 against Nederland and has 2 DC to his name. And a Willie Ray. Longhorn My question is how long did Ethridge start at QB? Is he the winningest in the history, I honestly do not know that answer. Anyone feel free to help me out. Red Raider.
  12. I don't dispute they are in the convo. But there is a guy with a ring that is always in the convo. Although a long time ago, I was told he was a leader beyond imagination, and when he got you in the huddle, and had that look in his eyes, you knew it was ON... And He has a ring to boot. As I stated, Shug is a top 4 all day long. Hard to compare apples to oranges, but as long as your in that convo, that's good for me. In no order, Ethridge, Long, Doty, Shug.. Next in line, Robertson, Musser, Morse. And I'm basing it on wins, big wins, hardware, and rings. But the top 4 are far and above the next tier.
  13. The list could go on forever. But IMO, the rawest, baddest dude I ever seen hit a field was from Lincoln. Now Lil Joe is before my time... But.. This dude was so cold, he was the Kicker, QB, RB, receiver, Punter, and return guy. Played the drums in the band at halftime as well. Terry Miller......
  14. Jerry Ball Leland McElroy Earl Thomas Kevin Smith Todd Dodge Jamaal Charles Chip Ambres Dustin Long
  15. This is for all the Nederland fans thinking they are PNG historians. First, Shug is. A top 4 QB in PNG history. Second, PNG plays finesse football, and one side of the ball. 3rd, winning MCM means a lot to both, but way more to Nederland. IMO it keeps Nederland on the map, like us or hate us, PNG can get state recognition because of the brand. 4th, Nederland history, to me, is kinda mediocre. It's built on district championships, mostly, co district championships, and short playoff runs. But mainly it's year is built on beating PNG. There's no sense to bring up the past, we all know it doesn't compare. In my time, Nederland has made 2 good runs. PNG has made 2 good runs, one was to the 16th game. Before that it was severely lopsided. As I said in the other post, Nederland is a different brand at this time. I think they beat PNG this year, and the next 2 after. The rah rahs like to talk it up, but BF has had IMO, 2 of the top 5 QBs, in PNG history, and has been to the 3rd round with each. Doty and Shug. If PNG, had a Barrow type, things might be different. For the PNG fans that said MB only won because of Dustin Long, eat your words!!! Shug is in the talk with DL. And we see how that's gone with Nederland and a SC appearance. MB coached defense and special teams and struggled with offense. BF coaches offense... Special teams, defense, and team discipline are At an all time low with him. Last but not least, for the rah rahs on the other site. They cry and complain because that's what they do. I don't read it or get on it because it's a political board where you can't speak your mind. Fancy this, any other coach in PNG history would build a defense around Shug, and Let him do his thing... For the Nederland fans, enjoy it now, honestly it pains me to see it happen, but I don't see a day where PNG runs off a streak again. I think Nederland is better prepared , better coached, and gives 110%... I think Mathews has Vidor doing the same thing. I will not be surprised to lose to both. I wouldn't be surprised if we beat both. In conclusion, and this is a straight jab to all the Bulldog mouths.. When your built on Traditon, and History... It's hard for folks built on mediocrity to understand. One has always rode the coat Tails of the other. Bottom line. So for the poster that was there in 91-92, you understand, now your enjoying the good times. I'm with you, I would be too. PNG has not been much a threat to Nederland since 94. So thank me and my classmates for getting Mr. LN over to you. I'm not saying we built your program, but us kicking you down every year helped!!!!! My prediction are this. PNG will struggle to get the 4 seed.
  16. Back in my time, I think it meant a lot, but in todays world, I think its almost like a SuperBowl to Nederland. And it shows on the field. The luster has really left the rivalry. Kids are now friends, years ago it wasn't like that. I will give Nederland credit, I never though in my lifetime the series would become close, and with the way BF approaches it, I can see Nederland taking the overall series lead if he sticks around for a good time. However, its a cool rivalry. Brings a big crowd, and puts both teams on the map some years. What RB said is true, we are so used to losing to Nederland now, that the sting is actually not as bad. And our goals are usually a little higher than just that win. I know in my time. 93.. We had a big hatred for TJ. Nederland was a easy win back then. My how times have changed, I can see Barrow going a few more years before we get a win. As a coach at PNG, when you are 2-7 against your so called biggest rival and OK with it, well that just tells you how the times are nowadays. I found it funny in the DCF interview that BF was asked what was his biggest win since he had been at PNG, he paused.. I said to myself, gotta be the Bum Phillips Bowl. He said Texas City last year. His words, not mine. But then again when your 2-7, you better act like you don't care!!!! Nederland and Vidor remind me a lot of the old PNG, play hard nosed defense, give 110%, and light you up.
  17. Deep hole!! Hard to talk much trash when your as bad as we are!!
  18. Sorry I didn't get mine in. Actually forgot all about them. Maybe I was sulking. I will say they look better this week. PNG might be a tad high at 8, but it's a lot better. Gonna be along season....
  19. No... I was just asking for everyone to vote accordingly through the year. By looking at the poll IMO, some folks must be favoring their home team. This is a great site, lets make it a great poll!!
  20. This is a open challenge!!! No homer picks on the poll. And for anyone thinking I do.... I have PNG 5th this week.....
  21. Man oh man.. And I come back to 9 pages of garbage. PakPakPakPakPak.... Here's the straight scoop. So for all of you that seen a highlight on your neighbors, cousins, boyfriends, dogs flip phone of a SCRIMMAGE?.. Shut up and listen. Our defense will stop the run much better. Our secondary will still run around in circles. Our O line will be fine, RJ will have to put up big numbers. The RB will need to step up, he has shown the ability a few times. But his inability to stay on the field has hurt. Hell yes we are going to miss Riggs. For all the crying about RJ this or that. Look for his numbers to increase from the past 2 years. We will start out slow, and hopefully our defense can figure it out. Will we go undefeated? No.. DC? Doubtful. Playoffs? Yes. SC? No... so.... The truth has been spoken. No more cupcakes like Chumperton. Grab your lunch kit, tighten your belt. And get ready to work... Thanks for the 9 pages of propaganda... Can I get a hell yeah!!! All of you know who I'm taking!!
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