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    CardinalBacker reacted to Chester86 in America lost. The Kangaroo Court won.   
    I personally would have loved a different candidate.  I personally would have loved to see someone “electable” and someone that is more of a centrist.  However, when the choice is Biden vs. Trump it is such an easy bubble to color in on that ballot.  All kidding aside, our country as strayed from God and we are suffering the consequences of that.
  2. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to SmashMouth in America lost. The Kangaroo Court won.   
    And when you politicize the justice system. 
  3. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to Chester86 in America lost. The Kangaroo Court won.   
    The reporter for NBC was smiling (unable to hide) as she read the verdicts.  A certain poster which sports a red bird probably has already popped the champagne.  We’ll never hear the end of this.  It is not funny, it is not humorous, and this is really a travesty.  A porn star and an admitted perjurer as the two main witnesses can help achieve a conviction for a former president who is the current nominee for his party.  I could go on and on - but sadly this is our country’s direction.
  4. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to SmashMouth in It's a great day in SETX!   
    That's an interesting take, but considering that an incumbent enjoys a HUGE advantage historically, I think Covey came pretty close to an upset. I don't care one way or the other - the biggest reason being that I live in Hardin County. But I have to think the Trump endorsement got Covey that close in the first place. His only recognition was on a very local level, virtually unheard of before the Trump endorsement. Otherwise, he probably would've lost by thousands of votes instead of a few hundred. Just my observation.
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    CardinalBacker reacted to AggiesAreWe in It's a great day in SETX!   
    Phelan won so this thread is irrelevant. 
  6. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Bridge City is open   
    I have it from good sources that some athletes were considering playing basketball instead of baseball, so the basketball coach had to go. 
    Nothing new to see here. 
  7. Like
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Big girl in Dang "Erectionists"!   
    What is Biden putting them through? 401ks are rocking. Everybody that wants a job has one. Wages are up. No wars. 
    And a POTUS they don’t hate. 
    Trump does a great job of motivating his base. But he does an even better job of motivating THE OTHER GUY’S base. There aren’t going to be millions of people saying “you know, I voted Biden last time because I was sick of trump…. And since Trump left, everything has gotten better. I think I’ll vote for Trump next time. He doesn’t bother me as badly as he used to.” I fact, I doubt that there are any. 
    Biden won’t drive people to the polls to vote Biden. He’s a horrible candidate. But Trump motivates MILLIONS to get out and vote “anybody but Trump.”  That’s just facts, and no amount of mean tweets is gonna fix that for Trump.
  8. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Big girl in Dang "Erectionists"!   
    But that’s exactly what you’re all doing! Saying “well, I think Trump is the best, so everybody else must be stupid for voting Biden,” when it’s obvious that most people will vote for anybody BUT Trump. 
    Democrats can nominate a house plant and beat Trump… so the morons are the ones who refused to nominate anybody (and I mean ANYBODY else) who would easily take down Biden. And before the clowns all say, in unison, “there are only two choices, so it’s gotta be Trump or y’all are all stupid,” the ones who MADE those the only two options are the idiots. 
    When Trump announced that he was running, it was over. Too many people hate him. Blaming other people because YOU nominated an unelectable candidate doesn’t make you smart or “America First.”
  9. Thanks
    CardinalBacker reacted to Boyz N Da Hood in Dang "Erectionists"!   
    Cant believe our ppl are so dumb to nominate these 2 clowns... 8 years of trash and looking like 4 more SMH.... 
  10. Like
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from SmashMouth in BRAGG'S STAR WITNESS   
    Oh, I agree… the prosecution’s star witness just pooped the bed. 
    The problem is this. OJ Simpson was a Heisman Trophy winner from USC, and the Avis commercials, Naked Gun movies, and every Sunday on the sidelines at NFL games. A very likable guy…. The glove gave the jurors the opportunity to do what they wanted-free the Juice. 
    On the other hand, NYC jurors HATE Trump, as evidenced by the previous trial (although that one was decided by a judge) in which trump got hammered.  I’ve got a bad feeling that these jurors won’t care about whether not Cohen lied, but be more concerned with the fact that “being fed to the lions” isn’t within the range of punishment that they can impose. 
    I’m not saying it’s right or that I agree, it’s just what I expect.  
  11. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to thetragichippy in BRAGG'S STAR WITNESS   
    Even if he is convicted of every count, he won't go to jail (imagine if they do try to put him in jail with the no bail program they have in place even letting violent offenders go) - and he is 100% on the ballot. He will appeal and this will be last trial before election.
  12. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in BRAGG'S STAR WITNESS   
    Yes, but no… the Dems are no doubt using the court system, but not like you think. They WANTED Trump in the race.  Every time they indicted him, more Rs got behind him. They are well aware that ANY  Republican candidate would walk right over Biden… except Trump. This hasn’t been about destroying Trump, it’s about solidifying his support, eventual nomination, and inevitable defeat in November. 
    FWIW, it also strengthens the resolve of the “anybody but Trump” voters to vote democrat.  
  13. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Reagan in Iran's President Killed in Helicopter Crash   
    Yeah... He's probably their own Dade Phelan.  Not "MIGA" enough for the masses.  
    Make Iran Great Again.
  14. Haha
    CardinalBacker reacted to LumRaiderFan in Iran's President Killed in Helicopter Crash   
    This administration probably did.
  15. Like
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from SmashMouth in BRAGG'S STAR WITNESS   
    Yeah… I was on a jury for a custody modification where the dad was accused of being inappropriate with the child by mom. Law enforcement wasn’t involved. The first thing one of the jurors said when we began deliberating was “I’m sorry… but they (the dad’s counsel) didn’t prove that he didn’t do it.”  Were you even listening to the instructions?
  16. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to AggiesAreWe in Iran's President Killed in Helicopter Crash   
    SEAL team did their job.
  17. Haha
    CardinalBacker reacted to SmashMouth in More voting fraud! Guess who?   
    All VERY true. And it's both sides drinking the Kool-Aid. But I'll say it once again, I'll vote Trump over Biden everyday of the week and twice on Sundays...wait, did I just employ a democrat strategy?
  18. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to bullets13 in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    And you continue to blame the other side for not bowing to the situation that your side created.  Can't believe those idiots won't vote for the guy we knew they wouldn't vote for but insisted on nominating anyway.  How dumb are they???
  19. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to Boyz N Da Hood in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    There is zero chance R's get house, senate and Trump win... what have they done since midterms other than argue over speaker?
  20. Thanks
    CardinalBacker reacted to bullets13 in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    But not on the republican voters to provide an electable option in the primary.  It's always the centrists and lefties who are the dumb ones.  
    Tell you what, I'm going to open up a fine dining restaurant in Caney Head.  Really good, really expensive food.  And when it fails, I'm going to blame the locals for being unsophisticated.  After all, this is really good food.  Then I'm going to wait a couple of years, reopen in the same place as the same restaurant, serving the same expensive food, and blame the locals when it fails again.  Then when someone with a shred of common sense suggests I start serving hamburgers and chicken fried steak, I'm going to refuse to serve food that would be successful in that area, instead standing firm with my menu and spending my time complaining about how stupid and poor the locals are after my restaurant fails for a second time.
    As an aside: Trump can be a turd sandwich and also have been a good president (i'd say pretty decent, but close enough).  But when the turd sandwich part outweighs the good or decent president part for a majority of the country it becomes a major issue.  It cost him the election 4 years ago, and it's a bigger problem today.  The only reason he even has a shot is because Biden may be the worst president in history.  But hey, let's not change anything, remain unappealing to over half of the country, and blame everyone else if we don't win!
  21. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to bullets13 in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    back to the old "the voters are stupid if they don't decide our turd sandwich is better than their turd sandwich" argument.  first and foremost it's the party's responsibility to put out electable candidates (both failed).  Then the party line voters are responsible for picking an electable option in the primaries for the general election (both failed again).  And finally, once you get to the general election, it's the entire country's responsibility to pick the best option for the job.  85-90% of the country's vote is decided before a candidate is ever named (and everyone commenting in this thread falls in this category).  And to be completely honest, the left has done a better job of pandering to those 10-15% who actually decide the presidency, they're just screwed here because they have the sitting president and he wants to run again.  Lucky for them the right are throwing the same guy at him that lost the last time, and nobody likes him any more than they did 4 years ago.  If we'd picked literally ANYBODY besides Trump in the primary it would be a cakewalk.  As it is, it'll be a tight race likely coming down to tenths of percentages in a handful of states to decide things.  But hey, instead of doing what's necessary to win elections, let's just insist on doing the same thing that didn't work before, demanding the other side completely adjust their politics without any concessions, and then blame them for being stupid when they don't agree to our terms and just vote in their own not very good candidate.
  22. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to LumRaiderFan in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    I can hear folks using Google as we speak, I've seen that one enough times to actually remember the name.
  23. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from SmashMouth in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    Squints like Travis  Bickel: “Are you talkin’ to ME?”
  24. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    Squints like Travis  Bickel: “Are you talkin’ to ME?”
  25. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to SmashMouth in Who Will Be President Trump's VP Pick?!   
    Bud, I know a lot of your comments are used just to get a rise or to be funny - to instigate a reaction, but you're starting to sound like post sanity Robert De Niro. Lol.
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