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Posts posted by WildcatBacker

  1. Well if he makes 10-99 yards runs there is a 99% chance he will score on 9 of them.

    Concentrate on the steak and not the potatoes HJ. Lol.. I was just saying that games are decided by score, not stats. I used an over-the-top analysis to make that point. Of course 10 99 yds runs would never happen without making it in on most of them. But if he fumbled.....at the 1............nevermind.  :lol:

  2. In high school football, you hear some things a LOT to help 'explain' things, like why a team lost or why the scores ended up like they did or why they get no love in the rankings, etc...etc.. Here are a few of the ones that come to mind and my thoughts on them. I'd like to know yours..


    Strength of schedule - I know that you can tell a lot about a team by how well they do in losses to good teams, but expecting recognition or respect for losing to these teams is ridiculous. I mean come on.....you want to be ranked or given props simply because the team you lost to was TOO TOUGH?? Lol.. If rankings mean nothing to you, then ok. But if they do, then win...plain and simple. If you lose, expect to be given the due (lack of) respect.

    Penalties cost us the game - I have seen many, many MANY bad calls, and many non-calls, in high school football. And I will be the first to admit that they can sometimes have an affect on the outcome of the game. But more often than not, the penalties WERE committed, so quit whining and accept the marked off yardage. It sucks, but it's part of the game. 

    We had x number of td's called back because of penalties - This kinda goes along with the one mentioned just^^ above, but with a twist. There are 2 problems with this 'excuse', 1)If the player hadn't committed whatever the penalty was, then maybe that td wouldn't have happened..and 2) On those drives that this happened, how many times was a td scored eventually anyway? What I mean is, if the final score was 28-21, and somebody says "Yea but we would've won if those 2 td's hadn't been called back because of penalties.." I bet most of the time if you paid attention, or went back and looked at the footage, you'd see that those drives ended in td's anyway...so you didn't really LOSE those td's. Make sense?

    Our starting (whatever) was out of the game - A team consists of 11 guys on the field at one time. If you have 11 guys on the field, then you are equal to the team you're facing. No one player should be carrying a team and if they are, then you have trouble from the start. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, not it's strongest link.


    I'm interested to know what anyone thinks about these...or any others that I might have missed. 


  3. So using your logic Wildcatbacker, Buna has the better defense, Kirbyville the better offense

    Against Orangefield? Yea, ok. That could be a true statement but it's not my point. My point is that you used a small piece of the pie when pointing out what you did, but left a huge piece hidden because it didn't 'help' you prove your point. In reality, Kirbyville giving up 14 more than Buna. pales in comparison to Kirbyville scoring 28 more than Buna against the same team. Yet you chose to show the smaller of the two differences cause it suited you. Most people would call this an attempt at 'misleading'.. 

  4. Dew game we know that we both took foot off the gas which you can not use. That Ana game EC won by 23 and Kirby won by 21. The Kountze game against Kirby they where not 100% and EC they where. So by your logic EC is the better team. LOL That my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL We will know a little more Oct 17. :rolleyes:

    Yes in the Deweyville game both teams backed off to keep from running the score up so that one shouldn't count. I agree. But by your logic of Kountze not being 100% against us, then the same can be said for us against Anahuac. Our STARTING QUARTERBACK was out of the game cause of an injury. Did you see that? The STARTING QB. Soooo....by that logic, Kirbyville is still the better team. Lol.. (That's my story and I'M sticking to it) 

  5. I think common played teams is awesome for conversation, but it has the potential to make someone look like a fool when it comes to game time. Lol.. Take for instance this year....who thinks Buna could beat WO-S? Just the thought of it would make most people laugh their a--es off. But look...Buna beat Orangefield, Orangefiled beat Newton and Newton beat WO-S. Soooooo......would Buna beat WO-S? Don't be so quick to dismiss it as a possibility if you go by common played opponents. 

  6. I see your logic but understand that EC had greater margin of victory in 2 of the 3 games listed as common opponents. Only the Kountze game was Kirbyville's margin of victory larger.

    True, but those two games were both won by EC by 1 pt more and 2 pts more respectively than what Kirbyville beat them by. And they were both 3+ TD wins (blowouts) by both teams, so that 1 & 2 pt difference was basically conversion choices, or missed conversions. The Kountze game is the difference in that they gave EC fits all night just like they did Corrigan-Camden and Hardin-Jefferson. But, Kirbyville handled them easily....winning by 42 pts. Now why do you think Kirbyville handled them so much easier? Hmmmm.....what could be the reason?  :P

  7. One of your best post (out of the 22) that I have seen WildcatBacker. Don't take it personal. A bold post gets a bold response. Now lets talk football. I see what you did on the hunt for second place. LOL Swap 1 and 2 and you have it. Buna has a lot of seniors on this years team. I saw them scrimmage Newton last year and they gave Newton all they wanted last year in a scrimmage. They did do some live quarters but just not the same.  I would have loved to seen Newton and Buna game instead of scrimmage!!! I think Kirbyville/Buna will be a good game as the week after EC/Buna will be a good game. A lot of good football in this district but time will tell the truth. God Bless everyone Thursday/Friday with no injury's and prayers for quick recovery of the one's that are hurt. I hate to see anyone hurt on any team.

    I agree with most everything except I'm gonna keep my #'s 1 & 2. Lol.. I think Buna and EC both have good teams. They've proven it just simply by winning every game they've played so far and deserve respect for that alone. But when trying to compare how well one team will stack up against another team before they actually play, all you can really go by is common opponents for THAT year. Kirbyville beat Newton THIS yr in their scrimmage. We also beat Orangefield by 15 pts whereas Buna only beat them by 1. As far as EC and Kirbyville's common opponents this yr (which are Anahuac, Kountze and Deweyville) Kirbyville has won their games over these opponents by a combined 38 pts more than EC beat them. I know this is all nothing more than stats but it does mean something on forums such as these where discussion is all we're doing. So, I say that Kirbyville is the better of the 3 teams. And so again, good luck to Buna and EC. I can't wait for y'alls game to determine 2nd place.  ;)

  8. Ok. I'll ease up. I really will. I know how good Kirbyville is but I see based on me being Mr. Popular all of a sudden, that I guess I've tried shoving them down everyone's throat and that's not fun. It's not what we're here to do. I know what will happen by season's end but I guess how good we are needs to be seen and not read. So, let's talk football. I stand by my picks of 1) Kirbyville, 2) EC, 3) Buna and 4) Kountze for this district. That's what this thread was started for and I apologize for my part of getting it off track. Good luck to Buna and EC on their hunt for 2nd place. :-)

  9. Exactly. Lol out of all the foolish things I've heard during the season to this point....that is BY FAR the most ignorant. Comparing a 3A highschool team to a college program. Lol what a joke. They couldn't stay on the field with the worst JuCo program in the state. Much less a larger school.

    Wow. Taking things literally much? If your son was doing really well in high school baseball, and someone said that he looked like a young A-Rod.....would you assume that they meant he was ready for pro ball NOW? Of course not. Please, dear God, stop being so naive. The man quoted was just saying that he had seen a very good football team and stated that it was "...like watching a young college team..." He didn't say "They are as good as a college team.." Holy geez.....I over-estimated the intelligence level of some of these posters on here. Lol..

  10. I don't presume to speak for Buna, but don't see any outrageous trash talk emanating from any EC poster. You are trying to paint a picture that does not exist.

    I'm not referring to any outrageous trash talk. I'm referring to thoughts that EC or Buna has a chance to beat Kirbyville. They don't. I know, it has to be settled on the field and it will be. I'm just ending the 'suspense' for anyone that might have delusional thoughts of it being possible........it ain't. Ask the '08 Shelbyville team that was 5-0 and came into Kirbyville with heads so filled up from wins that they ran to the middle of the field and jumped on our logo. Lol.. We beat them 60-8. Ask the '10 Jasper Bulldogs that boasted about how they'd beaten Huntington (Lol...Huntington?) worse than we'd beat them. Kirbyville won that game 63-8. Would have been 70-8 if Coach Alavarez hadn't just downed the ball at the 2 in the final seconds. Look, hope is a good thing. It really is. But anyone left to face Kirbyville in this district has no hope. They will only be let down really hard when their Fri night comes. Remember the name WildcatBacker. You heard it here first..

  11. you like crow ? You might get a big ole plate of it my friend


    I've seen kirbyville twice lol y'all are one of the top 3a teams in the state and I have y'all winning district.. Just saying kirbyville looks like a college team is just foolish lol

    I'm not 100% sure of the yr, but I think it was around 2007 or 2008. Buna was doing better than they ever had in their history. They finished the regular season 9-1 and that one loss was to district champ EC... by one pt because of a failed two pt conversion. (They did not play Kirbyville that yr btw) Well anyway, they were riding a high that they'd never known. As luck would have it though, they drew Newton in the 1st round of the playoffs. I was working with a young man that was from Buna and he was just completely convinced that because of Buna's success so far, they were 'finally' going to beat the all-mighty Newton. I could not convince him otherwise despite telling him numerous times that Newton was just simply a different animal. Buna had done some great things that year but they were facing a team that they simply were not in the same class of. Well, Newton blew them out something like 55-8 and I was proven right then....just like I will be now. Look, do I think Kirbyville is as good as any college team? No. I don't think the person saying that meant it that way either....he was just overly stating how good we looked to him. But I think you guys (EC and Buna) are letting the success you're having do the same thing it did to the young man I worked with. Kirbyville is the better team and you will see that soon enough, starting on Oct 17th.

  12. Well idk what college team they look like but let's not get carried away.. Yes the are a great team but saying they look like a college team is a little far fetched lol

    Well like I said, take it for what it's worth. I personally am going to take it just like EVERY... SINGLE... ONE... OF... YOU... out there would do if this was said about their team, I'm going to take pride in knowing that our boys are that good. You'll see. Buna, EC, the others....you'll see. Oh btw this is not being cocky, this is confidence. I know what we have. The only way you'll know too is when you face us and it's coming. Lol..

  13. Just in case anyone is curious, here's a copy and paste quote from someone that went to a Kirbyville game that is NOT FROM Kirbyville. This is from a news page that posted on fb about the game and this person responded... " if yall go, let's re-phrase, when yall go to state this year. I'm going to ask (name deleted) to travel with yall. You are right , watching Kirbyville play is like watching a young college team play." (this is a non-biased bystander watching the game. Take it for what it's worth)

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