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Everything posted by SLandry09

  1. Yeah I have, but it's not like I'm agreeing with them. I don't see why either of us should talk crap.. it's not smart to be SO so sure about tonight, cause then you'll feel dumb if you're wrong.. cause a lot of people will be proved wrong after the game tonight. Good be Kville people, could be WO-S people.. never know!
  2. Haha.. yeah I'm very proud of our guys too. Win or lose, I'm sure they'll do their best. And hopefully our guys can keep their heads and finish it with a win. Yeah, I don't see the purpose in them talking crap on us either but it's fine, we have a very good team and that's all that matters. We'll see what's right tonight.
  3. And I'm not here to say yall suck, just trying to say that this will be an awesome game, and I know WOS is really good. I'm just ready to watch this game, cause it will be pretty awesome... Good luck to both teams.
  4. Yeah.. back on topic.. and wow your freshman are undefeated that's good... ours would be pretty awesome too if we didn't move the good freshman up. And some of our juniors aren't even on varsity, and they're pretty good, so our freshman guys that are on varsity must be good if they are better than some good junior players, so they definately deserve their spot on field.
  5. Not everyone from kville thinks they're gunna kill WOS, most all of our football guys know it will be a hard, close game. But they aren't saying they'll lose either.. haha. ;D
  6. Does it even matter if Newton or Kville is better? We are not in the same district... if we were, then I would understand all of this.. but we're not. ???
  7. Yea!! Fun times.. I was a Kville fan in that group. That was an awesome time... But that'll be the only chance I'll be able to do it because Im in the band.. =/ but it was definately worth taking my time to go do all of that.
  8. Yall can keep saying kville would lose.. but no one will really no, unless one year we move down and play them. Im not saying we'd win or lose... but none of us know..
  9. Yep.. spring. If we played in the fall.. it'd probably be pretty sad.. haha cause it's so hard for ANY of our tennis players to practice cause most are either in band, volleyball, or football, and the rest only practice when they have to.. which is another reason why not many towns have any talent, cause no one is dedicated enough. >
  10. Kirbyville also goes to team tennis.. Haven't advanced in about 4 or 5 years... about that long ago Kirbyville went to state in Team Tennis, but of course like every other town around here, good players are fading.
  11. Does anyone know which girls singles or doubles will do well next year? One I know will be Lucia from Memorial... what others?
  12. [glow=red,2,300]Nothing wrong with a little video games...hahaha.[/glow]
  13. haha... Westbrook? Sorry. Don't think so.
  14. Yep, Newk's is great. A little expensive, but worth the money! ;D
  15. Yeah it's in New Braunsfels, about a 6-8 hour drive... haha. I've been twice. It's really great. I've come back so much better both times. I'll probably go to the winter camp again.
  16. Haha... I don't know much Spanish. But I do know what that means... tehehe.
  17. Haha... y'all are so funny. This keeps me so entertained... Whenever this little battle occurs... I def. want to be there.... hahahaha.
  18. Athlete5 makes sense, but just so everyone knows, I'm not bashing anyone. The academy guys are very good, that's true. And all I was stating from the beginning is that if you don't know what you're talking about then don't say it isn't true, stick to talking about your own town like you always do.
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