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Everything posted by SLandry09

  1. Hahaha. Jasper cracks me up. I don't know who will win, but this game is going to be exciting to watch and I'll be there to see. Our guys aren't afraid. '09 has this. GO Cats!!
  2. I don't even have to know how much bug or kenton have been practicing this summer. There is NO WAY they can beat Deaver, lol. That makes me laugh to even think about it happening. OMG.
  3. I'll be playing at as many as I can, unless I have a chance to go to a USTA tourn.
  4. Just because people can serve good hard serves, doesn't mean they always will. Sometimes when you're aiming for certain points you slow it down, or maybe your arm is tired, or hurting who knows. But just because someone has an amazingly hard serve doesn't mean they will always use it.
  5. Who ever said his serve was anything compared to deaver's? I would not compare his serve to Deaver's, cause I know Deaver's is way better, obviously. But I'm saying Atkinson has a good serve at times.
  6. Ok.. maybe yall haven't seen Cole when he's on his game. He practices his serve often, but he doesn't always TRY to smash it when he plays. He usually goes for consistency. When he gets angry, you better hope that you're not trying to return his serve. Yeah it's flat, but you try and stick your 'board' out there and touch that ball when he's trying to serve hard... if you can get to it first.
  7. Good job Matt! It was an awesome match! Way to pull through.
  8. Well we'll never know actually who would've won out of Erin and I... I choked in the semi-finals against meredith. Meredith is a really good player, but I know I could've done better, but I didn't. So shove it in kvillextreme's face all you want. All he was saying is she wouldn't have won first if her and I played, but it didn't end up that way, and who really knows who would've won. No one.
  9. We all know this. It was just the luck of the draw, and extreme nerves.
  10. Let them laugh. I don't really think you could ever beat him either. But at least it's a motive for you to work harder and prove us wrong....doubtfully though.
  11. Kville has a good mixed doubles team that will probably meat BC in the finals. I think the girls doubles will be between Ofield and Kville.
  12. Thanks. Last Saturday I played in College Station. Atm's courts are awesome.
  13. ... anyway. Kelly definately has it on the guys.. but I haven't really seen many girls... at least not any that were great.
  14. Lane Tippett and Cole Atkinson placed first at the lamar tennis tourn. last week. They've been working together a lot. I think they will do great all year.
  15. Go WOS! I hope we get to meet yall again after this week!
  16. I believe Kvill will win... but if our defense doesn't click then I won't be surprised if Silsbee wins. Are boys better be ready! This game is going to be a nail-biter.
  17. I know yall had to have seen that drumoff during half time...?
  18. I think Kelly definately has the best team.
  19. Some of the people from kville need to watch what they say... [i am from Kville] I really don't know why some of yall have to say stupid things like that. And the only reason we're saying we'll beat OF so much is cause this is a bulletin for predictions... and I don't think we have gravy or rice, haha. But you should def. go by Jenny's before the game.. BEST chicken, or whatever you want, around here.
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