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Everything posted by SLandry09

  1. Haha.. they probably made a big deal cause yall ACTUALLY lost to someone.. but not saying it's good, just rare to see/hear.
  2. I wish I could watch that tape.. one time I saw one of our guys try to tackle a WOS guy, and he accidentaly, or maybe purposely, punched the ball out of his hand.. no one around me saw it. But I thought it was really funny. At least something made me laugh during that game, haha. It's alright though, WOS did pretty good, and I know they could do even better.
  3. Just reading all of these stories is making me cringe!
  4. Kirbyville would have to play pretty badly to lose this one.. or Orangefield wil have to play pretty awesome to win... just my opinion!
  5. Yeah, the home side only has THREE bathrooms, so it can't be too much better than the visitor's side.. haha, and yeah our QB[Hazlewood] was too funny. That was about the most I laughed the whole game. And I was probably happier then than any other time.
  6. Oh ... yeah. I most definately agree on that one.. how many are there.. 2 or 3? Well it's as bad as the bathrooms on the home side.. Our school board/ or whoever needs to build a bigger concession stand on both sides and need much bigger bathrooms.. Haha.. yeah, we need that much more than bigger stands.
  7. Y'all's fans were great too.. packed our little visitor stands! haha. We definately needer bigger stand on both sides...
  8. That's one thing I love about our town.. Even if we're getting our butts kicked[like we obviously were] our fans stay to cheer our guys on. Jasper has got to be the worst at leaving there team when they're losing. :-\
  9. Well that means you read it the wrong way. That can happen pretty easily over bulletins like this. That's why I explained it, cause I wanted to straighten that out, that I wasn't talking trash on y'all.
  10. And I wasn't saying that I hope y'all get killed. Y'all our a good team, so if your team gets killed by someone, I definately wouldn't want us playing them!
  11. Wow.. I didn't say y'all were bullies... I was explaining MY opinion on how I would like OUR team to be seen. It was not directed at y'all's team. I never said y'all started fights or acted in a bad way.. I was explaining how I would rather good comments on how we had good attitudes than how we had bad attitudes. ANd I'm not saying that our football team doesn't have bad attitudes.. some of them do get bad attitudes.
  12. And I would think it'd be more of a compliment for people to say..."Wow, those Kirbyville Wildcats kicked out butts. But at least they didn't try to start fights, or didn't talk much smack. Good luck to them".. instead of.. "Yeah, I can't believe we just lost to a football team that acts like that. They killed us, but wow, they were extremely rude. I hope they get killed in one of their games. I can't believe their coaches let them act like that."
  13. And kvillecheer, I can't say why. I'll tell you sometime later. It's extremely stupid. He was in a bad mood all night, and it just made things more tense in the stands.
  14. Yeah it made me pretty mad when the guys acted like they weren't prepared for this game. If they would've stayed confident then they would've done much better.. would've a little more exciting.
  15. Nah, but I did hear about him throwing up... poor boy! Cash and Clint were throwing up after the game to.. Cash came into the band hall, threw down his drum and sprinted to the bathroom! I'm sure you heard about why Clint was sick..
  16. Yeah.. I'm not blaming any of the fans.. All I'm doing is saying there's no reason to talk smack to the ones who want to watch a good game. But I agree with kville cheer, I knew y'all had us most likely, but I obviously wasn't going to tell our guys that. I wanted them to do their best, and I'm a little disappointed at how they gave up when y'all only scored 12... anyone else notice that?
  17. I think you should get over the fact that not everyone from kirbyville talks as much smack like balla, and we have respect for a team that can beat us, and even he admitted it too.
  18. I think you should get over the fact that not everyone from kirbyville talks as much smack like balla, and we have respect for out team that can beat us, and even he admitted it too.
  19. Yeah, she is. And if y'all are 'having fun' with balla, then why don't you direct all those comments to him, instead of to everyone else. Some of us did say it would be a hard game, and wished both teams good luck.
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