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  1. Like
    87JAG reacted to oldschool2 in Mercy Rule?   
    Who cares.. Learn to schedule, or learn to play, or don't play.

    Same thing happens here. Teams that are absolutely horrible end up with some sense of false hope because the other team basically stops playing and starts trying not to score. I don't really feel sorry for any team.
  2. Like
    87JAG reacted to Bigcam2903 in Best 8th grade ballers in SETX.   
    Don't mean a thing until they prove themselves on the Varsity level. I'm all for keeping an eye on a kid, but Crowning them before they play Varsity is...................... you know
    Many kids in MS bloom/mature before their peers. Let's revisit this thread in 2-3 yrs & see that list disappear. Many of these kids will go from the Best to a participant or not playing at all. I truly wish All these kids much Success, but let's not put anymore pressure on them that they haven't already placed on themselves. Youth Summer Coaches please quit telling these kids they are the Best in this area. A group of kids to come through a particular School comes through every Blue Moon, those that reach their HS potential come around once in a lifetime. Keep working hard Coaches, that's the only formula for Success.
  3. Like
    87JAG reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Kobe.   
    If you took a national poll for Kobe on this you would more than likely be right, but on the flipside if you did the same poll for Barkley you would end up with the same results, both have very high IQs for bball. 
  4. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from AthleticSupporter - Jock in Central QB flips committment   
    It's his decision to make. It just makes it that much easier for his family to come see him play.
  5. Like
    87JAG reacted to 7mary3 in Mercy Rule?   
    Tell them to play in the YMCA where everyone is a winner! Geez.
  6. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from JRidge in Ozen's Randle gets his first offer   
    Congrats to Mr. Randle on his offer. He earned it. With 4.3 speed he should get more.
    Bigcam I applaud you and the way you raised your son. I'm not one for excuses and I don't believe in teaching kids excuses. Make the best of your situation and take advantage of your opportunities. If you are really good, it doesn't matter where you play ( AKA MICHAEL STRAHAN, JERRY RICE)
  7. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from Hornet71 in Ozen's Randle gets his first offer   
    Congrats to Mr. Randle on his offer. He earned it. With 4.3 speed he should get more.
    Bigcam I applaud you and the way you raised your son. I'm not one for excuses and I don't believe in teaching kids excuses. Make the best of your situation and take advantage of your opportunities. If you are really good, it doesn't matter where you play ( AKA MICHAEL STRAHAN, JERRY RICE)
  8. Like
    87JAG reacted to Bigcam2903 in Ozen's Randle gets his first offer   
    Thank You Sir!!! We try to surround ourselves with people we relate to & have the same values. We really appreciate the things you have shown him & talked to him about.
  9. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from Mr Davis in Ozen's Randle gets his first offer   
    Congrats to Mr. Randle on his offer. He earned it. With 4.3 speed he should get more.
    Bigcam I applaud you and the way you raised your son. I'm not one for excuses and I don't believe in teaching kids excuses. Make the best of your situation and take advantage of your opportunities. If you are really good, it doesn't matter where you play ( AKA MICHAEL STRAHAN, JERRY RICE)
  10. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Ozen's Randle gets his first offer   
    Congrats to Mr. Randle on his offer. He earned it. With 4.3 speed he should get more.
    Bigcam I applaud you and the way you raised your son. I'm not one for excuses and I don't believe in teaching kids excuses. Make the best of your situation and take advantage of your opportunities. If you are really good, it doesn't matter where you play ( AKA MICHAEL STRAHAN, JERRY RICE)
  11. Like
    87JAG reacted to Bigcam2903 in Ozen's Randle gets his first offer   
    I appreciate the concern, but Lamar has shown the Most interest, been very cordial to my Family. The bottom line is Rodney has to make his own way wherever he goes. We didn't raise him to play "Daddy" Ball. He will perform in spite of, just as he did @ Ozen. I'm sure you've heard how appealing the environment & treatment of him there was "Fair". I couldn't/wouldn't save him there where my tax dollars paid those guys, I'm certainly not getting involved/interfering with guys that are paying for his Education. He has been raised to make the Best of his circumstances without pointing fingers at the Obvious. Just go to work Baby. Again, at the end of the Day he has to Live with his Choice. We're very proud of him for what he has achieved as an Honor Student, having 4 Coaches in 4 yrs & still able to garner attention from a University for a Scholarship. He earned this himself through class work & 6am workouts since 5th grade. I know what pitfalls are waiting for kids, so we took our kids' futures into our own hands to ensure they would receive whatever benefits that await them. Only God really knows best & made a way out of no way. I've said enough already. Bro I haven't scratched the surface of the Treatment of my Son, but like I tell him all the time; it's still Excuses unless you turn it into opportunities.
  12. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from TeeCal85 in PA TJMS BASKETBALL   
    Some of the Vincent kids been playing together since elementary. Coaching does play a part in it. Vincent's coach haven't done anything special. Several of the kids don't even like him. They knew how to play before they made the team. All that summer league paid off. You can see the coaching or lack of it when there is a press. Guards dribbling into the press and thinking they can out dribble it.
  13. Like
    87JAG reacted to NDOMAKONG in how strong was your jv program this year   
    Probably better to discuss Freshman seasons, JV doesn't translate well to varsity at least for 205A. Heck Nederland has probably been sub .500 at the JV level over their 4 year district reign.
  14. Like
    87JAG reacted to skipmeister in Any Coaching Changes for 2015 ?   
    Every school should do the same!
  15. Like
    87JAG reacted in Any Coaching Changes for 2015 ?   
    A lot of people who post on this board were not even born then. WOS is the setx face of success.
  16. Like
    87JAG reacted in Any Coaching Changes for 2015 ?   
    Newton & WO-S

    Can't leave them out of the equation.

    3/4 of those programs have fairly recent AD/HC changes. Is that your point ?
  17. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from TxHoops in OLD SCHOOLS AND PIGS   
    Take a lil look back when Beaumont was the "Football capital of the World".  Beaumont claimed the title but, we know that the Golden Triangle was where it was at.  What you see is a hotbed of student athletes in the golden triangle that were superior trained athletes and well-educated students. It wasn't because of new facilities. If we would compare that to today's facilities we would be amazed. They were students first. They graduated from college and pursued a career in sports. Back then it couldn't have been for the money. I have personally met some that turned down the offer to play in order to obtain a regular job. The athletic and academic programs all functioned at a high level with less resources than today. The problem has shifted from students getting accepted to their first choice college to students passing the state test. That is a no win situation.
  18. Like
    87JAG reacted to IT'S IN THE BONE in OLD SCHOOLS AND PIGS   
    I don't want our kiddos to have less than they deserve but u have to admit that many of the high school facilities showcased are over the top and have more to do with measuring man hood than what's right for kids and education. Athletics does give a lot of kids a chance to change the cycle of life within their socioeconomic setting but in the long go its just a drop in the bucket and turns into big business and money...I have a child that will go play Division 1 Baseball and it had everything to do with his personal dedication and academics and nothing to do with his high school field. It had a lot to do with coaches and teachers that cared and a lot of at home direction. You are correct about on thing success builds success but bling does not build success, hard work does. When kids see kids claim that prize it's contagious my friend way more so than a shiney new field. Attention has to be paid to academics and that has to be lopsided or those athletes DO NOT MAKE IT! Stadiums are nice and they are pretty show pieces but watching kids grow into productive, successful well adjusted young men and women is priceless and it's academics that are the foundation. Yes, athletics and fine arts teach a kid dedication and teamwork...teaches them to how to value their brother. It teaches kids to be strong willed and not to settle for less than they deserve. Money and material things don't teach our children that lesson. Yes maybe put lip stick on the pig , but when put our money into the process and mentors, isn't that teaching these kids so much more. I'm not advocating letting out facilities go and when it's time and all advanced priorities are 100% met, than lets have some fun, but only then. oldschool2 I understand your point and it has validity but it's also a bit of a pipe dream bud...you have taken a lot of crap, even by me Sir but your last post was good and I to can respect your position. If you want to advocate change than start with being supportive and uplifting to the folks in the trenches and throw your hat in the ring with legit directives and planning not just rhetoric, because we have enough of that.
  19. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Will lack of DEFENSE be our coverage area demise?   
    I've seen their Pop Warner League play and I know they have a lot of players from the program that played pro ball. I think of Gtown like Orange with a Bmt option. A system set in place from little league up to varsity with the option for kids to transfer in to their school just to play ball.
  20. Like
    87JAG reacted to 1212kmg in West End Beaumont Bulldogs Coach Probation   
    Why exactly is the Mercy Rule in place?  Whatever happened to just playing the game and teaching boys (or girls if they play the game which some do) that sometimes a huge loss is just that -- a loss.  Character is built when you teach kids how to lose gracefully.  Your idea that this league is about you as a coach, dad, mom or league President, or Board member is flawed.  No one cares what you do, don't do or how you perform.  The ultimate question is whether your child is improving, having fun and becoming a better man/woman because he can handle the losses with the wins.  If you as a coach, dad, mom, league President or Board member harps on these alleged atrocities so much so you seek to "punish" others . . . you are only teaching your kids to be complete failures, complainers and ultimate losers in life.  Your kids will be the ones with their hands out begging for favors b/c they are inadequate in every respect.  
    I would imagine this rule was put in place based on a gentlemen's agreement or understanding that no coach would intentionally run up the score.  I have read the by-laws and "definition" of the "Mercy Rule" and no where does it allow for this board to meet out a punishment of any sort, let alone to tell a man he is put on a lifetime probation.  No where does it outline what any alleged punishment would be either -- it was left undefined b/c no one ever expected this type of result.    If you want to continue with these decisions, please know that the rules are so vague and lacking in definition that they do not call for the use of "evidence" (such as videos), let alone using video and then not letting the accused party to view it in his or her defense.  If you want to start holding "ethical" boards and meeting punishment, you better have some protocol and particularly defined violations in writing in addition to what is required to constitute a legitimate vote to punish a coach and/or vote off a Board member.    
    This board needs to be a little more pensive in how they act in the future.  They are skirting on the brinks of a discrimination lawsuit.  One in race given the 2 coaches they put on probation are African American (a repeated pattern I regret) and now sexual.  This I am afraid is coming from a white mother who is tired of listening to all this bantering of pathetic men.  You seriously kicked off of the one women who is on this Board?  I have no idea what she did to warrant such action but, again, where do your by-laws allow for such action?  You guys are fooling yourselves if you think your "punishments" have any real consequence other then defaming and libeling certain individuals.  These people have no legal impetus to follow your punishment other than they are trying to be respectful to the league and the kids -- which this is all about and kudos to them for not fighting back.  Be careful what you say to disparage other individuals on this forum and elsewhere.  The internet has a strange way of coming back to bite you in the --- (anonymous or not).  Things that are said on these forums can be used in discovery and in litigation.  
    Stand up and be real men and teach your boys to be proud losers or winners, no matter how the chips may fall and no matter how bad you think you have been cheated (truth or not).  You aren't teaching your kids squat if you helicopter and try to outdo their "failures" all the time.  Life lessons people -- get real.
  21. Like
    87JAG got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Will lack of DEFENSE be our coverage area demise?   
    I think what people are trying to say is that the coaching is better. The Ned and Gtown situation is the best example. You also have to go with the kids you have. Once you start winning, the kids will flock to your program if you are in a large area.
  22. Like
    87JAG reacted to jake94 in Will lack of DEFENSE be our coverage area demise?   
    Yes and offensive play calling. It seems every year my Dogs lose to Georgetown who has similar athletes to us, but are so much more polished offensively in tempo and play calling. The efficiency that team has on offense is something that we haven't seen in district.
  23. Like
    87JAG reacted to jag86 in Can I get some clarity on this Bmt business?   
    Bugatti its all going to work itself out, the man upstairs dont sleep. we all know its personal between the Lumberton president and the BMT coaches. matter of fact the Lumberton Sr coaches didnt file the complaint the president did while he was on the phone with BMT president before the game was even over!!! Our kids play Lumberton High the next two weeks, OZEN/CENTRAL, so lets see if the lumberton school board will file a complaint on them for not starting a premire player in the game in order to run up the score.LOL
  24. Like
    87JAG reacted to RCT2 in Is STJFL the issue or the Parents   
    Why are these people trying to take away anything from these young men?? Win?  Coach Suspension? etc??
    Im not trying to stir the pot i would like answers?  I give money to this league for my boys to play, it seems all of this stuff happens behind closed door. I support youth sports no matter what town your from, its all about development.
  25. Like
    87JAG reacted to RCT2 in Is STJFL the issue or the Parents   
    Come on Lumberton!!!  This is youth football.  Really!!!!!
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