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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. Does Coach K have to complain about every call he doesn't get
  2. Garrett and Homo wishing they were as elite as Coach K and the Blue Devils.
  3. Took the words right out of my mouth. He is, without a doubt, the best coach out there.
  4. The election can't get here quick enough to get this incompetent clown out of office. Just hope enough of us get out and vote to keep the dems from putting another in his place, because they all feel that Yobama is the best thing since sliced bread.
  5. I wonder if these Kentucky basketball fans are Kentucky football fans as well. They are prolly just SEC homers and root for Bama.
  6. Picked 'em in my pool to win it. Root for anybody that plays Kentucky
  7. Don't believe Irish are fatigued. Wishful thinking
  8. ATM can't even make tourney, LSU can't get out of 1st round. With that, I would have to say ND is better.
  9. They are not better than ND, period. Smh
  10. Why? ND far more superior than those two.
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