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Posts posted by Spyder53

  1. 9 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    Ahhhh, yes…. the straw man again.

     I remember history in junior high school in the mid 1960s and I never heard anything near a claim that there was no civilization in the Americas before Europeans arrived. When did this become a teaching that Europeans were the first civilization in the Americas? It wasn’t taught 50 years ago when I was in school. 

     The only perpetual lie is that this is being taught.

    And yes, Columbus did discover that there was a continent that was unknown to Asians, Europeans and Africans. Those continents were connected by land. They were not connected to the Americas. 

     The Columbus voyages started what is known as the Columbian Exchange. Technology, foods, etc. began to be exchanged worldwide whereas much of it was unknown. As an example, today Italian food is widely associated with tomato based foods yet tomatoes came from native Americans. Prior to Columbus, there was no pasta dishes as we know them today. On the other hand, horses which are in many cased associated with some plains Indians in the Americas, came from Europe.  There would have been no horse culture among some Native American tribes had it not been for Europeans. Those exchanges of cultures were started by Columbus.

    For I suppose for woke political purposes, that part of history is ignored. 

    Sir, your attempt to throw shade with the Straw man quip is actually comical. If attempting to repute what I said, mentioning the Columbian Exchange was quite Straw man like of you. American history taught with a European slant states Columbus DISCOVERED AMERICA. It is IMPOSSIBLE THAT COLUMBUS DISCOVERED America.  Your statement (And yes, Columbus did discover that there was a continent that was unknown to Asians, Europeans and Africans) is erroneous at best, but in all reality is nonsensical. It is proven that Africans and Chinese were in the Americas thousands of years before Columbus. Even Columbus stated the Native Americans told him of African explorers. The Vikings were in the Americas 500 years before Columbus. The Columbian Exchange you so proudly mentioned is the exchange of biological entities. (Vegetables and Germs). Not merchandise) Vegetables which helped  bolster the deficient diet of  Europeans . AND GERMS These germs from Europe killed millions of Native Americans. Don't gloss tell it all. Better yet find a real history book to read. 

  2. There is a problem with the History that is taught in American schools. The idea that civilization did not exist in the Americas before European explorers, serves to minimize the Native American people. The propaganda that Columbus discovered America, and that White Europeans built this country with their bare hands is an evil lie. A lie used to marginalize minority contributions in general and Black American contributions in particular. This perpetuated lie creates a belief of White superiority, entitlement, and ownership. Any challenge of these falsehoods reveals White fragility. Knowledge is power and those who withheld Knowledge can no longer hide it. They feel their power slipping through their hands like sand. 


  3. 9 minutes ago, ThaGhost said:

    Ok riddle me this, what was to be said about the  2 times that QB #5 didn't see his back on those same wheel routes? What about the 3 or 4 drops by the PAM wr's? Does that mean that the PN-G secondary need a lil work also?

    PNG needs work all across the board. If Memorial doesn't clean up somethings in the secondary they will end up giving up a  lot of big plays to good Coordinators with quality offenses. Even Ray Charles could figure out that riddle.

  4. Let's be clear on my opinion of Hefner as a player. He's deserving of the scholarship to A&M. He was the most physically gifted and skilled athlete on the court last night. But he was not the best player on the court last night. He has to pick up his level of aggression. It's okay to float around and let the game come to you against lesser competition. But against tougher competition he has to take the lead. 

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