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Posts posted by davidortizfan

  1. the reason that lumberton isn't winning is because they have guys on that team that don't give a rip. one of the 3 all-district players returning from last year doesn't even start every game b/c of his lack of caring. that's why there is only one senior that starts every single game, and that could change soon too.. the younger classmen that are filling in are giving everything they have, b/c they are fighting for a spot. and once they get that spot, they wont stop fighting. guarntee it. lumbertons future is very bright!

  2. I think it should be allowed. I've been ejected for it before, and it doesn't seem right to me at all. and it's not like its going to kill someone.. it didn't hurt me bad at all. if ppl can tackle each other in football, then a baseball player should be allowed to atleast try to make a play happen by doing that .. thats what we call a player that HUSTLES! let us play!

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