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Posts posted by davidortizfan

  1. I want Lumberton to do good but the fact is yall run yalls mouth everyday on here talking about how good yall are going to be and it gets so old.

    #  10

    ltown, you should go look at what all the other lumberton players on this board are saying.. not ONE of us is saying how good we are. you know who the players are b/c were telling everyone else to shut up about it. everyone else is just fans who wont shut there mouths!! and the reason i didn't answer you about the passing thing with dejohn is cuz i got tired of reading your crap.. and you can't tell me that cody hussey got a pity vote for all-district. and i guarntee you that jonathon ward didn't get a pity vote for all-combine.

  2. oh, and in the district that we are in (22-4A) wouldnt you have to be an athlete to make all district?? considering were in one of the toughest districts in the state? ohh, and wouldn't you have to be an athlete to make all-combine team? (jonathon ward). so they we may not be the best athletes in the state.. but they ARE athletes.. and we have loads and loads of heart...

  3. just cause he's a pansy, and he can't back up what he's saying. and yes hanna does run a 4.59!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WOULD NOT KNOW BECAUSE YOUR NOT OUR THERE!!! maybe he didn't last year.. WOW.. its SOOO impossible to improve!! isn't it?? yeah, so shut up. and get off these boards until you know what your talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. DWC? with all do respect, and remember, im saying WITH ALL DO RESPECT! (which of coarse excuses me from what im saying, lol) but thats plum stupid! actually, flat out retardid. there isnt a player in the MLB that the yankees would give up for a-rod, and especially those three. the astros best bet is to just forget this year. there not going to pull another miracle out of there butts. there done! mark my word. they need to hope for a VERY high draft pick this upcoming year. they need to just continue building there system up. and hope for more people like pence to keep popping up. but as far as trades go, we have NO bait at all. MAYBE, just maybe. eric munson. a lot of power, and young. but other than that..

  5. ltown, just where are you from? and atleast get your stats right. hanna ran a 4.59 at an OSU camp. dejohn is an athlete, or he wouldnt be able to compete in this district. and hussey may not be the fastest, but he is very quick. he wouldnt have had near as many long runs last year without his quickness through the holes. and one guy your forgetting about, wilkerson - playmaker.

  6. to all the lumberton fans who arent actually PLAYERS... SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! all you are doing is making it worse for the PLAYERS! none of the people who are saying things like (that lumberton is in for sure, and that lumberton will make the playoffs, and that this person and that person is a hoss) is an actual player, so stop making it worse for them! just let the players work there butts off, and give everything they have, to WIN!

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