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Everything posted by TradenupBH

  1. I was at the game, it was 21-0 in 1st Q,. By mid 2Q backups were already going in. No doubt BH could’ve scored an extra 3 TD’s in game.
  2. This is a toss up game. A little worried about it LP has a history of being a tough program. Should be a good game.
  3. My neighbor made that. He came over today laughing.
  4. Hate to say it, but they looked lost when I watched them. I think coaching isn’t that good there. They have some athletes, but the kids are clueless on assignments and make silly decisions. That’s my observation.
  5. BH could’ve scored 80-90 points. Subs were in by halftime. Memorial will win big.
  6. 14.2 I feel you on a kid coming back from a serious injury. I had one in a different sport came back from injury as a Junior, had unbelievable senior season, great freshman year in college, torn UCL, and now looking forward to finishing his senior year of college ball. Takes a lot to rebound from major injuries.
  7. Kudos, you manned up and came on here. Good luck rest of season.
  8. I think everyone took it out out on 14.2😁. I personally will now root for Crosby the rest of the way.
  9. Internal stuff. Kid is good though. Herndon is hurt, but them plus other receivers we have, BH could do some damage by week 11.
  10. Something about the last possession in regulation, instead of trying run clock out, y’all were passing? I wasn’t there. I’m out of town
  11. I was told play calling was suspect especially towards end of game for y’all.
  12. I was told a fight broke out after the game between the two teams.
  13. Yep, his excuse will be this is our Super Bowl and BH always plays their best game against Crosby, and there’s 40 FBS players injured. You know the drill. Funny thing is we’re playing without Herndon, but we’re not crying.
  14. I was told that Crosby couldn’t run on us, which is odd because coach 14.2 said that they don’t even have to pass. He said they’ll just run every play?
  15. Let’s be honest, the Crosby fans knew there was a chance they would get beat by BH. That’s the reason they were coming up with silly things like us not having a bunch FBS kids, etc. The tide is turning and they know it. BH is growing really fast and starting to get better. There’s a ton of underclassmen on varsity including freshman. Future looks bright Eagles.
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