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Everything posted by BlackShirts5

  1. I was thinking PAM and BU. But ya Galena Park is supposed to be D2 now due to Lee Opting up.
  2. That's the 1st i have seen that one. Doesn't add up though. BH isn't going up to D1 so they wouldn't be with the GT teams. New Caney and Porter would probably be put in with where ever Cleveland goes.
  3. Everyone else has them up lol. I have seen some interesting guess's but this one looks more legit in my opinion. If it plays out like this i could see a 5-6 team battle for 4 spots. Beaumont United Port Aurthur Goose Creek Memorial Baytown Lee Baytown Sterling Laporte Houston Wisdom Houston Milby
  4. Never said he sucked. Said he will throw more then his share of silly INT's look at your last playoff game. And ya no one gets Offers from GCM. We have one committed to UIW now and two other SR's that will be headed to the next level. But its all good.
  5. Y reading 14.2s long post did i miss BH losing to Crosby this year?
  6. I think Galena Park will be D2 also.
  7. I dont care how ready or not ready they are. but when you are out matched at 75% of the positions on the field its tough to be ready. One of those BH safteys wanted no part of coming down and tackling #23 when he came through the line which resulted in more then a couple big runs. Bh CBs were on a island with Mavel WR's and were getting beat like they stole some thing. Manvels DB's locked up the BH wrs other then #1 getting open a couple times. If it wasnt for BH qb BH gets shut out.
  8. We will be there. I’m picking an upset!!!
  9. HVILLE done made the Defense adjustments. Crosby O is lost.
  10. You dont have to tell me.. I know all about his situation. Why he left BH to GCM from GCM to Humble and back to BH.. I just thought it was funny what 14.2 was saying.. And I did my time at BH.. Know all about it,,
  11. Where does the Qb's mom work. LLMMMMAAAAAAOOOOO
  12. New Caney and Porter didn’t fall out of form lol. New Caney finished 10-0. Porter 8-2 i think. Porter still in round 2. But United will be able to compete right away due to size and skill i would imagine. I know nothing about Laporte. PA will be competing for 3-4 spot more then likely. Could be better or worse. Who knows. New Caney is losing their all world Qb so idk what they have coming back to run the show. We will see.
  13. Why bad for PA? My thoughts are. PA was rough this year but have the talent to get alot better. BU will benefit greatly from the drop down some what like PAM did last year. Lee is losing almost all of its offense and we know how bad the Defense was. Sterling in the same boat. Porter will be strong as well as New Caney. GCM I think our defense is going to be really good next year. But if we cant figure out offense we wont win many games.
  14. Not a fan but it is what it is. I like the Dave Campbell one better lol..
  15. New Caney got dumped by a 4 seed.
  16. Brown didn’t play. But BH was in the QBs face all night long.
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