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Posts posted by Bigcam2903

  1. Congrats! I hope you either win the 7 on 7 touch football SuperBowl or sell the most girl scout cookies!! LMAO!

    You're the guy on here whining about fees to play, but now you don't like the info given to you; now you have stooped to belittle people?? I'm sure the kids don't have the same attitude as you. Such a good sport Sparky ;) 

  2. You mean like Ozen???  I seem to remember them going to Lufkin last year for the SQT.  They must have had a rich, city slicker, uncle take care of all expenses for them.  :)  If you don't like 7v7, then say you don't like it.  But don't make sad excuses why poor lil johnny can't make it to a tournament.  Nobody is buying that bull. 

    Absolutely correct, my wife & I transported & sponsored a couple of kids to that Lufkin 7 on 7.

    I would be more than happy to give anyone some fundraising ideas if their trying to raise funds to get to tournaments

  3. If you guys are trying to compete in State 7on7, it's equally expensive for all who participate; furthermore it's a separate entity from HS football & is paid for by parents of kids participating so I don't see the gripe. I suggest you guys get your pennies saved up or get to fundraising. Whining isn't allowed in 7 on 7 either. To the smart guy talking about " not talking about scrimmage". This was a suggestion for you to save money. I hope you aren't the "small school" representative. Sheeeez some people
  4. The sad thing is that the current Jr's will have 3 different Coaches their last 3 yrs of school. This wouldn't be a problem if you had a program already established, but we are Miles away from being Established.

    Very pitiful & Sad.  Now the people that thought their Butt-Kissing Efforts got them ahead................ News flash, time to get those lip injections Cuz it's "Butt-Kiss-Fest" 2014 ;) 

    By the way there is a shortage of Chapstick, so careful when you PUCKER UP :P 

  5. A lot of people don't realize the time and effort these kids put in by themselves when everybody else is sleeping. The summer months allow certain players to play against other major D1 players who been putting in the same work. High school allows these kids to play in different systems. High school gives the kids more (team) gym team. Both are a benefit.

    Spoken like a true scholar. Hey Dove, you wouldn't happen to have any experience with would you?? :P 

     >>>>>> (smirks cuz I know i'm being messy) LOL

  6. High School ball is not where you get better anyways!

    I disagree, you do get better in HS in the right programs. Too often we discount our HS Coaches. Just like anything in life you have to take the good with the bad. Why is it when it comes to Basketball we think the players don't get better playing for their HS teams? Kids play other sports in HS do we pass the same judgement? If your kid isn't putting in the extra work on his/her own they won't get much better. I can guarantee Alexis put in tons of extra work to get looks from D1 schools as a MS athlete. Bottom line, don't expect the HS Coach to work miracles when your Child isn't seeking Miracles. JMO

  7. Well Bigcam, Ozen is considered the bottom dwellers of 20-4a because of their past history! The district arguably has some of the best baseball teams in this area year in and year out, therefore Ozen & Central has a lot of work to do to become contenders! But, the good news is both programs are starting to have large numbers of kids who have been playing this game for awhile now. If they had a quality coach in Little League as some have, then their programs should improve each year. They may shock some teams this year and make the playoff race more interesting due to some possible upsets! :o Lol

    Let's Go Panthers!!!

    Time & again, the mental toughness comes through, i.e not getting rattled when facing adverse circumstances. Those that don't possess the "toughness" don't understand it.
    Go Lady Panthers!!!!
  9. That is until we start fighting during the season...lol. We'll have to meet up at one of the Hamburger Depot shows, If I can work up the nerve to go back. You know I talked a lot of smack about Crosby and should have kept it zipped. :D

    We've all wrote a check our................................ you know the rest :lol:    But I really would like to set up a meeting with a few peeps on here @ the Depot one day

  10. I'm not big on stats because I don't believe they tell the whole story, but I have someone close to Indians athletics send me some stats. I don't know how accurate they are, but maybe some of the Indian Faithful can weigh in on this.

    Walker's stats against teams that made playoffs. Crosby,LCM,Central,SC,NED

    47/101(46%) 620 yds  5 TD'S  10 INT'S.  If this info is accurate; for the sake of Debate what does a Coach do?? I don't envy his position. Either way I Pray the Team rallies behind whomever & stay focused. Like i've always said, Most Fans are full of CRAP anyways.

  11. Well..... Whatever the strategy Crosby played in "backing off and not showing too much" sure didn't help much in their arse whipping suffered at the hands of Elgin the very next week. Sad that all that talk about that deep playoff run only resulted in a skid mark run as dark as a chocolate hershey bar in their jockey shorts.

    Dayum!!!!! that's funny :lol: 

  12. I plan to start a book with all of the "CAMisms" that are on this board and overheard at local sporting events. This is a good one. It ranks right up there with when BigCam told MTC to "Shut up while grown folks is talking!"

    Don't worry BigCam. I'll split the proceeds with you. :D

    Lol, this is what happens when there is a shortage of Meds. You must know who I am, especially if you've seen my Teams play. By the way I'll expect full compensation Sir
  13. Cam ,I agree, whats for you is for you and fournately you are a wise parent that have been battle tested, and I am sure you  install those qualitys in Rodney.You and I both know you can not run from adversity because that is part of life ,the main thing is to know who you are and  where you are going in life but always put God first.Their are many stumbling blocks ,haters and politics out their but the cream always rise to the top.Rodney is a great player and he will get his just rewards ,no doubt in my mind he will get noticed, scouts look at quality not quanity, grades and maybe family back ground in which he have all those covered.

    Thanks for your kind words. I was raised to give an 'Honest day of work & expect an Honest day of pay."   We have high standards & expectations for our kids, but at the same time, we  do not attempt to shield them from or make excuses for them.  This has truly been a blessing for Rodney. This has shown him that LIFE isn't Fair, but you can't quit or go around complaining at every chance you get.   I'm Hard, but i'm Fair, most who meet me know i'm not about B.S and don't entertain it.  I give Respect, therefore I receive Respect.  We were placed here to Glorify God & help each other. We teach our children these principals so they can incorporate it in their lives & the lives of others they meet. We don't always do or say the right things, but the good intentions are always present.  Count your Blessings, Repent & thank God for Grace & Mercy, because it Sustains us ALL.   You got me started rc2182,  I'm done now    Lol

  14. Na i definitely think he a Lil C could split carries I can tell Rodney has some toughness about him from watching his film, however this could lead to feuding between the two. I remember when C-Mike and Albert had to split carries(C-Mike eventually became the starter and featured back) they hated one another off the field. So hopefully that won't happen in these two case. 

    Finest, i Teach my son to try to leave the program in a better place than he found it. There will be no feuding, you feud when two are of equal Talent. Well, I can tell you first hand no other back @ Ozen is worthy to hold his Jock, but with all the politics & bull that go on, Rodney will just play his Role & continue to be a Team player.   Lil C & Rodney are good friends and Rodney will continue to Mentor him & also learn from him. Make no mistake Lil C is very Talented & his time will come, I just think some Nosey A_ _ Alums & hating Coaches tried to hinder Rodney's progress because he isn't one of their "chosen" ones. What God has in store for Rodney, no man can stop.  Adversity builds character & he got the Shaft this Season, so he is stronger, wiser & Hungrier. I Pray that any Parent that reads this thread & has a kid in the same situation can be encouraged. Haters only put up stumbling blocks or forks in the road. Stay the course & press on.  Leave it in God's hands & continue to Pray. In Rodney's case, he let go & let God & you can see what has unfolded as of now. ;) 

    Go Panthers!!!!!

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