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Posts posted by Bigcam2903

  1. Well, here we are once again. Personally I don't care about a Coaches Wins or Losses. As I stated before, I look for Character, Integrity. Qualities that the people doing the hiring don't possess. Just because you Win games don't mean you can Coach & If you lose doesn't mean you can't. Clearly our former Coach lost a lot, but he couldn't make adjustment & certainly didn't know his personnel. We need a Coach that cares; if he cares he will instill discipline, make them accountable, respect & listen to them, but most if ALL, get to know them personally. If he does this, these kids will run through Walls. This only occurs if you CARE. I really don't care about Football, what lessons are you teaching my Son & his Peers. If you're a football Coach, football is the easy part; the Game of Life is what you really must Teach. As Coaches (in my case volunteer) we wear many Hats; Counselor, Friend, Father, Mentor, Spiritual Advisor. Whatever the situation calls for, we have to make the adjustment. Personally as a Coach, how can I ask my kids to Sacrifice & go beyond, but I settle for the Status Quo? Bottom line, either you be who you Claim to be, or these kids will EXPOSE you.
    Lastly, words of wisdom to our new Leader. I saw how some of the older Alumni were giving their 2 cents to the last Regime. We all see how that worked out. If I were you I would be like Frank Sinatra and do it "My Way". Good Luck Mr Atkins & welcome to SETX football. I pray for a good transition for you & your family
    Go Panthers!!!
  2. JRidge, was this the light at the end of the tunnel that you were referring too?  Ironically, McGee also had his ONLY winning season as head coach that came while he was coaching in HISD.  Another very ironic fact is that four or five years ago Atkins was only a position coach at a  junior college, and currently McGee is a position coach at a junior college.  The word I got is there were only 14 people that applied for this job which is sad in itself, but I know from living in Houston for several years that HISD football is the WORST in the state of Texas.  All that being said, congrats Ozen, Coach Atkins, and welcome to SETX.

    Not trying to shoot the messenger, but thanks for the info.  I think.....................  Bwahaaaaaa :lol:  :P 

  3. Amen!  And a Disciplined but Fair program with no favoritism.  He will also need thick skin along with support from parents and administration.  The coach and administration have to be in it for the long haul and in it for the right reasons (helping develop young men who become productive members of society).  If you focus on those things, the wins will come because the talent is there.

    I can deal with favortism, that's part of it. I'm talking about a guy with Character & qualities you mentioned above Athletic Supporter.  

  4. Beaumont Trail Blazers will be on display @ 6:20 pm @ Summer Creek HS, Houston Hoops featuring Jordan Hunter & Dorian Chatman will follow @ 7:30 pm.

    Beaumont Trail Blazers welcome Jared "Flash" Hunter to the Family.  Yes, we have upgraded our Roster ;) 

  5. The Annual Spring Ice Breaker Basketball Showcase in Houston Tx begins today.

    A few local Teams & players will be on display throughout the weekend. A few will also play in the Senior Showcase which also takes place this weekend featuring some of our local talent. Please Pray for thes young men & women as they sacrifice their spring vacation to reach higher levels.

    Good Luck to all Teams, players & Coaches, especially our locals. God Bless us ALL

  6. @biaplayer - those that get to the next combine are not posted and are sent via email and postal mail. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

    @Bigcam - I will keep everyone posted on how he does. And I will show him you guys posts to motivate him even more, in the classroom and on the field. I will have my eye on Rodney for the Rivals Combine. We  wanted to do that one but it was full. Good Luck and tell him I said so, from D-Blocks' Dad. Also,I hope the new coach uses him like he should.



    By the way guys I spoke to Brian Stumpf @ Student Sports this morning and they are having the 2nd round in Houston and in Dallas so I chose for him to compete in Houston instead. So we will be at The Kincaid School in Houston on Sunday the 6th!!!

    Thank you, I will tell Rodney he has support. I will give updates as soon as possible. Good Luck & God Bless

  7. Thanks Mr. Mayfield!!! We're planning for the Dallas trip now. I think I want to get him up there early so he can get a good dinner and a good nights rest! Then we will start out that morning saying a prayer like we did Sunday and get him a light breakfast. Then he will bring the DFW that same heat he brought in the qualifier! God Bless All Of Yall Men and I apologize if I am annoying anyone with this post! Just A Proud Dad!!!

    Keep doing what you are doing. This isn't bragging, it's a true Testament of how hard work pays off. Please keep us posted
  8. Hey clown I provided the info, wake up! I like 7 on 7.

    First of all boy I'm a grown man, A clown would be someone hired to teach you 7 on 7 moron. You were the Clown whining about funding & catering. Seems to me you have a slackers mentality. If your team has your attitude they may want to think about 6 man. Next time you address me Son have some respect & you will get respect.
    Until then cry Sucka!!!!
  9. BigCam, the guys asking these questions don't want to know how to make it happen. They just want to belly ache about it. You and I know that there is 'something' that can be gained by participating in 7v7. Is it a state championship? NO! It's to get better on some of the little things that you can work on in the off season without killing each other. It can help with quickness, eye-hand coordination, arm strength, timing, conditioning, sun tan, etc. And you get to do it all while playing a game. But these guys are right. It is a complete waste of time and we should just all sit at home on the sofa and watch Wheel of Fortune with HD 55. smh

    I'm just here for the kids, not intersected in whining. Adults cry, so the kids cry & make excuses. You and many others on here understand what it takes to get better & excuses ain't the answer.
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