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Everything posted by Coach85

  1. This should be a great matchup. Just depends on who's bats will show up. Wish I was in town to see it.
  2. Harden was ready for it to be over. He was done. You could see it in overtime the game before last. Houston will never win a championship with him leading the way. He doesn't have the drive or desire. He is in it for the money only. When he's ready for it to be over he gets lazy and doesn't care. You could see it in his post game interview. He made it sound good but it was like let's just get through this so I can get out of here and do what I want to do now. He's a lazy loser.
  3. As a matter of fact I did show it to my son as well as some of his friends on the football team and none of them liked it.
  4. It's silver, The memo didn't say no silver.
  5. That is ugly. I don't care if it would be purple and white the design is ridiculous. I would not want to see that on my kids head.
  6. You still have not explained why you think Monte was not the right hire.
  7. Reagan, is the DC from Katy a relative of yours or something? If I read the article correctly he doesn't have head coaching experience either. So, why is he better qualified then Monte? He was a Dc whereas Monte is an OC. Monte's been successful and so has the DC from Katy. Monte knows the in's and outs and the kids of the Nederland Program the other guy has no clue. In all Monte was the best man for the job. In my opinion, he was the master mind behind the offense. Like the old saying go's, a good head coach surrounds himself with great assistants so he doesn't have to do as much. I think Neuman let Monte have total control of the offense and in my opinion it ran pretty well. So whatever your problem is with Monte you have not given any reasons why you think the DC from Katy would have been the better pick. All you said is they should have picked the best man for the job. I say, Explain why the DC from Katy would have been the better hire........Oh yea, I'm not from Nederland and don't have a dog in the fight.
  8. With them letting all these defensive guys go is that a sign of what this years draft will be focused on. I hope so because they weren't deep with talent at any position.
  9. Have been told by a very reliable source that Cavaness sent out a memo today that the only colors allowed on any uniform will be purple and white. There will be no more gray or black allowed in the color scheme.The football team had just ordered $36,000 worth of uniforms and has to return them.
  10. Great hire. Monte deserves this opportunity and will not miss a step in the transition. Hard to say but he might be better for the team and get more community support for all sports and academics.
  11. If they did only have 8 applicants that is not much of a surprise. What coach would want to come to a place that has no community support to pass bonds to upgrade schools much less the athletic facilities.
  12. He is definitely something to watch. I've had the pleasure of watching him from the time he was 10. He was amazing back then. Great kid with a good head on his shoulders. In 2 yrs if he transitions to the college game like I think he will, he will be really fun to watch.
  13. From what I was told this was his dream offer so it's an open and shut case. He really likes Herman.
  14. As of yesterday morning, most of the turf at PNG has been laid. They just had the sides left.
  15. They must know something about Sumlin we don't.
  16. PNG started laying turf today on the baseball field. Softball field will be done after the baseball field is complete. Softball field will not take as long provided weather cooperates.
  17. They should be laying turf at PNG within the week provided no rain. But there are several days they say it will. If that's the case then we are looking mid February for baseball field and softball field end of February.
  18. Left the day it was announced from what I was told.
  19. Neumann is on vacation. That's why he hasn't said anything.
  20. No. I'm tired of people getting on here and making stupid statements that are not necessary. I was just trying to congratulate a hometown boy for something well deserved and of course here comes the stupid comments about Big 12 and its followers. Keep to the subject or don't comment is all I'm saying.
  21. This has nothing to do with the BIG 12 or the SEC. it is about a hometown guy doing well for himself. If you are going to start trying to make this a big deal about that then don't comment.
  22. Yea, I know. But he moved to Groves when he got married and his kids graduated from PNG.
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