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Posts posted by bleacher_bum

  1. I think Kountze, Hardin, EC, and Anahuac will be the top teams.  (no particular order)

    Deweyville, and Warren will be improved a bit, but Buna is losing a lot of seniors, they may have the hardest road to a playoff spot.  However, Buna's program is good enough to accomplish it.

    Bottom line, will be another interesting race.

  2. My take on all this is that the school board hired the best candidate for the job. He might not have been the one that you would choose or that I would choose but its the one that they chose. The people of this area elected these school board members so any gripes you have can be taken care of in the next school board election. Myself, being a Jeff Stewart fan, I know this had to be a tough decision. Jeff still had alot of backing in this town and there had to be alot of emotion to get this right. I don't think we'll ever know what went on behind those closed doors and maybe thats for the best. Hopefully everyone will get behind this new AD and we can get Liberty athletics back where it was 3 or 4 years ago. One problem that most people had in the past was that they didn't believe there was much of a push for the other athletic programs and I personally believe that was true. We need to put alot of emphysis on all the other sports Liberty offers, both girls and boys. There has always been alot of talent in this area but we have always had alot of this talent walking the halls or moving down the road to Dayton. We need to restore the pride here in Liberty and get these kids motivated to be in sports instead of roaming the hallways during the day. I am personally looking forward to getting this new program started and hope the best for these kids and this community.

    Well stated Wes.

    I agree...

  3. I think this will be a good game.  Hardin will send Nolan to the mound (i think).  Remsing and Cathriner both pitched Tue. against HD.

    If Nolan can keep his control in check (usually not a problem), and get some "efficient" innings, the Hornets stand a chance.  The problem is, the Hornets haven't had alot of efficient innings this year.  Defense has been a bit sloppy at times.


    There times and names arent even listed in the final results from last years regional results, so that means they didnt even qualify for the finals, and if they would have ran those times they would have been in the finals on saturday..

    2A Region III

    100 meter dash final results

    (1st place Meekings- Winona 10.94, 2nd place Truitt- Marks 11.00, 3rd place Thompson- Troup 11.17)

    2A Region III

    200 meter dash final results

    (1st place Meekings- Winona 21.76, 2nd place Horace- Carrigan Camden 22.06, 3rd place Thompson- Troup 22.43)


  5. I live in Liberty and personally know most of the School Board members – and they are all good people.  But in this case they are setting the new AD up to have problems right out of the gate as he will effectively have no chance to teach their coaching philosophy to his players until 2-A-Days and perhaps some “un-official†summer workouts.

    I have intentionally not asked the members who they are taking to and where this situation stands as I felt that if they wanted the public to know they would have informed us.

    And this is pure speculation – but I have heard (no verification) that 2 of the coaches have turned the job down – and that may be the reason for all the meetings.  I also wonder if once the perspective coach does an on hand inspection of the facilities at Liberty that they begin to have second thoughts.  I have always stated that I felt that the overall facilities at Liberty are some of the worst in the area.  :'(


    I too live in Liberty, and personally know alot of the school board members.  I think its funny that you say you have intentionally not asked them about the AD hiring.  I have done the exact same thing, although it has killed me to do so.  The people i know on the school board are really good folks, just trying not to make a mistake.  They just want to be thorough.

    Good luck to Liberty High School, and good luck to the board members, you're probably going to need it.

  6. I am glad he realized that it is much better being an assistant at Dayton than being a head coach at Liberty.  I want to thank liberty for dragging their feet long enough for Nations to come to his senses and realize purple and white is alot better than black and gold.  Dayton allows you to be successful with the school board, administration, teachers, and parents wanting to have a successful program and doing the things that are nessesary to win.  Dayton does not just talk about what needs to be done but they actually do what needs to be done.

    He just realized that being an assistant is better than furthering his career?  He came to his senses?

    He may have pulled his name from this job, but its very obvious, he wants to eventually become an athletic director.  Liberty may not be the perfect place for a start at it, but it is a start.  He could have turned things around possibly.

    Congrats on being happy, he's not getting to further his career.  I realize HE pulled his name, but he'll try somewhere else eventually.  Good luck to Dayton, and coach Nations, I've heard nothing but good things about you.

  7. Dang i was hoping Hardin would win. :'(

    Yea, me too.  I will add this...District 24AA has got to be one of the better (stronger) districts around.  I really feel that Warren, Deweyville, and Anahuac, would have beat Woden.  I'm also thinking that they could have played with Centerville also.  Just my thoughts.

    I think Kountze will beat Centerville, but it will be a pretty close game.  Centerville is big inside and a very smart playing team.

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