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Posts posted by #62jjohnson

  1. I agree.  They should be compared to how dominant they are at their level.  Just because a great 3A defense couldn't stop a good 5A offense does not mean they shouldn't be considered as one of the best in the area.  That's about like those that throw stones at Crosby for last year's semifinal run being in D2.  Hello, we are the 3rd smallest high school out of 9.


    Also, I don't think defense is a lost art.  I just think high schools have figured out how to do more than 3 yards and a cloud of dust.  

    bingo !!! That is my point its all geard to offense and not defense . You have 7 on 7 camps , you have these kids throwing the ball 45 times a game with 4-5 receiver set , somebody is gonna be open , you have qb throwing for 2,000 yrds and rushing for 2,000 yards . The art of tackling is lost !! Not just high school but college and pro . Look at the numbers of baylor ,tcu ,A&M . If these teams over the last 3 years had an Alabama type defense i could guarantee there would have been a national championship trophy in the state of texas . Dan Marino threw for 5,084 yards and 48 tds in 1984 it took almost 30 years too break that record and it took brees 48 more attempts to do it in . As of 2007 up until now a mediocre qb can throw for 5,000 yards in the NFL . The numbers are inflated , just the thought that you can run the pistol , spread option plays in the nfl is crazy !! You can probably run the veer in the nfl which was unheard of back in the day . My point is there needs to be more emphasis on tackling and positioning on defense . To see cameron yoe put up 70 points on mineola was crazy !! But what was also crazy was they gave up 40 points . Crosby is looking good !!

  2. Its irrelevant if they could or couldnt match up with a 4A or 5A squad ,  you know why ? Because they are 3A !!! Their d is balling on a 3A level and that is all that matters . They won 11 games last year and went 3 rounds the furthest (i think ) in their schools history . With i think 16 starters back i see them at least going 4 deep if not 5 i think they can make more noise than last year and their d is even better than last years . I know its still a little early so we will see . As far as the D is concerned right now thet are getting it done in 3A . Im tired of seeing college basketball scores in football , defense has become a lost art .

  3. Since we talking katy on this form i find it funny that no one has mentioned east chambers in 4 games have giving up 13 points in 4 games . They have pitched 3 shutouts they are doing something special there . Their defense was really good last year this d this year is being salty . The next couple games they have seems to me that they can put up a few more gooseeggs .

  4. Throw the hoodlums off the team and expell them from school !! If the coach had or a coach told them to do it get rid of his @#% too !!! You dont touch the refs period !!!! Time for youngins roo be taught there are consequences when you do wrong especially stupid stuff . I heard the ref is pressing changes.  Man if that was my son and he pulled that he would have been drug off the field and it would have taken an act from GOD not too beat hell out of him . Very embarrassing!!! Has the parents said anything or ,made these jokers apologize?  Dangum shame !!!

  5. Just curious as to the significance of the 1990 team?  I watched them play several games that year and they had a decent playoff run.  Has HF started celebrating 25th anniversary teams every year?  EC had a some players that didn't dress out against Tarkington due to injuries.  Silcox being one of them.  Anyone know if HF and EC will be full strength come Friday night?

    i dont think they do 25 year anniversary every year , but 3 years ago they did an alumni night and all the old players from the past came out . 

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