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Posts posted by #62jjohnson

  1. How do you know where any given player would or would not make a varsity? And unless I read him wrong I don't think #62jjohnson ever compared Kendrick King to Earl Thomas. He said that players from smaller classifications can succeed.

    I never discounted what Smith did, not sure why you want to think that. I said he benefits from depth and an offensive line and a Division I caliber wide receiver. King did not. Opposing teams knew King was the entire offense and he still put up numbers. Not sure why folks have to trash a kid in order to put another one up.

    thanks for clearing that up berry he knows i didn't say that , people hear what they want to hear and become ignorant or simply ~ IG-NORE the facts . I use to hear this same argument when i played back in the day , if you can play you can play . My point was plug him into a powerhouse club as a featured back and he would do the same thing infact probably more !! Dont make me pull out players from "small schools " that had good too great college careers and went to the pros and had good careers . I guess the kid from Navasota 4A ( the receiver ) couldnt catch balls from kyler Murray a 6A qb who is what , 5'10 160 ? A very tired argument
  2. Please king could play anywhere . Put king behind that offensive line of katy and its all over with . Put that kid Arnold from kountze with manvel and watch him dominate . These kids are the same age ,the difference is more numbers and in a lot of cases better coaching . If you can play you can play i dont care !! Im sure a lot of people talked about a certain WOS Player from a 3A school not too long ago have a great career at texas and is about to play in his second super bowl and is the best at his position .He is already on the right track to having a hall of fame career . From a Lil ole 3A school !!
  3. My 1974 Newton Eagles, nasty defense and lost our star running back in district play until the state game.

    that team beat my longhorns who were ranked #1 going into the bidistrict game 14-13 . We beat yall earlier in the year when yall were ranked #1 . Yall returned the favor when it counted . Les koenning said whoever won that game would win state . Wasnt that back for yall named jimmie rollins ?
  4. I disagree....there are atleast 2 people who are, IMO, just as talented and just as skilled. And no this is not because of politics or anything cam. Davis was good but he wasn't heads and tails above everybody else. Montana, in his respective year, was heads and tails above everybody else.

    i give the Montana kid his props for that year , but too say he was better than lynch and woodson on that 13-1 team that pitched 5-6 shutouts for wos ? i totally disagree !! He was not head and shoulders above any of them .
  5. Kendrick king from Hamshire Fannett putting up 2400 yards and 37 tds , putting his team on his back , getting hamshire back into the playoffs for the 1st time in 11 years and is barely even recognized in the area as one of the top players in the area yet alonethe setx . And all the teams knew he was getting the ball and he was still able to do what he did . I also havent heard of any major colleges offering him a scholarship (doenst mean they havent i just hadnt heard ) . And the absolute disrespect from Beaumont super gold on him not being 1st team super gold as a AP he should have at best tied with arnold or at least been named 2nd team . The shock on how Newton started and where they ended is a testament of how good that program really is year in and year out . And hj not making it too qtr finals with a team that imo was a far better team than the one they had the year before . Also the AP all state picks were the worse for this area this year by far !!
  6. It is a crying shame when a high school football coach won't release the names of his players named to All-District teams to the local media!!!

    pigskinprep.com has all the all district picks out . I saw this district picks last week on there . They come out pretty quick after the last games of the teams playing .
  7. No local news media has ever done an all Southeast Texas team except us. But we stopped doing it 2 years ago. Just got to be too much for us few to handle.

    i hear you . i actually asked vype were was the all vype southeast texas picks ?  he said they werent doing it no more . he said more people had gotten offended not being selected than people who say thank you for being honored .

  8. Sure it does. He played a year longer than the avg NFL player. 2 pro bowls and a rookie of the year. Decent career. He was a fabulous HS player on a horrible HISD school. You have no idea what went on in Tennessee with him and Jeff. Your spouting off about what the media reports and that is never in light of the players version of the story.

    well enlighten me brother !! Because you seem like you were sitting in vys lap or your one of his boys otherwise your spouting off as well . Again im talking high school dude ,HIGH SCHOOL !!! BuT since you wanna go there then lets go there . He had !! which is past tense , which means he is done !!! A decent career? Vy was suppose too tilt the game !!! I predicted to people vy would be the first qb throwing for 3,000 yards and rushing for 1,000 and about 30 td Total for a 3-4 year span . then by age 30 be a pocket passer throwing more,running less and getting up too the 4,000 yard mark and 25-30 tds for the next 5-6 years . So im saying what he should be doing now at age 31 in his prime. It didnt happen. !! im sure he didnt intend on being retired from ball at 31 years old . His attitude and reputation got him blackballed out the league he has no one to blame but himself . As a starting qb in the nfl you better get it done in that film room and on that practice field he didnt so move on . I dont care where vy played at in high school , how - many - state - titles - did - he - win ? That is where this convo started at . He will be (if not already) a hs hall of famer and a college hall of famer . One of the best that ever did it on those levels . Unfortunately in the pros he underachived , deal with it !!
  9. 31-19 as a starter in the NFL

    Highschool hardware means nothing if you don't even excel in college or NFL like VY did

    this discussion was about high school ball and who was better in high school not college or pro . As for the 31-19 record it means nothing when your sitting at home by age 28 and out the league all together at age 31. The browns are calling rex grossman to play a game for 52 large !!! Cutler is a interception machine with a dont care attitude and is one of the highest paid qbs if not the highest paid in the league . I can go on about worthless qbs that are in the league that vy could run circles around . But like i said his mental is what got him blackballed out the nfl .
  10. 62Jjohnson when Murray wINS a few BCS games, national championship, or NFL rookie of the year let me know. Vince is still the greatest college QB to come from the state followed by Manziel and RGIII. VY beat one of the greatest football teams ever put together bu running for 250 and passing for 250. Manziel couldn't beat LSU or Florida and high school football in bush league compared to college.

    out of the 3 qbs you named how many won state and put up numbers ?
  11. 62Jjohnson when Murray wINS a few BCS games, national championship, or NFL rookie of the year let me know. Vince is still the greatest college QB to come from the state followed by Manziel and RGIII. VY beat one of the greatest football teams ever put together bu running for 250 and passing for 250. Manziel couldn't beat LSU or Florida and high school football in bush league compared to college.

    slow you roll santa !!! im strictly talking about high school HIGH SCHOOL CAREERS . Its odvious i cant compare him with vy when the kid hasnt graduated school yet . I was a big fan of vy , but that brat behavior has cost him millions and a lot of what could have beens . Leaving and having your mommie calling your coach and cops looking for you after something didnt go your way , fighting a guy in a strip club who held the longhorns sign pointed downward and he wouldnt give you 1000 ones to make it rain on a stripper and chunking your pads in the stands like a spoiled 10 year old . Thats not gonna cut it !!He ran himself out the league and was done at what 27 years old ? a damn shame !!! That is why as you move up its mental and vy didnt have the mental makeup that it takes to be the face of the franchise and handle the rigors of nfl life and his personal life .Im saying from what i see from km he is mentally ready for college football right now. I will say it again i bet at 18 years old km football iq was better than vy at that same age .
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