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Posts posted by truPAfan

  1. Credit must be given where credit is due.  Today’s play calling was a 360 from what we saw most of last game. I applaud the coaches for that. The mix up was what was needed.  Not everything worked, but the effort in all the plays was there.  You can only get better by working on it…those missed plays will pan out.   It was nice to see those boys running those routes too.  I think it open up the running game and made the defense honest by backing them up.  To think, if they keep this same mentality in play calling, how lethal can the offense be??!  We’ve always known the athletes have been there.  You know the defense is going to show up.  Special teams is looking great.  The team as a whole can be really really good.  Took the defense a little longer to show up than they should’ve today, but when they showed up they shut the lights out.  At the end they gave up those couple TDs…but in a sense.  Like I told my bro, they earned that.  EVEN THOUGH…you would like to see them finish it out strong.  Not complaining on them, but I’m sure the coaches will let them know the same.  All in all.. I give the coaches a lot of credit.  They showed that they have the potential to really take this team far.  The players are gonna ball out…they just can’t be led by the blind.  Great all around solid win.  They showed that deserve to be #5 in the state.  Keep it up PA.. It’s about damn time!!!

  2. 3 hours ago, pakronos said:

    Bro, I been preaching this for YEARS!! This is where I give PNG mad props! They got someone not from here from a winning program which translated to a state appearance. I think it’s too late to attract a coach from outside the area due to the city itself. Like someone said, it looked like they don’t have confidence in the qb or they playing to his abilities 

    I’m gave them the benefit of the doubt… They showed some significant improvement in the play calling last year.  But man…you get a whole off season and you REGRESS?!?  As a fan and supporter… Is not that we don’t appreciate the team we have.  We do..they’re great.  Just that when you know you should be seeing a way better product than the one being put on the field…it gets frustrating because the potential to be great is there.  They just can’t seem to figure it out.  …The defense is legit.  Other than that touchdown at the end of the first half, they played exceptional. The offense has the potential to be really good.  The coaching staff just has to open up the playbook.  That vanilla offense ain’t gonna do much come playoff time.  It was frustrating to watch last night.   I hope the coaches realize that they can run more than that handful of plays they ran most of the night.   You have to believe in your QB.  If you win you win if you lose you lose…at least show that you are trying and mix it up… Take chances… It would be much more respected if you go out trying.   Than to play scared and in hindsight think of all the would’ves could’ves…

    Overall.. good team win over a solid team in PNG.

  3. I cannot get through my head how these coaches don’t see what I see…what we all see for that matter.  You run the same damn screen and qb draw all fist half.  Do they know the definition of insane?  That’s what they are producing.   They finally made adjustments but damn man… Should not have taken that long.  YOU HAVE A WHOLE PLAYBOOK YOU PRACTICE…FREAKING USE IT MAN!!! It’s very frustrating to see the type of athletes you have on the field and you don’t take advantage of it.  Sad to say…different year..same story…coaches…when will y’all learn??? I don’t understand… Maybe I should’ve chosen coaching as a profession… I can guarantee I’ll be doing a better job than some of these.  I don’t mean to insult…but damn man…I’m basing my assumptions opinions off what you are showing me… … Bottom line…y’all can do a hellllll of a lot better than tonight 

  4. It’s not both offenses getting what they want.  It’s memorial playing like they have no business being on the field.   The play calling is horrible.  I don’t understand what these coaches watch.  I don’t understand why they keep going to the same damn thing.  It’s like being insane…continue trying the same thing knowing the outcome…. Why keep running the same plays??????? I will NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT FILM THESE COACHES WATCH.

  5. The day is here.  Titans..the moment is yours. It’s your time.. Play your hearts out, leave it all on the field, and most importantly.. Have fun..enjoy the moment.  Let the chips fall where they may and live with the results. Good luck PA!  Will be there..rain, cold, windy..all good.  I feel a good game coming.  It’ll be worth the trip.  The game time rain percentage has dropped considerably in the last few days.. It was up at lower 80s, I just checked right now and its down to 36 at game time w/9mph winds. Hopefully it’ll hold off…

  6. 11 hours ago, PAT409 said:

    I think he meant slow compared to what he's used to seeing at PAM. Many of us have been watching Port Arthur football for a very long time so forgive us for always believing we have the best athletes. At the high school level, it's true we don't quite have the hardware to back it up but there's a reason why Port Arthur alumni have been to the most superbowls out of any other school in the country.

    Funny how no one replied to the facts you stated about PA.  Sir with the comment, if you were talking about me.  saying LV is slow. Go back and read the statement.  You saying I SAID that LV is slow. That’s a false statement.  Comments like that start false rumors / statements.  Whatever you want to call them. You’re taking my words outta context and phrasing them as you please.  No disrespect intended.  Just don’t say what’s not being said.  As for memorial.  The athletes / football players have ALWAYS been there. As pat409 stated…the facts speak for themselves.  Can Morgan BE THE COACH? This is the week to start proving his case. Can he be the leader to show Titan nation he can propel PA to bigger things?  Not sure…it starts this week.  As a trufan… It’s about time.. Coach..for PA..break these boyz of mane.  These boyz think they invincible.  Please show them where the brake pedal at.

  7. 4 minutes ago, CougarCal said:

    Y’all been there year after with those first round letdowns.  This year isn’t a letdown though, just going to run into a better team.  It happens.

    And that’s ok.  But to just boldly say they gonna lose by at least 4tds.  That’s straight disrespectful in my opinion.  Maybe so…maybe it’s the other way around.  Odds are stacked against…true.  But don’t ever doubt the heart of your opponent.  That tends to end in problems.  

  8. 1 minute ago, CougarCal said:

    Longview gonna beat the mess outta PAN.  One fan will be on here blaming the coaches by midway through the 2nd qtr.  Crosby played a close one with PAM with the backup qb and several others out with injuries then got healthy to get housed in LV.  4 tds at least!

    What you’re failing to realize sir.  This is a playoff game.  That regular season sheeeesssney stays there.  There’s no game next week for the loser.  That hits a whole lot of other buttons in a competitor.  Believe me when I say this…this group ain’t gonna fold.  You be the messenger and tell LV to come with it.  I have faith in the Titan nation.  It’ll all be left on the field Friday.

  9. 17 minutes ago, pakronos said:

    i read some of the stuff and to be honest, just HIGHLY confident fans, then its you and a couple of others who actually had concerns and facing an unknown team have you being a little cautious. thats not saying yall scared, but being real cause of some injuries and discipline issues (we have those flair up time to time with the flags) honestly this might come out to clock management and take what the other team gives you. THIS GAME ISN'T THE TIME TO PANIC OR BE CUTE! if PAM keeps it simple, it makes it easier for the boys to get into a rhythm. so far the staff has been pretty good at fixing things in the second half.

    I agree with you sir…with the THIS ISN’T THE TIME TO PANIC.  Couldn’t agree more with that statement.  Been reading comments since Friday.  Finally I see what is going to propel Memorial…the confidence in the team.  They must believe in themselves ..coaches alike.  These boys ain’t world beaters man.  I’ve watched tape on them.  To be honest…they look a bit slower than PAM.  Of course that does’t mean much at this point…but just a statement.   IMO…PAM has to play discipline football..stick to your job.   Focus on the running game..and like someone stated.. Make the QB beat you.  But that’s where that discipline comes in.  They will try the play action and catch you focused on  the run and hurt you.  Play smart.  Adjust during the game.  PLAY DISCIPLINE. If something’s not working…move around. If something is working…don’t hit the gas on it.  Keep switching it around, BUT you know where your bread and butter is at to finish off the game.  I have ZERO doubt Memorial can pull this off.  Coaches / Players… Do your job, don’t overthink, play discipline, play your hearts out and let everything fall where it may.  Lose or win…you gave it your all.  You walking off that field on E..nothing matters.  You know…this is what it was gonna be no matter what.  Good luck Titans.  Would love to see y’all win and let these boyz know… PA ain’t just anybody… That’s real.

  10. Made it back to PA from Lufkin while ago.  Thinking about the team and the game on the way back.  PA is solid.  They made the stops when they had to and the offense scored when it really mattered.  They never quit.  They showed fight, character, the will to want to win.  Mission accomplished..this week anyhow.  On to the next one.  As long as they continue to believe and play their hearts out like tonight.  No telling what can happen.  One week at a time.  Great TEAM WIN tonight though!  Coaches, offense, defense, special teams.  The kicker had some pressured extra points. He pulled through. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, pakronos said:

    Case in point. This drive u running on them well and we pass and get picked…. That’s my reason and both teams playing in the rain and dealing with the same stuff. SIDELINES IS GOING TO COST THEM

    Same point.  They both playing in the rain.  It ain’t over till it’s over.  You instantly count them out bro…that’s your problem.  You give them no chance as soon as you see something you don’t like.  Chill man…it’ll all be ok.  They talent and potential is there..they will win

  12. 17 minutes ago, pakronos said:

    Welp…the PAM 1st rd and out team had showed up lol

    Give them a chance man.  They playing in the rain and other factors playing into game.. Bro…it doesn’t have to be all negative.   Just cause you don’t feel don’t mean they ain’t gonna get it.   Let the game play out before you start counting them out..come on man.. You say you PA…fuuuuu***kkk chill man

  13. 10 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    I ran outta likes but +1.


    I was just talking to someone about this game and we both said watch we come out and play like world-beaters next week and everyone including ourselves will be scratching our heads wondering where that was the week before versus Lee. 

    It’s not a bad team..at all.  They have great athletes on both sides of the ball, but I don’t care how good you are.  If your superiors lead you down the wrong path. You will fail.  Tonight..perfect example.  I just hope everyone as a team..players/coaches are ready for the final 2 games.  They have so much potential…I hate to see the season go to waste.

  14. Yea…the turnovers didn’t help.  But that’s not the reason they lost.  After ALL the turnovers they were still up.  Don’t give them an excuse.  They didn’t adjust plain and simple.  I’m not sure how you can go to sleep tonight knowing you gave them the game by not doing your job.  Coaching.  You wanna see the kids be the best they can be… This staff wrecked the ship tonight.  Sad part is…the kids bailed them out earlier in the season.  Yes a W is a W…but if it wasn’t for the players….they would have two more loses. Hate to throw it out there but man… At some point… You have to be better as a coach.

  15. 6 minutes ago, pakronos said:

    Careful bro, you gonna upset the Sfa alumni on here… lol

    I don’t care what anyone says.  If you give ANY credit to that offensive play calling.  You need to stop watching football and find another sport.  I hate to even call them out because I understand it’s a job and well…you hope that they try to do their best…. But tonight…they got punched in the mouth got dazed and forgot how to call a game.  It’s frustrating because if they don’t make it far in the playoffs…it’s not the kids.  All on that staff.  

  16. I don’t ever say anything…but man.  This was a very frustrating game to watch.  The play calling WAS TRASH!!!! How do you not adjust to the blitz??? They keep running the same dang plays seeing the defense is about to blitz.  How does that happen??? It wasn’t until the last drive that they ran a screen when they blitz.  That should’ve been done…instead you keep running these long pass plays or play action to give the defense and their blitz to get in the backfield.  To see them keep running the same plays and not adjusting is the definition of insanity.  Doing the same dang thing thinking something different is going to happen.  Come on man!!!! What are you thinking?? I’m by no means a football coach but I’m well educated in football.  Ima say this…I have a job and I try my best to be great at it.  How do they not do the same??? It’s not rocket science as to what adjustments needed to be made to fight off what they were doing.  This one is ALLLLLL on the coaches.  You’re suppose to put your team in the best situation to succeed… By NO MEANS did they do that tonight.  You have great athletes and a great team…and this is how you reward them??? That’s sad man.  I don’t wanna hear anything about the dang turnovers.  They all happened in the first half except for one…I think.  …and you were still up 17-7.  Unbelievable to say the least.

  17. I don’t post much AT ALL, BUT I have to say this.  Not going to sit here and say I’m a first class coach because I’m FAR from that.  I will say this though. I consider myself to be relatively smart.  With that said....  First, so what if Temple knows.  They wouldn’t know when it’s coming anyhow.  Secondly, I’m not one to dog “Xbox.”  If you’ve been to Memorial games you KNOW he doesn’t call the plays. Harmon does. He might overrule a play or two, but he lets everything play out for the most part. With that said. Harmon, you CANNOT be so predictable. Hines is a BEAST and everyone knows it.  Temple most importantly knows it.  Be smart in the play calling.  Have that feel for the game.   When you you feeling Hines is your best options, THEY gonna be thinking the same.  A quick play action or slant to the inside/outside is the way to go.  You will NOT be able to push the Temple D-line and force your will on them whenever you please like you’ve done to previous opponents.  WHEN THEY expect something, they are going to crash down on it and kill it.  Tell Keitha to be ready and on point. Big time players make big time plays in big time situations.  More than sure you’ve heard that plenty of times before.  Keep this in mind.   When you thinking run they are too. I’ve been to almost every game for the past 6 years. I know your next play before hand. Surprise me bro, stay off that obvious sheezzznee.  Play smart and off the charts. I’ve seen y’all do some pass plays in different games that work, but never seen them again.   OPEN up the playbook. Give them boys a chance. Hit them and everyone else with the unexpected.  If it works it works. If it don’t. You tried! Can’t call an obvious game and expect to say you gave your team a chance.  You know why the Patriots won the Super Bowl.  Because they hit ATL with TWO unexpected plays on the two point conversions.   Third, and finally,  you all have too much potential to let it go to waste. Get them boys mane!! It’s PA all the way baby!!! Good luck Titans. PLAY YOUR HEARTS OUT AND YOU WILL SUCCEED.

  18. You have to be kidding me!  I've NEVER posted anything on here because I simply like to read others opinions, curious as to what they have to say about who.  You homie..have taken it to another level.  Take that picture off your profile you are NOT a PA fan, for starters.  I don't know you and quite frankly don't care to.  I've read every last one of your posts in the PAM vs PNG thread, and I couldn't stay quiet any longer.  You sound like a darn kid man, I hope I'm wrong in saying you are a grown arse man.  You all in your feelings because someone did something to you.  Get over it or go talk to the man yourself, and settle things out.  Don't get on here throwing your little kid fits because it's not the place.  Just how you criticize people, people are going to come back at you.  Whatever way that might be, you reap what you sow.  This is a high school football game and you talking so much trash about something personal, no one wants to read that man!  If and when Memorial wins Friday night...don't even bother congratulating them.  Save it! Move around with your negativity, and let them boys play the rest of the season.  It's one thing being critical about someone's play or coaching, and another insulting someone(and don't say you haven't, believe me...one can feel an insult miles away).  If you such a darn good coach, why ain't you coaching a high school team? Or honestly a pro team, since you are "Mr. I got the game plan." This is the only post I'll ever submit because honestly; I don't have the time, I don't care to, and I like to be humble in my opinions.  But you man...get out your feelings dude..you are a GROWN MAN FOR HEAVENS SAKE!! 

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